Organized in partnership with the FIA Foundation

Date: 24 May 2018
Time: 3:30 - 5 p.m.
Location: Conference Room 2, United Nations Headquarters, New York


Opening Remarks

Hawa DialloHawa Diallo
Public Information Officer, NGO Relations and Advocacy Section, Department of Public Information 

Ms. Diallo began her United Nations career in 1986 with the Department of Public Information in New York. From 1992 to 1994, she served in two United Nations 91麻豆天美keeping Operations in Cambodia and Somalia. Upon her return to New York, Ms. Diallo joined the Office of the Deputy Secretary-General until moving to the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UNHabitat) in Nairobi, as an Associate Human Settlements Officer and later worked as a Partners and Youth Officer until moving to the Agency’s New York Liaison Office in 2010. In 2013, Ms. Diallo was appointed Public Information Officer in the NGO Relations Section of the Department of Public Information.



Natalie DraisinNatalie Draisin
Director of North America Office for FIA Foundation and NGO Representative to the UN Economic and Social Council

Natalie Draisin is the Director and United Nations Representative for the North American office of the Federation International Automobile. She has successfully advocated for the inclusion of road safety in the UN Sustainable Development Goals, part of the FIA Foundation’s global efforts to ensuring safe and sustainable mobility through its partners in over 80 countries. She helped develop communications that prioritized the protection, health, welfare and development of children in the New Urban Agenda for UN Habitat III. Through innovative approaches such as Vision Zero for Youth, Natalie has fostered regional dialogues in North and South America, placing safe and healthy journeys for children and youth at the center of political agenda.



Werner ObermeyerWerner Obermeyer
Deputy Executive Director, World Health Organization

Werner Obermeyer is the Deputy Executive Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) office at UN Headquarters in New York. His portfolio includes the promotion of health priorities in the General Assembly and other inter-governmental processes, the WHO’s relations with the UN system entities based in New York, as well as non-governmental organizations that focus on public health issues. He was responsible for the negotiations which culminated in adoption of the 2011 and 2014 Political Declarations on the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases, the 2016 Political Declaration on Anti-Microbial Resistance and the WHO representative for the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. Currently he is leading preparations for the 2018 High-Level meetings on Non-Communicable Diseases and Tuberculosis.


Lizette Soria SoteloLizzette Soria Sotelo
Technical Specialist on Ending Violence against Women
UN Women

Lizzette Soria works as a Technical Specialist on Ending Violence against Women in UN Women providing technical advice to country programming in the Latin America Region, Asia and Pacific region. Prior to joining the global team in New York in September 2017, Lizzette was based in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea UN Women Office where she led the implementation of the Safe Cities and Safe Public Transportation Programme for Women and Girls with multiple government partners, UN agencies and civil society organizations. Lizzette has worked in diverse think-tanks and research institutes including the International Centre for Research on Women (ICRW), the World Resources institute (WRI) and the International Centre for the prevention of Crime (ICPC).


Aimee GautheirAimee Gautheir
Chief Programme Officer, Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP)

Aimée Gauthier is the Chief Program Officer at the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP). In this capacity, she manages ITDP’s global initiatives, international policy program, leadership and innovation program, and global research and projects. She has been with ITDP since 2002, working on a broad array of technical issues and how the technical and the political intersect for creating change.


Dan StonerDan Stoner
Vice President of International Programmes, Education and Child Protection, Save the Children USA

Dan Stoner is the Vice President for Education and Child Protection in Save the Children where he oversees a team of 74 education and protection professionals and a portfolio of more than $300 million in 53 countries. His team provides expertise and thought leadership in early childhood care and development, basic education, school health and nutrition, education research, and child protection. Dan has a 25-year track record with strong management and programming skills in international development and education.


Jens AertsJens Aerts
Urban Planning Specialist, Division of Data, Research and Policy, UNICEF

Jens Aerts is the author of UNICEF’s recent publication ‘Shaping urbanization for children, a handbook on child-responsive urban planning’. Currently supporting the Division Data, Research and Policy at UNICEF Headquarters in New York to develop and implement a Global Urban Strategy, he has been working 20 years on the cross-section of urban planning practice, policy and research in Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain and the United States. Prior to joining UNICEF, he was partner at BUUR - Bureau for Urbanism, in charge of city development plans and stakeholder engagement processes towards sustainable urban transformation of the capital and several secondary cities in Belgium.
