
2022 UNOCT Malaga Conference

High-level conference

The United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) and the Government of the Kingdom of Spain organised the High-Level International Conference on Human Rights, Civil Society and Counter-Terrorism on 10 and 11 May in Malaga, Spain (“the Malaga Conference”). The Conference preceded on 9 May by a dedicated civil society workshop and a set of side events with themes closely aligned to the main Conference theme. 
The Conference included a High-Level segment on the afternoon of 10 May, which was followed immediately by a High-Level Ministerial session featuring statements by Member State Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Ministers with responsibility for counter-terrorism. The five thematic working sessions of the Conference were held over two days, 10 and 11 May. These sessions focused on: (a) Human Rights and the Rule of Law as the Cornerstone of Effective Counter-Terrorism Efforts; (b) Protection of Principled Humanitarian Action; (c) Victims and Survivors of Terrorism; (d) Civil Society Efforts for Preventing and Countering Terrorism; and (e) Role of the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Architecture. 
The Malaga Conference was a follow-up to the "Virtual Dialogue with Human Rights and Civil Society Partners on Building a Better Paradigm to Prevent and Counter Terrorism,” which UNOCT and the Government of the Kingdom of Spain organized on 25-26 May 2021.

The Conference brought together Member States, United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact entities, international and regional organizations, human rights and civil society organizations, experts and other stakeholders to engage in a robust and practical exchange of innovative ideas on how to strengthen social cohesion, build resilience, and effectively embed human rights, gender equality and the rule of law into the international community’s response to terrorism and violent extremism, while safeguarding and promoting human rights, in particular the rights of women, children, and victims of terrorism. 

Side events

The United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) hosted six Side Events and supported the organization of one Workshop on 9 May 2022, ahead of the High-Level International Conference on Human Rights, Civil Society and Counter-Terrorism that took place in Málaga, Spain on 10-11 May 2022. 

The side events and workshop featured rich discussions and broad dialogue on a variety of topics that complimented the Conference’s goal to raise awareness, foster understanding, and provide a space for insightful dialogue on how to facilitate meaningful inclusion and participation of civil society within counter-terrorism measures, while ensuring the protection and promotion of human rights and gender equality as cornerstone of all programmes and policies. The events, which were held in a hybrid format, resulted in innovative and timely recommendations for the UN, Member States, civil society and other stakeholders.

The six side events organized by UNOCT - in partnership with Member States and civil society partners -  focused on the following key themes:

  • The importance of ensuring the protection of human rights and gender equality in counter-terrorism measures and cementing long-term accountability for both the United Nations and Member States (Side Event: National Human Rights-Based Counter-Terrorism Responses); 
  • Presentation of joint UN capacity-building in the field of Human Rights and counter-terrorism in Central Asia (Side Event: Launch of the e-learning course on Human Rights and Counter Terrorism in Central Asia); 
  • The integral role of rehabilitation and reintegration of foreign terrorist fighters and their families (Side Event: The Rehabilitation and Reintegration of Returnees from Syria and Iraq); 
  • The importance of parliamentarian and civil society cooperation in the drafting and enforcement of counter-terrorism legislation (Side Event: Engaging Parliamentarians with Civil Society Organizations in Enhancing Legislation and Oversight Functions on CT and PVE); 
  • How to utilize innovative behavioral insights to effectively prevent and counter radicalization (Side Event: Fostering Resiliency through a Behavioral Insights Approach); and
  • Showcasing UNOCT’s priority for the promotion of human rights and gender mainstreaming in PCVE efforts through the launch of the Human Rights and Gender Section (Side Event: Strengthening Partnerships for Human Rights Compliant and Gender Responsive Counter-Terrorism Efforts).

In addition, the Kingdom of Spain and the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism hosted a Civil Society Workshop on “Enhancing Civil Society Leadership & the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in Counter-Terrorism". 

The Side Events and Workshop brought together more than  100 in-person participants and  5,800 online viewers globally. More than 400 participants attended the High-level Conference in person.

For more details about side events, please check out the online journal of side events

Outcome Document

The 2022 High-Level International Conference on Human Rights, Civil Society and Counter-Terrorism Outcome Document provides a summary of the interventions made during the first United Nations High-Level International Conference on Human Rights, Civil Society and Counter-Terrorism. The document captures key messages emerging from the exchange of innovative ideas and experiences during the Conference on how to build human rights and rule of law-compliant responses to terrorism, including by taking into account gender perspectives. It was developed in close collaboration with an informal consultative group comprising representatives from key civil society stakeholders and United Nations entities.

Side events

The journal of side events contains the full schedule and relevant information