

Welcome to the Official Documents on Decolonization Search!

Select United Nations official documents related to decolonization before the General Assembly, the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee), the Special Committee on Decolonization (C-24) and the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)?are searchable from the search boxes below by the following filtering criteria:

  1. intergovernmental bodies (General Assembly, Fourth Committee, C-24 and ECOSOC);
  2. type of documents (General Assembly resolutions and decisions, working papers on Non-Self-Governing Territories, reports of the Secretary-General, C-24 annual?reports, ECOSOC President's reports, C-24 Rapporteur's reports on Puerto Rico);
  3. document symbol;
  4. document title;
  5. session;
  6. keywords; and
  7. year of issuance.

Currently the searchable documents contained here are?those issued from 2008 onward and not exhaustive, and only in above-mentioned types of documents.?This?search page?does not include press releases and documents that do not have a UN document symbol.



A few examples: "Resolution dissemination of information", "working paper Western Sahara 2017", "Report Secretary-General 73 e";


Selected documents

, 1946

, 1970

, 1960

, 1960