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The twin resolutions on the review of the peacebuilding architecture, adopted on 27 April 2016 by the General Assembly and the Security Council, further reaffirmed the role of the PBC to bring a strategic approach and coherence to international peacebuilding efforts. Under its mandate, the PBC has convened all relevant actors within and outside the United Nations, with a view to providing recommendations and information to improve coordination, developing and sharing good practices in peacebuilding, as well as ensuring predictable financing to peacebuilding. The twin resolutions also encourage the PBC to consider diversifying its working methods to enhance its efficiency and flexibility, including through considering regional and cross-cutting issues relevant to peacebuilding and sustaining peace in accordance with its mandate. Over the last couple of years, the PBC has convened several meetings on regional and cross-border peacebuilding challenges, including on the Ebola crisis, the Mano River Union, the Great Lakes, West Africa with the consent of all countries concerned and the Sahel at the request by the Security Council. On 20 January 2017, the Security Council issued a Presidential Statement (S/PRST/2017/2), emphasizing the importance of the convening role of the PBC in mobilizing deeper commitment and partnership between the UN, the countries of Sahel and other international and regional partners with a view to advancing the implementation of the United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel (UNISS). In response to this very important mandate, the PBC has been making efforts to sustain international attention and support to the Sahel region, as well as promoting a strategic, integrated, coordinated and coherent approach to peacebuilding and sustaining peace in the region. The PBC has brought together various stakeholders to discuss concrete actions for positive impact on the ground, through an increased number of meetings focused on the Sahel, including a joint event with ECOSOC last year, which brought together the countries of the Sahel, the UN and key partners to seek ways to overcome the multidimensional challenges facing the Sahel region by addressing root causes of significant social, economic, and environmental challenges in the region. Over the last couple of years, as part of our engagement in advocacy and providing assistance to improve coordination within and outside of the UN, my predecessor, Ambassador Cho of the Republic of Korea, and myself have travelled to the Sahel region. We have both respectively attended the 5th and the 6th Ministerial Coordination Platform Meetings hosted by Chad in NDjamena in June 2017 and March 2018 respectively. Also, I have just returned from a joint regional visit to The Gambia, Senegal, Cote dIvoire and Burkina Faso with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for West Africa and the Sahel, Mr. Mohammed Ibn Chambas, and the Assistant Secretary-General for 91鶹building Support, Mr. Oscar Fernandez-Taranco. Part of the visit focused on the situation in The Sahel. In Abidjan, we met with the Vice-President for Regional Development, Integration and Business Delivery of the African Development Bank (AfDB), Mr. Khaled Sherif. The meeting was part of PBSO and the PBC continued effort to enhance strategic partnership with the international financial institutions in support of peacebuilding and sustaining peace. Discussions focused mainly on ways to reinforce coordination and coherence in support of the countries in the Sahel region. AfDBs Vice-President indicated that the Sahel is one of the Banks priorities and presented its initiative 10,000 communities in 1,000 days initiative, highlighting the potential for enhanced coordination with the UN. In Burkina Faso, we met with the President of Burkina Faso, H.E. Roch March Christian Kabore, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Mr. Alpha Barry, the Minister of Finance and Development Planning, H.E. Ms. Rosine Coulibaly-Sori, and the Minister of Security, H.E. Mr. Clement Sawadogo. We also met with the diplomatic community, representatives of the civil society and the UNCT. Our meetings focused on the peacebuilding challenges facing Burkina Faso and the broader Sahel region, including ongoing PBC efforts to sustain international attention and support to the region. As part of the continuing efforts to foster greater synergies in support of the region, the Commissions Annual Session, which is scheduled to take place on 12 November, will focus on the situation in the Sahel. The PBC will bring together Member States, representatives of countries from the Sahel, senior officials of the UN, representatives of regional organizations, international financial institutions, and civil society organizations. The purpose of this important event will be to discuss ways of mobilizing deeper commitments and partnerships in support of efforts to build and sustain peace in the Sahel under the umbrella of the UNs Integrated Sahel Strategy. The meeting will be structured around two sub-themes: first, the United Nations partnership with key stakeholders at strategic and operational levels to bring coherence to international support to the Sahel region; second, empowering youth and women as agents of peacebuilding and sustaining peace in the Sahel region. The principles, conclusions and recommendations of the annual session will be considered and agreed by the Commission and reflected in the PBC's annual report. I, as the PBC Chair, will submit an informal Chair's report of the discussions that will be the basis of the PBC continued engagement in support of the Sahel. Madam President, one of the main objectives of the Annual Session is to strengthen partnerships with relevant organizations. Therefore, and in view of your work in the Sahel region, I wish to encourage the participation of la Francophonie at that important event. Furthermore, one day after the Annual Session, the Commission will convene a joint event with ECOSOC to discuss linkages between Climate Change and Challenges to the 91鶹building and Sustaining 91鶹 in the Sahel. While providing a forum to discuss a priority identified by the UN in the Sahel, the meeting will also further strengthen the advisory role of the PBC to ECOSOC. In conclusion, Madam President, I want to reaffirm that the PBC stands ready to further strengthen its collaboration with la Francophonie, particularly in connection with our common objective of supporting the Sahel region. I thank you.     #NQ`v{~9 : W Z f N ıס睗|vmaU|O| hmCJh3`h/C6CJ]h3`h,t6CJ]h3`hFCJ h|bCJ h&vCJ h[cCJ h7CJh3`h,tCJ h3`CJh,thAh,t5CJOJQJ\$hAhFO56CJOJQJ\]$hAh3`56CJOJQJ\]hAh3`5CJOJQJ\hAhFO5CJOJQJ\h3`hFOCJ/ai j P Q O P 23gdmgd0{gdI?gdmgd $a$gd,tN O P Q r v y    " % 8 < D K L   " % N P T Y Baq{%1ʽhACJmH sH hmCJmH sH h3`h8CJmH sH h8CJmH sH h3`hl8dCJmH sH h3`h CJmH sH  hmCJ h8CJ hACJh3`h CJh3`hl8dCJh3`hCJh3`h/CCJ41]`ajHL)/13Pd_ʽʪʞʏwnnneʪh3`hxZCJh3`h7lCJhUUhUUCJ hmCJh3`hn7CJ hn7CJh3`h CJ h2CJ hACJh3`h0{CJhmCJnH tH h3`hXCJnH tH h3`hXCJhmh CJh3`h^CJmH sH h3`h CJmH sH h8CJmH sH '#23t~:<FH1=@G 34h)+,PQXj|ǽǽǴǴǫ͜͜͜͜뜖hAhACJh3`h0{CJ hACJh3`h^CJ hUUCJhUUhmCJhmhmCJhmhmCJH* hmCJ hn7CJ hCJh3`hxZCJh3`hyCJ h-OCJh3`h CJ hyCJ4+,K!L!T"U"##$$$$$$$$$$$$$gd_gd7gdAgd0{gdUUgdm  I!J!K!L!]!">"B""""""*##########$$X$$$$$$$$$$$$оеееЯЯеߦЦĦhu[~jhu[~Uh3`h/CCJ h*>CJh3`h7CJ h_CJ hCJ h^CJ h7CJh3`h-OCJh3`h7lCJh3`h(CJhAhACJ hACJ00182P. 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