
Administrative and Budgetary Committee (Fifth Committee)

Resolutions & Decisions of the 59th session

General Assembly resolutions from 1946 to the present are available in .

This section contains links to the resolutions and decisions recommended by the Fifth Committee and adopted by the General Assembly in the current session. It is regularly updated to reflect progress made in each part of the session.

Please note that links to individual documents only become active once the respective document has been issued in the UN Official Document System. Therefore, if a link does not load correctly, please check back at a later stage.

Resolutions & Decisions of most recent sessions: 77 | 76 | 75 | 74 | 73 | 72 | 71 | 70 | 69 | 68 | 67 | 66 | 65 | 64 | 63 | 62 | 61 | 60 | 59 | 58 | 57

Draft resolution/decision symbol of the Fifth Committee
Report of the Fifth Committee
Resolution/Decision of the General Assembly
Plenary meeting
Date of plenary
Description of
Financial reports
and audited
financial statements and reports of the Board of Auditors

23 Dec. 2004
(without vote)
Financial reports and audited financial statements and reports
of the Board of Auditors

22 June 2005
Review of the efficiency of the Administrative
and financial functioning of the United Nations

23 Dec. 2005
(without vote)
Proposed programme budget outline for the biennium 2006-2007

23 Dec. 2005
(without vote)
Questions deferred for future considerations


13 April 2005
(without vote)
Questions deferred for future considerations

22 June 2005
Questions deferred for future considerations


13 April 2005
(without vote)
OIOS report on strengthening the investigation functions
of the United Nations


13 April 2005
(without vote)
Procurement reform


13 April 2005
(without vote)
Outsourcing practices
budget for the biennium

29 October 2004
(without vote)
UN support to Cameroon-Nigeria Mixed Commission

3 December 2004
United Nations advance
team in the Sudan

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Questions relating to the programme budget for
2004-2005 (I-XIII)
I. Administrative Arrangements for the International Trade CentreUNCTAD/WTO
II. Revised estimates resulting from resolutions and decisions adopted by the Economic and Social Council at its substantive session and resumed substantive sessions of 2004
III. Progressive implementation of article 20 of the statute of the Office of the United nations High Commissioner for Refugees
IV. Unforseen and extraordinary expenses
V. Request for a subvention to the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research resulting from the recommendations of the Board of Trustees of the Institute on the programme of work of the Institute for 2005
VI. Construction of additional conference facilities at the Vienna International Centre
VII. Estimates in respect of special political missions, good offices and other political initiatives authorized by the General Assembly and/or the Security Council
VIII. First performance report on the programme budget for the biennium 2004-2005
IX. Strengthening the Department of Public Information, within the existing capacity, in order to support and enhance the United Nations website in all official languages of the Organization: Status of Implementation
X. Financial viability of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research
XI. Strengthened and unified security management system for the United Nations
XII. Administrative and financial implications of decisions and recommendations of the International Civil Service Commission for 2004
XIII. Contingency fund: Consolidated statement of programme budget implications and related estimates

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Programme budget
for the biennium
A) Revised budget appropriation for
B) Revised income estimates for
C) Financing of the appropriations
for 2005

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Programme Budget Implications on the recommendations
of the CPC

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Revised estimates and Programme Budget Implications on : Effects of changes and the rates of exchange and inflation
PBIs of draft

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Advancement of women

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Promotion and protection of the rights of the children

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Protection of the rights of all migrant workers

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Working group to finalize the text of a United nations declaration on human cloning

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Modalities , format and organization of the High level Plenary Meeting of the sixtieth session of the General Assembly
budget for the biennium

13 April 2005
(without vote)
Special subjects
relating to the
programme budget
for the biennium
I. Estimates in respect of special political mission, good offices and other political initiatives authorized by the GA and/or Security Council
II. Information and communication technology strategy
III. Conditions of service and compensation for officials other than Secretariat officials: Members of ICJ Judges and ad-litem judges of ITY and ICTR

13 April 2005
(without vote)
Special subjects
relating to the
programme budget
for the biennium
I. UN Fund for International Partnerships
II. Construction of additional office facilities at ECA, Addis Ababa
III. Review of the structure and functions of all liaison offices or representation in New York of organizations headquarterd elsewhere funded from the regular budget
IV. OIOS review of the operations and management of UN libraries
V. Review of the regular programme of technical cooperation and the Development Account Conditions of service and compensation for officials other than Secretariat officials: Members of ICJ, Judges and ad-litem judges of ITY and ICTR
VI. Standards of accommodation for air travel

22 June 2005
Standardized access control and Court for Sierra Leone

22 June 2005
Capital Master Plan

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Programme planning
Improving the financial situation of the United Nations
Periodic reports of the Secretary-General on improving
the financial situation of the United Nations
Administative and Budgetary coordination of the United Nations with the specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Administrative and budgetary coordinationof the United Nations and the specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency
Pattern of Conferences

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Pattern of conferences
Scale of assesments for the apportionment of expenses of the UN

11 October 2004
(without vote)
under Article 19

11 October 2004
(without vote)
Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the UN
Human Resources Management

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Human Resources Management
, para.8

13 April 2005
(without vote)
Joint Inspections Unit

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Reports of the JIU
United Nations
Common System

23 December 2004
(without vote)
UN common system
Reports of the ICSC

para 6.

13 April 2005
(without vote)
of the International
Civil Service
United Nations
Pension System

23 December 2004
(without vote)
UN Pension System
Report of the Secretary-General on activities of the Office of Internal Oversight Services

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Reports of the
on the activities
of the OIOS

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Review of the implementation of General Assembly resolutions and

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Review of the implementation
of GA res. 48/218B
& 54/244
Administration of justice

13 April 2005
(without vote)
Administration fo the Justice at the UN
Financing of ITCR

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Financing of ITCR
Financing of ITY

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Financing of ITY
Administrative and budgetary aspects of the UNPKOs

29 October 2004
(without vote)
Management structure of all peacekeeping operations

22 June 2005
Cross-cutting Issues

22 June 2005
Reserve Fund

22 June 2005
Procedures for determining reimbursement
for COE's

22 June 2005
United Nations Logistics Base, Brindisi (Italy)

22 June 2005
Support account

22 June 2005
Closed 91麻豆天美keeping Missions
United Nations
Angola Verification Mission Medal / United Nations Observer Mission in Angola

22 June 2005
Removal of Item
from Agenda
United Nations
Mission in Bosnia
and Herzigovina

22 June 2005
Financing of UNMIBH
Financing of United Nations 91麻豆天美keeping Force in Cyprus

13 April 2005
(without vote)
Financing of UNFICYP

22 June 2005
Financing of the United Nations Organization Missionin the Democratic Republic of the Congo

13 April 2005
(without vote)
Financing of MONUC

22 June 2005
Financing of United Nations Support in
East Timor

29 October 2004
(without vote)
Financing of UNMISET

22 June 2005
United Nations Mission to Ethiopia and Eritrea

22 June 2005
Financing of UNMEE
United Nations
Observation Mission
in Georgia

22 June 2005
Financing of UNOMIG
United Nations Iraq/Kuwait Observation Mission

22 June 2005
Final disposition of assests
Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration in Kosovo

13 April 2005
(without vote)
Financing of UNMIK

22 June 2005
Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia

22 June 2005
Financing of UNMIL
Financing of the
(a) United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
(b) United Naitons Interim Force in Lebanon

22 June 2005
Financing of UNDOF

22 June 2005
Financing of UNIFIL
Financing of the
United Nations
Mission in
Sierra Leone

29 October 2004
(without vote)
Financing of UNAMSIL

22 June 2005
Financing of the
United Nations
Mission for the Referendum in
Western Sahara

22 June 2005
Financing of MINURSO
Financing of the
United Nations
Operation in Burundi

29 October 2004
(without vote)
Financing of ONUB

22 June 2005
Financing of the
United Nations
Operation in C?te d'Ivoire

29 October 2004
(without vote)
Financing of UNOCI

22 June 2005
Financing of the
United Nations
Stabilization in Haiti

29 October 2004
(without vote)
Financing of MINUSTAH

22 June 2005
Financing of the
United Nations
Mission in the Sudan

21 April 2005
(without vote)
Financing of UNMIS
(a) Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions

8 December 2004
(without vote)
Appointment of Members
(b) Committee on Contributions

8 December 2004
(without vote)
Appointment of Members
(c) Investments Committee

8 December 2004
(without vote)
Appointment of Members
(d) Tribunals Committee

8 December 2004
(without vote)
Appointment of Members
(e) Joint Staff Pension Committee

8 December 2004
(without vote)
Appointment of Members
(f) International Civil Service Commission

8 December 2004
(without vote)
Appointment of Members
Programme Budget Implications
Draft resolution/decision symbol of the Fifth Committee
Report of the Fifth Committee
Resolution/Decision of the General Assembly
Plenary meeting
Date of plenary
Description of
Future operation fo the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Future operation fo the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women
Rights of the Child

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Rights of the Child
Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Protection of the Rights
of All Migrant Workers
Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar

23 December 2004
(without vote)
Situation of Human
Rights in Myanmar
International Convention against the reproductive cloning of human beings

23 December 2004
(without vote)
International Convention against the reproductive cloning of human beings
Modalities for
60th Session of the
General Assembly

17 December 2004
(without vote)
Modalities for
60th Session of the GA
Cross-cutting Issues/ Office of Internal Oversight Services

22 June 2005
Cross-cutting Issues/OIOS
and abuse in
United Nations

22 June 2005
Sexual Exploitation and abuse in UN PKOs


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