

Stakeholder Participation



The engagement of stakeholders from a broad range of sectors was key for the successful outcomes of the UN High-Level Dialogue on Energy and to establish the way forward on the achievement of the SDG 7 in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement.

In this regard, UN DESA in collaboration with the Dialogue Co-Chairs organized a series of online briefings in the lead up to the event in order to share information with stakeholders about the Dialogue and its preparatory process, including opportunities for stakeholder participation and contribution.

Three online events were organized engaging all interesting stakeholders in the lead up the HLD in September:

  • Stakeholders Online Briefing, held on .
  • Stakeholders Thematic Debate, held on .
  • Deep-dive Stakeholders Workshop, held on .


High-Level Dialogue on Energy: Deep-dive Stakeholders Workshop – Energy Compacts

19 August 2021| 9:00 – 10:00 AM EDT (New York Time)

As part of the preparatory process for the High-level Dialogue on Energy, the explored opportunities for catalyzing action in the five thematic areas of the HLDE towards advancing SDG 7 by 2030 and net-zero emissions by 2050. The event also served as a chance to provide guidance on the Energy Compacts, and encourage stakeholders to submit their energy commitments. A comprehensive presentation of the main features to be included in the energy commitments has been delivered to participants, and an extensive Q&A session opened the floor to interactive discussion with participants. Finally, the voice was given to three outstanding projects from stakeholders announcing their energy commitments, which demonstrated an exemplary experiences and lessons learned towards the implementation of the SDG 7 from three continents.

Recording of the session is available .

HLDE2021 - Compacts


High-Level Dialogue on Energy: Online Stakeholders Thematic Debate

3 June 2021, 8:30AM – 10:30AM EDT (New York Time)

As the second meeting for stakeholders in the lead up to the High-Level Dialogue on Energy in September, was organized by DESA, in collaboration with UN Energy. The event promoted an exchange of views and contributions from stakeholders on the five overarching themes of the High-Level Dialogue. The event was also an opportunity for an informal exchange of ideas between stakeholders and Co-Leads of the Technical Working Groups. Each of the five segments representing targets of the SDG 7, brought together a member of the TWG showcasing the advancement of technical discussions, and a variety of global stakeholders presenting their experiences, successes and challenges in achieving SDG 7. The opening remarks also served to announce the release of the , prepared with the on the five themes of the HLDE to scale up actions in achieving SDG 7 and its targets.

Watch the recording of the event:

HLDE2021 - Online Stakeholders Thematic Debate


High-Level Dialogue on Energy: Stakeholders Online Briefing

Thu 17 Dec 2020, 8.00 am | Online

In collaboration with UN Energy co-chairs as the High-Level Dialogue co-chairs, convened the first on the UN HLD on Energy. The meeting aimed at sharing information about the HLD and its preparatory process with stakeholders, including opportunities for participation and contribution. The Co-Chairs of UN Energy and of the HLD were represented by Ms. Damilola Ogunbiyi, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All and Mr. Riad Meddeb, Senior Principal Advisor for Small Island Developing States, UNDP. DSDG made a presentation on behalf of UN DESA, as HLD Secretariat. DSDG set the way for supporting the engagement of stakeholders from a broad range of sectors, including non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, academic institutions, the scientific community, local and regional governments, the private sector and philanthropic organizations in the lead up to the HLD.

Recording of the session is available .





Inputs from stakeholders: Thematic E-Consultation for the United Nations High Level Dialogue on Energy

UN DESA organized an e-consultation to compile technical inputs from stakeholders on the five themes of the UN High Level Dialogue, and to mobilize actions and experience of various stakeholders towards the High-Level Dialogue and the achievement of the SDG 7.

The E-Consultation has been conducted from 8 April to 7 May 2021 and a Synthesis Report has been drafted by UNDESA/DSDG with the scope of outlining views and suggestions from stakeholders. The E-Consultation was open to all stakeholders. The online forms that were circulated among stakeholders through the mailing lists and social media channels, can be found in the table below. A total of 84 inputs were received from Stakeholders across the five thematic areas of the HLDE. Inputs were received from all six regions of the world, representing views and suggestions from 30 countries. The following constituencies were represented in the consultation: Non-Governmental Organization; Children & Youth; Education & Academic Entities; Indigenous Peoples; Workers & Trade Unions; Business & Industry; Science & Technological Community; Other stakeholders active in areas related to sustainable development.

All inputs have been received at this time. Thank you for your contribution!

The forms below were intended to collect inputs from non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, academic institutions, the scientific community, the private sector, philanthropic organizations, major groups and other stakeholders as contributions to the preparatory process for the United Nations High Level Dialogue on Energy.









Contributions are made visible to all interested stakeholders. A summary of key inputs/messages has been prepared by UN DESA and made publicly available. A selected number of submissions has been featured in a dedicated Online Technical Debate in June 2021.
