
Annual UNAI lecture at Monmouth University features UNSG's Special Adviser Vijay Nambiar

Ambassador ?Vijay Nambiar, the United Nations Secretary-General's Special Adviser on Myanmar, delivered the 2015 United Nations Academic Impact annual lecture at Monmouth University entitled Practicing Nonviolence in a Violent World. ?Mr. Nambiar relied on his extensive experience in world conflict zones, including in high-level UN positions, to analyse nonviolence.?

Nomination call for UN Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela Prize 2015

The first UN Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela Prize has opened the call for nominations. The prize recognizes the achievements of those who dedicate their lives to the service of humanity in the promotion of reconciliation and social cohesion, and in community development, guided by the purposes and principles of the United Nations.


The Prize will be presented once every five years as a tribute to the outstanding achievements and contributions of two individuals (one female and one male), not to be selected from the same geographic region.


Deadline for receiving nomination is May 18, 2015

Nominations (in English) should be sent to the Secretariat by email at: mandelaprize@un.org.


UN bodies present projects showing how 'Big Data' can save lives, fight hunger

?Anonymized data – information from which the identity of the sender has been stripped – from mobile telephone usage could provide vital support in efforts to achieve sustainable development and to respond to humanitarian crises, according to insights derived from a study by the United Nations.?
The UN World Food Programme (WFP) and UN Global Pulse – an innovation initiative of the Secretary-General – have teamed up on research projects exploring the link between mobile phone usage and hunger and they are presenting their findings at the Netmob Conference for Scientific Analysis of Mobile Phone Data at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, United States.?
This is a new frontier for humanitarian assistance, said Arif Husain, WFP Chief Economist. As agencies begin adopting these new techniques, information collection will become cheaper and faster, making relief programmes much more responsive to the needs of hungry poor worldwide.?


UNAI Member ICWA (the Indian Council for World Affairs) launched on 9 April a publication titled LATIN AMERICA, THE CARIBBEAN AND INDIA: Promise and Challenge by Ambassador Deepak Bhojwani who has represented India in Bogota, Caracas, Havana and Sao Paulo. ICWA joined UNAI in January, at the time of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's visit to New Delhi. The Council incudes, among its aims, serving as a clearing house of information and knowledge regarding world affairs.?

Fourth Anniversary of UNAI

To celebrate its fourth anniversary the UNAI in partnership with Monmouth University and ASPIRE East Stroudsburg South High School presented a conversation on global health at United Nations Headquarter on Tuesday, 18 November 2014.? The proposed programme included a presentation on global health by a UN expert, a student panel and an expert panel from both Academic Institutions. The event was concluded with an interactive dialogue with all panellists on stage.


Each expert and each student brought a specific issue to the audience, a particular problematic which moves them deeply.

The various speakers in this conversation warned or informed us about how communication disabilities, academic development issues because of hunger or malnourishment, substance abuse or social exclusion impact the children.

Secretary-General Ban & Hayat Sindi

UNAI launches J Michael Adams Conversation Series at UNHQ, 21 October

The inaugural lecture in the J Michael Adams Conversation series, launched by UNAI on 21 October, was delivered by well-known scientist from Saudi Arabia, Dr. Hayat Sindi.? A visiting scholar at Harvard University and a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, Dr. Sindi spoke on Women, Science and our Globalised World.

UNAI-HGU Forum on Higher Education in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in Samoa

Scholars from Handong Global University (Republic of Korea) and the National University of Samoa joined in a two day meetng at Apia, 31 August and 1 September, on the margins of the Third United Nations Conference on Small Island Developing States.

Formally called UNAI-HGU Forum on Capacity Building in Higher Education, Energy, and Entrepreneurship for Achieving Sustainable Development in the Small Island Developing States (SIDS), the meeting focused on two broad themes: the role of higher education in national capacity building and the development of comparative advantage, and the role of youth and entrepreneurship through changes in traditional patters of education.? The forum also explored viable solutions that bring changes leading to genuine sustainable development of the SIDS and creating a platform of cooperation between the UNAI-HGU and SIDS actors.

At IAUP conference, Secretary-General receives the first J. Michael Adams Leadership and Service Award

At the XVII Triennial Conference of the International Association of University Presidents (IAUP), held in Yokohama, Japan from 11 – 14 June 2014, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon was honoured with the first J. Michael Adams Leadership and Service Award. The award was instituted by IAUP in the memory of Mr. Adams, a former President of the Association, who passed away in 2012.

On behalf of the Secretary-General, the award was received by Mr. Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal, Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information.

Southampton University harnesses lightning to charge a mobile phone

UNAI member the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom has collaborated with Nokia on a breakthrough research into harnessing the power of lightning for personal use, a revolutionary attempt that can potentially offer consumers with a sustainable alternative to charge their mobile devices. The research was undertaken to investigate how natural power resources could be used to charge a Nokia Lumia 925 with an energy simulation similar to that of a bolt of lightning.

This research in advancing science and technology links in with the?? of higher education capacity-building and sustainability through education.

The experiment was conducted with the help of scientist Niel Palmer of the University's Tony Davies High Voltage Laboratory – one of the world's leading high voltage laboratories.

Pomona College President visits UN Headquarters

?President Dr. David Oxtoby, accompanied by Bertil Lindblad, Senior Advisor for International Initiatives of Pomona College, visited UN Headquarters on 19 September 2013.

Dr. Oxtoby and Mr. Lindblad were received by Maher Nasser, Director of the Outreach Division of the UN Department of Public Information, who welcomed Pomona as one of the newest members of UNAI and lauded its commitment to promoting several UNAI goals, including human rights and sustainability.