
Permanent Missions

Presentation of Credentials

The Protocol and Liaison Service coordinates and facilitates the ceremony involving the Presentation of Credentials of new Permanent Representatives and the Letter of Appointments of Permanent Observers to the Secretary-General. The credentials process takes place when a new Permanent Representative is appointed to the United Nations by their government. The Permanent Mission, at its earliest opportunity, must submit the details of the Permanent Representative's arrival date, means of transport and port of entry into the United States to the U.S. Mission. This is required for the obtainment of necessary customs and immigration clearances. At his/her earliest opportunity, the new Permanent Representative should submit their curriculum vitae and a copy of their letter of credentials to the Chief of Protocol.

The curriculum vitae and letter of credentials will be delivered to the Permanent Representative’s assigned Protocol Officer for review in order to ensure that they correspond to the accepted standard. The letter of credentials should indicate that he/she is the country’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations and all subsidiary organs of the UN.

On 16 November 2020, the UN diplomatic community achieved a milestone record of 52 simultaneously active women holding the post of Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York. This is a long step from 8 August 1958, when H.E. Mrs. Agda V. R?ssel of Sweden became the first female Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York. It took sixteen years before H.E. Mrs. Marie-Jo McIntyre of Grenada became the second woman to represent her country at the United Nations. 'Even though we have not reached gender parity at PR-level yet, we have come a long way', remarked the President of the General Assembly on 16 October 2020.

Provided below are resources relevant to Permanent Missions and Observer Offices.

Presentation of Credentials:

Useful Lists and References:

Other Tools:

Useful links

UN GA Building and flags

The UN General Assembly building behind some of the flags of its member states, viewed from First Avenue, New York City.

(Photo credit: UN Photo Library)