
Climate Change

In Kabo village, men play a game with beans. The beans represent wild animals, the bag is the forest, and the players are hunters. Once the bag is empty, they all lose. This game is designed to show the consequences of unsustainable hunting on future generations' food and incomes. The Bantu and Baaka Indigenous Peoples groups in the Congo rely on wild meat as their main source of protein and income. However, overhunting, deforestation, pollution, diseases, and climate change have reduced the population of wild animals in the Congo Basin. The Programme, coordinated by the (FAO) and three other organizations, works to restore the balance between food security and wildlife conservation.

The Democratic Republic of Congo, along with Afghanistan, Yemen, and Syria, is among the countries that face the biggest emergencies when it comes to food according to the World Food Programme (). Decades of conflict and climate change have reduced people's access to basic foods, leading to unprecedented levels of hunger. Despite the growing humanitarian needs and the global funding crisis that the WFP is trying to manage, the tragic situation in the eastern part of DRC still receives very little attention. As the African Cup of Nations attracts all the attention, it's important to reflect on what could be possible for the children of DRC, and more broadly, the children across the Continent.

Think of tomorrow, act today. Climate change is not a problem that can be addressed by one individual or nation, it can be solved if we all work together.

is a journey that is committed not only to ensuring long-term sustainability of all fisheries but also to integrating them into resilient, sustainable, and equitable aquatic food systems.

The project has effectively reduced greenhouse gas emissions and promoted green technologies in 55 factories and SMEs, leading to a boost in productivity.

The Earth is now . The harmful impacts of climate change have already become a harsh reality, but climate change does not affect everyone in the same way. The differential impacts undermine development efforts and most severely affect the poorest and most vulnerable, who often rely directly on natural resources for their livelihoods and subsistence. There is an urgent need to address the challenges. The Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme (), implemented by , has over three decades of experience in providing financial and technical support to civil society and community-based organizations at the local level to tackle global environmental issues while improving livelihoods.

2023 has shattered climate records, accompanied by extreme weather which has left a trail of devastation and despair, confirms. 

In Kyrgyzstan's Tien-Shan mountains, locals work as community rangers to protect the Baiboosun Nature Reserve. This micro-reserve conserves local flora and fauna, including the elusive snow leopard and ibex populations. Since its establishment, sustainable tourism and green businesses have emerged, offering economic opportunities to the community such as running guest houses, producing cheese and crafting felt souvenirs. The Baiboosun Nature Reserve is part of a multi-country initiative to restore ecosystems in mountain regions, coordinated by the (UNEP), the (FAO), and the Carpathian Convention.

The (COP28) concluded with an agreement that sets the stage for a 鈥渟wift, just and equitable鈥 transition away from fossil fuels and towards deep cuts in emissions and increased financing. The conference also established a 'global stocktake' to track climate action before the end of the decade and keep the global temperature limit of 1.5掳C within reach. The stocktake recognizes the need to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 43% by 2030 and calls for a tripling of renewable energy capacity and doubling of energy efficiency improvements by 2030. Parties are encouraged to set ambitious emission reduction targets in their next round of climate action plans (known as nationally determined contributions) by 2025.

presents its 3 episode of season two, ; The nature and climate crisis is rapidly transitioning from the theoretical and distant to the very real and immediate. Yet transformational change is still possible 鈥 and already happening in some places.

Andrew Zimmern, an award-winning American chef and (WFP) visited Gwembe Primary School in southern Zambia earlier this year to learn about sustainable growing practices. Zambia has been facing the challenge of building resilient and healthy food systems amid a deepening climate crisis. Buffeted by both floods but especially recurrent droughts, the southern African nation has seen its annual rainfall steadily decrease over the past decades 鈥 even as  WFP is working with Zambian authorities and other partners to give farmers weather and climate information that can guide their choices about what and when to plant, and ways to diversify their livelihoods to better withstand climate shocks.

For small-scale farmers, the climate nightmare is real, and they are severely underfunded. They urgently need support to adapt to a changing world. Here are to action from . 

The release of 's  highlights the importance of passive cooling alternatives to energy-hungry air conditioners.

Reaching our climate goals requires huge investments, and every part of the finance sector plays a significant role in achieving them. This is why the has launched the first of its kind, involving public finance institutions via export credit agencies. The alliance is committed to supporting initiatives that promote a net-zero greenhouse gas emission by 2050, in line with a 1.5掳C world. The announcement coincides with a thematic at COP28, which promotes a sustainable future with diverse public and private finance solutions.

Putting food on the table is a challenge for millions worldwide, especially those who have to deal with the aftermath of climate disasters. Last year, the assisted more than 15 million people in 42 countries, helping them withstand droughts, floods, storms, and other climate shocks. However, as climate impacts drove nearly 57 million people into hunger last year alone, many more people require protection. At , world leaders must increase support for those affected by the worst climate disasters worldwide. This can be achieved through funding to strengthen local systems and capacities in conflict or fragile settings, enhancing loss-and-damage support, and transforming the systems that bring food to our tables.