




UN Global CT Coordination Compact





  自2012年4月以来,反恐中心已经实施了80个项目。反恐中心目前正在实施40个能力建设方案和项目,71个会员国受益。2019年1月至11月,反恐办/反恐中心通过64个讲习班培训了2 100多人,并举行了15次专家级会议和10次粗略考察/技术考察。能力建设工作的重点是最容易受到恐怖主义威胁的国家和地区,特别是非洲、中东和中亚和南亚。

Special Project and Innovation Branch

Engaging parliamentarians

Through this Programme, UNOCT supports parliamentary action around the globe to counter terrorism and prevent violent extremism building upon a “whole-of-society” approach. Our work is rooted in our common goal to implement the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. 


Special Project and Innovation Branch

Sports and security

UNOCT recognizes the growing contribution of sport and its culture to realize the goals of the United Nations. The goal of our sports programme is to promote sports and its values as an important tool to prevent radicalization and violent extremism conducive to terrorism. 


Special Project and Innovation Branch

Terrorist travel

There is now a better chance to disrupt terrorist travel. Our Programme strengthens Member States’ ability to detect, track and counter the journeys of terrorists. It represents a critical enhancement of counter-terrorism coordination and coherence across the UN system. 


UN Counter-Terrorism Centre

Border security

Enhancing awareness and understanding of established ‘good practices’ stems the flow of foreign terrorist fighters across borders. Our assists countries integrating such practices within their national strategies and action plans to counter terrorism and enhances the skills of border officers.


Cyber-capacities, artificial intelligence and unmanned aerial vehicles continue to become more widely available. Our aims to enhance capacities of Member States to prevent and mitigating the misuse of such technological developments.

WMD/ CBRN terrorism

In the wrong hands, weapons of mass destruction and chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear materials are a global threat. With our Programme, we aim to advance Member States’ threat level understanding and enhance their prevention and response mechanisms.

South-South cooperation

As terrorism has severely affected countries in the Global South, our aims to strengthen their exchange of expertise. We plan to assist countries in building new partnerships enabling them to respond to their challenges in countering terrorism and preventing violent extremism.

UN Counter-Terrorism Centre

Civil society

Civil society makes unique and invaluable contributions to countering terrorism and preventing violent extremism. Through its its , UNOCT seeks to strengthen and more systematically engage civil society organizations at the global, regional, national and local levels with a focus on human rights, gender, and youth.


Human rights

As Member States take measures to combat terrorism and prevent and counter violent extremism, our provides them with targeted support and assistance to ensure that all their efforts comply with international human rights law, international refugee law and international humanitarian law.

Prison management 

Further radicalizing incarcerated violent extremists poses a challenge for prison management. By improving safety, screening, disengagement processes and reintegration this project aims to stabilize prison environments and reduce chances of prisons becoming breeding grounds.

Youth engagement

Our goal is to ensure participation of young women and men in developing and delivering programmes and policies that aim to prevent and counter violent extremism. Our is aimed at strengthening youth resilience and supports the positive role of young people in their prevention efforts.

UN Counter-Terrorism Centre

Countering terrorist financing

Terrorist financing continues to evolve as the terrorist threat intensifies. With this , that focuses on financial intelligence sharing, we aim to assist Member States in effectively freezing suspicious assets through prioritization of counter-terrorist financing practices.

National PVE action plans

National action plans to prevent violent extremism are practical frameworks that address the drivers of violent extremism. The aims to make prevention work by supporting Member States in the design, development and adoption of such “all-of-Government,” “All-of-Society" action plans.

Victims of terrorism

Through the UN Counter Terrorism Centre Victims of Terrorism Support Programme, the Centre advocates, provides policy advice, raises the voices of victims and builds Member State capacity to support Victims and their associations around the globe.


The STRIVE Asia project mitigates the growing magnitude of the violent extremism threat posed by hate group Central, South and South East Asia. The UN and EU join forces to strengthen local authorities, legislative bodies and the private sector to prevent and counter violent extremism.