
A resident of Dabeiba, Colombia, is gifted a football at a match between former FARC-EP combatants and members of the Colombian Armed Forces, organized by the UN Verification Mission in Colombia. 19 June 2018. UN Photo/Jennifer Moreno Canizales.
Anantha Duraiappah

Is Kindness the Secret to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals?

A call to action for global youth to increase and celebrate their acts of kindness is a powerful counterstroke to the daily dose of negative news and information we receive through our media platforms.

In Finland, school children are learning to incorporate pulses—a group of edible legumes—into their diets. In Jyv?skyl?, Finland, students took a protein tasting quiz organized by the Finnish Environment Institute. ?Childrens’ Parliament of Jyv?skyl?.
Eeva Furman and Minna Kaljonen

Sustainable Diets Enhance Progress on All Sustainable Development Goals

The sustainable food system transformation requires an understanding of global food security issues, as well as innovations for contextual solutions that are creative enough to link the various SDGs together. 

Through a grant from UN-Women, Partenariat Recherches Environnement Medias has taught women in Katfoura, Guinea, how to plant the vitamin-rich moringa tree and how to clean, dry and sell its leaves. 10 November 2015. UN-Women/Joe Saade.
Venge Nyirongo

Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment and the Road to 2030: Agency for Climate Action

In spite of the observable economic restraints, rural women continue to be instrumental in adapting to and mitigating the negative impacts of climate change.

David Beasley

The Path to 91麻豆天美 Starts with Food

A toxic mix of conflict, regional instability and the impact of climate change is halting the progress we have been making towards ending hunger around the world. Unless we commit ourselves to a better path, millions more will be hungry and the places they call home will become even more dangerous.

Chronicle Conversation with youth environmental activist Aditya Mukarji, 22 September 2019

Lyubov Ginzburg of the UN Chronicle interviews fifteen-year-old environmental activist Aditya Mukarji on the problem of plastic pollution and the first-ever United Nations Youth Climate Action Summit.

Courtenay Rattray, Samantha E. Power and Anaitee Mills

Moving from Climate Talk to Climate Action

For small island developing States (SIDS), climate change is not an abstract concept, but a force already affecting individual lives, coastal communities, ecosystems and economies.

A group of graffiti artists (all young women) painted orange murals in Zone 18 in Guatemala City in support of UN-Women and the UNiTE campaign to End Violence against Women. Guatemala City, Guatemala. 2 December 2018.
Alaa Murabit

You Can’t Be What You Can’t See

Essentially, when women are equally represented in politics, they have a clear and measurable impact on health, economy, security, safety and equality, which leads to more inclusive, sustainable and democratic policies that benefit everyone.

A view of one of the classrooms with a partial roof at the “25 de Junho” School, located in Beira, Mozambique, an area where cyclones Idai and Kenneth hit just a few weeks apart in March and April 2019.?Taken 8 July 2019.
Vera Songwe

Realizing a Climate-Resilient and Prosperous Africa

Unless ambitious steps are taken, then, the unfolding climate crisis poses an imminent existential threat. Without such action, it appears impossible for Africa to meet any of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or achieve the transformational outcomes envisioned in the continent's Agenda 2063 and encapsulated in national development plans.

Bitcoin image
Cathy Mulligan

Blockchain and Sustainable Growth

We are at a unique moment in history: our society is in transition from an industrial economy to one defined by a new set of technologies, ranging from digitalization to nanotechnology. Among the latest waves of digitalization is blockchain—a technology that many say promises to redefine trust, transparency and inclusion across the world.

GATSBII (Georgia Tech Service Bot with Interactive Intelligence) hands a research participant a medication bottle. Atlanta, Georgia, United States, 2011. ?? KEITH BUJAK/ GEORGIA TECH NEWS CENTER
Rosa Kornfeld-Matte and Khaled Hassine

Two Revolutions: Digital and Demographic

The progressive digitalization of the world has an unprecedented impact on every sphere of our lives. Over the past 20 years, technology has permeated every aspect of modern society, and the use of digital technology, in particular, is becoming an integral part of our everyday lives. Many services and resources are now accessible only through digital means. Robots and artificial intelligence (AI) will also radically transform our lives, including the concept of care of older persons.

Camila Gonzalez studying at home on a computer she received through Uruguay's "One Laptop per Child" Programme. ??PABLO LA ROSA. 25 June 2009.??
Liu Zhenmin

Frontier Technologies: A Window of Opportunity for Leapfrogging!

Imagine a world with no hunger, where every child attends school and no one dies from a communicable disease. This is not a utopian dream, but rather our collective vision for a society where no one is left behind. It serves as our guiding spirit—our raison d'être—as we work together towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 

A solar data analyst at work in Kenya. ?Wikimedia Commons/DWALSH3?
Nanjira Sambuli

New Technologies and the Global Goals

Policy is just as important as innovation because the right policy environments will ensure the success of efforts to achieve the Global Goals, including those related to technology. 

Pulse Lab Kampala is working on a project to gauge via radio the quality of health-service delivery in Uganda, March 2017. ?UN Global Pulse
Robert Kirkpatrick and Felicia Vacarelu

A Decade of Leveraging Big Data for Sustainable Development

Advances in information and communication technologies (ICTs) are driving global changes in our society—from the way we communicate with each other to the forces that shape our economy and behaviour. The rapidly evolving capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) offer new opportunities to unlock the value of big data for more evidence-based decision-making that can accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Military robot. ? FUTUREATLAS.COM
Amandeep Singh Gill

The Role of the United Nations in Addressing Emerging Technologies in the Area of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems

It is only natural that advances in the intelligent autonomy of digital systems attract the attention of Governments, scientists and civil society concerned about the possible deployment and use of lethal autonomous weapons. What is needed is a forum to discuss these concerns and construct common understandings regarding possible solutions. 

3D Printer.? Pixabay
Izumi Nakamitsu

Responsible Innovation for a New Era in Science and Technology

Today we are at the dawn of an age of unprecedented technological change. In areas from robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) to the material and life sciences, the coming decades promise innovations that can help us promote peace, protect our planet and address the root causes of suffering in our world.