
Branches, Sections and Units

Front Office

The Director, two Branch Chiefs, and three Units comprise the front office.

Programme Management Unit

The Programme Management Unit supports programme management, including by preparing and monitoring the programme plan and budget, reporting on staff performance, overseeing personnel matters and coordinating responses to internal and external requests. The Unit also coordinates the Division鈥檚 participation in departmental or systemwide activities.

Publications, Outreach and Support Unit

The Publications, Outreach and Support Unit manages the Division鈥檚 publications programme, develops and implements strategies for dissemination and outreach, and supports the planning and coordination of intergovernmental processes, including for the Commission on Population and Development. The Unit takes the lead or participates in substantive projects, supports the organization of expert group meetings and provides administrative support to the Division.

Population Data Unit

Through the grant Making Family Planning Count provided by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (2014-2021), the Population Data Unit aims to strengthen global monitoring of progress in meeting the need for family planning as well as to improve accessibility and transparency of underlying demographic data and methods. In addition, the Unit coordinates the contribution of the grant towards strengthening the Division鈥檚 major demographic databases and data portals.


Population Policies and Development Branch

Fertility and Population Ageing Section

The Fertility and Population Ageing Section prepares or contributes to analytical reports and parliamentary documentation on fertility, nuptiality, family planning, population ageing and intergenerational support. The Section also reviews and assesses the impact of government policies related to fertility, family planning and population ageing, and participates in inter-agency coordination activities on these topics. The Section organizes expert group meetings in its areas of expertise and assists in the substantive servicing of intergovernmental meetings.

Migration and Urbanization Section

The Migration and Urbanization Section monitors progress in meeting internationally agreed goals and objectives on migration and urbanization, analyses emerging trends in migration and urbanization and assesses their demographic and development impacts. The Section also reviews and assesses the impact of government policies related to migration and urbanization, and participates in inter-agency coordination activities on these topics. The Section organizes expert group meetings in its areas of expertise and assists in the substantive servicing of intergovernmental meetings.


Population Trends and Analysis Branch

Demographic Analysis Section

The Demographic Analysis Section prepares estimates and develops and implements demographic methods for the analysis of fertility, mortality and migration, including for the estimation of infant, child and adult mortality using direct or indirect methods. The Section participates in inter-agency coordination activities on these topics. The Section organizes expert group meetings in its areas of expertise and assists in the substantive servicing of intergovernmental meetings.

Population Estimates and Projections Section

The Population Estimates and Projections Section prepares population estimates and projections for all countries and areas of the world, depicting trends in the global population from 1950 to 2100. The Section also prepares estimates and projections of urban, rural and city populations. The Section participates in inter-agency coordination activities on these topics. The Section organizes expert group meetings in its areas of expertise and assists in the substantive servicing of intergovernmental meetings.

Demographic Data Systems Unit

The Demographic Data Systems Unit builds and maintains the Division鈥檚 information technology infrastructure, coordinating the technical development, implementation and maintenance of the Division鈥檚 major databases, preparing data for various clients and data portals, including UN Data, and supporting the dissemination of data and other outputs. The unit provides advice on the implementation of demographic methods and assists in their development. The Unit also assists in the substantive servicing of intergovernmental meetings.