


CEDAW 30th Session

12 to 30 January 2004

The Committee held its thirtieth session at United Nations Headquarters on 12-30 January 2004.

Provisional Agenda
[ | Chinese | | | | ]

Opening of the session
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Adoption of the report of the Committee on its thirtieth session
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Countries Reporting

The following is a list of country reports, including issues and questions from States Parties that were examined during this session:

(all documents are in PDF format and are available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish)

The combined fourth through sixth periodic reports of Belarus
         CEDAW/C/BLR/4-6      [ ]
         Issues and Questions  [ A C E F R S ]
           Summary record of the 643th meeting
         [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 644th meeting
         [ | | | | | ]

The combined initial through third periodic reports of Bhutan
         CEDAW/C/BTN/1-3   [ ]
         CEDAW/C/BTN/1-6/Corr.1   [ ]
         Summary record of the 636th meeting
         [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 641st meeting
         [ | | | | | ]

The combined fourth and fifth periodic reports of Ethiopia
         CEDAW/C/ETH/4-5   [ ]
         Issues and Questions  [ A C E F R S ]
         Summary record of the 645th meeting
         [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 646th meeting
         [ | | | | | ]

The fifth periodic report of Germany
         CEDAW/C/DEU/5   [ ]
         Issues and Questions  [ A C E F R S ]
         Summary record of the 639th meeting
         [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 640th meeting
         [ | | | | | ]

The combined initial and second periodic reports of Kuwait
         CEDAW/C/KWT/1-2   [ ]
         Summary record of the 634th meeting
         [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 635th meeting
         [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 642nd meeting
         [ | | | | | ]

The second periodic report of Kyrgyzstan
         CEDAW/C/KGZ/2   [ ]
         CEDAW/C/KGZ/2/Add.1   [ ]
         Issues and Questions  [ A C E F R S ]
         Summary record of the 632nd meeting
         [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 633th meeting
         [ | | | | | ]

The combined second and third periodic reports of Nepal
         CEDAW/C/NPL/2-3   [ ]
         Issues and Questions  [ A C E F R S ]
         Summary record of the 630th meeting
         [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 631st meeting
         [ | | | | | ]

The combined fourth and fifth periodic reports of Nigeria
         CEDAW/C/NGA/4-5   [ ]
         Issues and Questions  [ A C E F R S ]
         Summary record of the 637th meeting
         [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 638th meeting
         [ | | | | | ]

Official Documents

  • CEDAW/C/2004/I/1 [ ]
    Provisional Agenda

  • CEDAW/C/2004/I/2 [ ]
    Status of submission of reports by States parties under article 18 of the Convention, Report of the Secretary-General

  • CEDAW/C/2004/I/4 [ ]
    Ways and means of expediting the work of the Committee,
    Report of the secretariat

  • CEDAW/C/2004/I/4/Add.1 [ ]
    Overview of the current working methods of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, Note by the secretariat

  • CEDAW/C/2004/I/4/Add.2 [ ]
    Enhancing the working methods of the Committee under article 18 of the Convention, Parallel working groups for the consideration of periodic reports, Note by the secretariat

  • CEDAW/PSWG/2004/I/CRP.1 [ A C E F R S ]
    Report of the pre-session working group


[ A/59/38 (SUPP) ] Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women: thirtieth session (12-30 January 2004) and thirty-first session (6-23 July 2004)
Alailable in 6 UN languages:
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Press Releases

  • [30 January 2004]

  • [26 January 2004]

  • [23 January 2004]

  • [22 January 2004]

  • [21 January 2004]

  • [20 January 2004]

  • [16 January 2004]

  • [15 January 2004]

  • [14 January 2004]

  • [13 January 2004]

  • [12 January 2004]

  • [8 January 2004]