
Special event under SIDS4

SIDS4 Private Sector Roundtable

28 May 2024, 18:30 – 20:00 pm

Location: Interactive Dialogue Room, SIDS Conference venue


The SIDS4 Private Sector Roundtable will gather leaders from the private sector, island governments and development partners for a focused discussion on partnerships for resilient island economies, and the means to ensure an active private sector engagement in the implementation of the next programme of action for SIDS.

The Roundtable will also showcase outcomes from the SIDS Global Business Network Forum held on 25- 26 May.

Access to the concept note



  • Discuss the role of the private sector in achieving sustainable development in SIDS.
  • Identify key entry points for private sector engagement in the implementation of the next SIDS Programme of Action. 
  • Explore/Announce partnerships and initiatives that can enhance private sector involvement in SIDS’ sustainable development.



18:30-18:50 Opening

  • H.E. E.P. Chet Greene, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Agriculture, Trade & Barbuda Affairs 

  • Hon. Kerrie Symmonds, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade of Barbados 

  • Mr. Courtenay Rattray, Chef de Cabinet Executive Office of the Secretary-General 


18:50-18:55 Outcomes from the SIDS Global Business Network Forum 2024

  • Ms. Rabab Fatima, Under-Secretary General and High Representative for Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States 


18:55-19:25 High-level Panel Discussion

  • H.E. Fatumanava Pa’olelei Luteru, Permanent Representative of Samoa to the United Nations and Chair of the Alliance of Small Island States

  • H.E. Tomas Anker Christensen, State Secretary and Special Climate Envoy for the Government of Denmark 

  • Michael Sheldrick, Co-Founder & Chief Policy, Impact and Government Affairs Officer, Global Citizen 

  • Mr. Ben Medland, CEO, DRIFT Energy 

  • Ms. Ana Laura Fernandez, Vice President of Impact Investing, Fondo de Fondo 

  • Mr. Ambroise Fayolle, Vice Present, European Investment Bank 

  • Mr. Simon Stiell, Executive Secretary, UNFCCC 

  • Mr. Escipion Oliveira, Director, Division of Enterprise Competitiveness and Institutions, ITC


19:25-19:55 Statements from the floor


19:55-20:00 Closing

  • H.E. Moosa Zameer, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Maldives 

  • Ms. Jodi Smith, General Partner, Matanataki Pt Ltd 



The following list comprises the speakers who will be given the floor for 2-minute interventions at the Private Sector Roundtable.

Due to the large interest to speak at the event and the limited time available, we apologise in advance to those who inscribed but will not have the opportunity to make an intervention. 

For those not listed below, we highly value all inputs and we invite you to share your written comments by emailing us at eva.vestergaard@un.org. (Eva Marie Vestergaard). Please attach your statement in a word or pdf. 


List of Speakers from the floor

  • H.E. Ilana Seid., Permanent Representative of the Republic of Palau to the United Nations
  • Ms. Rebecca Fabrizi, Special Envoy for Small Developing States
  • Alicia Phillips Mandaville, Vice President of Policy and Evaluation, Millennium Challenge Corporation
  • H.E. Matthew Wilson, Permanent Representative of Barbados to the UN, WTO in Geneva; Chair of WTO MSMEs Group, Barbados
  • HE James Larsen is Australia's Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations
  • Tekiataake Ruuka, Senior Investment Officer, Investment Promotion Division, Government of Kiribati
  • Sanda Ojiambo Assistant Secretary-General & Executive Director, Global Compact Office
  • Dilma Vieira, Business Incubation Center, Cabo Verde
  • Leo Rolle, CEO of Bahamas Chamber of Commerce
  • Gianni Chianetta, Chair, Greening the Islands Foundation
  • Frederic Degret CEO of NOAH ReGen & Special Advisor to the United Nations World Tourism Organization
  • Mohamed Saani Simaadh, Youth Delegate, the Maldives
  • Paloma Zapata, CEO, Sustainable Travel International
  • Paul Akiumi, Director, Division for Africa, Least Developed Countries and Special Programmes at UNCTAD


Expected outcomes

  • Affirmation of the role of the private sector in SIDS sustainable development.
  • Identification of means through which private sector can support implementation of the next programme of action for SIDS.
  • Commitments to action and strategic partnerships.


Note: the meeting will be conducted in English only. 



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For more information, contact:

UN Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN OHRLLS)