

Call for photo submissions for upcoming Commission for Social Development

The 55th?Commission for Social Development (CSocD55) is calling for photo submissions to be highlighted as part of a photo exhibition at its annual session in February 2017. To be featured at UN Headquarters in New York for the very first time from 1 to 10 February, the exhibit will be on display for government officials, delegates and NGO representatives and other visitors from all over the world. In addition, the photos will be included in an online brochure distributed to key partners and stakeholders.

¡°Through the CSocD55 photo exhibition, UNDESA DSPD is promoting and advocating for innovative and strong social policies that leave no one behind taking into account the needs of families, older persons, youth, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples as well as cooperatives,¡± said Daniela Bas, Director of UN DESA’s Division for Social Policy and Development.

The photos should be inspired by a story of social development and visually depict a strategy or policy for the eradication of poverty. Within this overarching theme, the photos must also be related to one of six categories within the eradication of poverty: Ageing, Cooperatives, Persons with Disabilities, Families, Indigenous Peoples and Youth. Along with the photograph, a human interest story should be provided to give context to the photograph and the approach to sustainable development featured.

csocd55-web-bannerGiven that the priority theme of the CSocD55 is ¡°Strategies for the Eradication of Poverty to Achieve Sustainable Development for all,¡± those with inspiring stories about overcoming poverty are especially encouraged to submit their photos.

The CSocD is responsible for advising the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) on social development policy and implementation and is the leading functional commission on social development strategy. The conference will be attended by the Commission¡¯s 46 Member States elected to four year terms by ECOSOC, NGOs and experts who play a role in advancing social development.

Interested photographers should submit 1-3 photos . All photos must be in color and have a minimum size of 3600 x 5400 pixels (180 ppi) or 6000 x 9000 pixels (300 ppi ¨C recommended), as photos will be printed in large format. The photographs should be submitted as a JPEG, with sRGB colour space and 8-bit colour depth. Deadline is 21 November 2016.


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