

What is a coronavirus? Where do they come from? How can I protect myself? Watch this Q&A from the World Health Organization for the answers. .

Whatever your New Year’s Resolution, a healthy and balanced diet will provide many benefits into 2019 and beyond. Here are some for helping us lead healthier, longer lives.

Go.Data is the latest innovation in outbreak investigation tools developed by the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO).

By 2020, WHO projects there will be 10 million fewer tobacco users, male and female, compared to 2018, and another 27 million fewer by 2025.

From hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas, to the elimination of malaria in Argentina and rabies transmitted by dogs in Mexico, in public health in the Americas.

The world needs 9 million more nurses and midwives if it is to achieve universal health coverage by 2030. That’s why the World Health Assembly has designated . Nurses and midwives play a vital role in providing health services. These are the people who devote their lives to caring for mothers and children; giving lifesaving immunizations and health advice; looking after older people and generally meeting everyday essential health needs. They are often, the first and only point of care in their communities.

and partners, including the (UNFPA), in a year-long effort to celebrate the work of nurses and midwives; highlight the challenging conditions they often face; and advocate for increased investments in the nursing and midwifery workforce.

The Independent High-level Commission on noncommunicable diseases highlighted that noncommunicable diseases still account for more than 70% of deaths and handed 8 recommendations to WHO’s Director-General, that could save millions of lives and promote mental health. 

Global Health Bright Spots 2019

The Health for All Film Festival aims to put storytelling power in the hands of people and to showcase the role of individuals and communities as champions for health. Filmmakers are invited to submit a short video for one of three categories: video reports, animation, or videos about nurses and midwives. 

Worldwide more than 140,000 people died from measles in 2018, according to new estimates from the  and CDC. These deaths occurred as measles cases surged globally, amidst devastating outbreaks in all regions. Most deaths were among children under 5 years of age.

Climate Change and Health in Pictures

The True Cost of Discrimination

Two Out of Three Wild Poliovirus Strains Eradicated

Suicide is never the answer. This video provides  with information on how to help students look after their mental health.

Why is the number of blind or visually impaired on the rise?