

Beijing+5: 23rd special session of the General Assembly

General Assembly 56th Session (2001)

Statements and Briefings

Resolutions Adopted

Available in PDF format.

Agenda item 112

  • Critical situation of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (A/RES/56/125)
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  • Situation of older women in society (A/RES/56/126)
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  • Improvement of the status of women in the United Nations system (A/RES/56/127)
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  • Traditional or customary practices affecting the health of women and girls (A/RES/56/128)
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  • Improvement of the situation of women in rural areas (A/RES/56/129)
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  • United Nations Development Fund for Women (A/RES/56/130)
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  • Violence against women migrant workers (A/RES/56/131)
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  • Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (A/RES/56/229)
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Agenda item 113

  • Follow-up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and full implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly (A/RES/56/132)
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Agenda item 115

  • The girl child (A/RES/56/139)
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Agenda item 97 a)

  • Women in development (A/RES/56/188)
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Documents and Reports

Available in PDF format.

  • Report of the Secretary-General on improvement of the Status of Women in the United Nations system (A/56/472)
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  • Report of the Secretary-General on the follow-up to and progress made in the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly (A/56/319)
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    with addendum on the he range of tasks of the Division for the Advancement of Women (A/56/319/Add.1)
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  • Report of the Secretary-General on improvement of the situation of women in rural areas (A/56/268)
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  • Report of the Secretary-General on the status of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (A/56/328)
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  • Report of the Secretary-General on traditional or customary practices affecting the health of women and girls (A/56/316)
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  • Report of the Secretary-General on violence against women migrant workers (A/56/329)
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  • Report of the Secretary-General on Women in Development: access to financial resources: a gender perspective (A/56/321)
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    and Corrigendum 1 (A/56/321/Corr.1)
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