Explore workshops supporting the following themes of the Summit of the Future:

 1. Sustainable development and financing for development 
 2. International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 3. Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 4. Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 5. Transforming global governance 

For additional information on the Summit of the Future, please visit .


21 February 2024

Asia Regional Dialogue: “Shaping Asia CSOs’ Position for the Summit of the Future (SoTF) 2024”
Global Call to Action Against Poverty
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 

12 March 2024

 15:00 - 16:00 CEST 
Multilateralism at a Crossroad: The Promise of a UN Summit of the Future at a time of global peril

The Coalition for the United Nations We Want (C4UN)
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 


24 March 2024

Future Action Festival
Soka Gakkai International
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 

28 March 2024

 11:00 - 13:00 UTC 
Continental Dialogue on SOFT 24
African Union ECOSOCC
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 

10 April 2024

Unlocking Potential: Empowering Youth from Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent for a Sustainable Future
The Inclusivity Project
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 


15 April 2024

Our Future, Our Voice. A consultation of African youth and student leaders on the UN Summit of the Future

100 Million campaign
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 

16 April 2024

 10:00 - 12:30 CLT 

LAC Regional Dialogue: Evento Paralelo para el Foro de los Países de América Latina y el Caribe sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible
Coalition for the UN We Need
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 

19 April 2024

 14:00 - 15:30 

Africa Regional Dialogue: Reinforcing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Agenda 2063 at the Summit of the Future for a Networked and Inclusive Multilateralism
Coalition for the UN We Need (C4UN)
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 Transforming global governance 


24 April 2024

 16:00 - 18:00 PT 

Making the Global Local
Humanitarian Tracker
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 


25 April 2024

 17:30 - 20:00 CET 

Intergenerational Dialogue on The Role of International Geneva in the UN 2.0
Greycells, Association of Former International Civil Servants for Development
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 


29 April 2024


Consultation of European UN Youth Delegates
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 


30 April 2024


Mobilising Nigerian Stakeholders for the Summit of the Future/2024 UNCSC
Global NGO Executive Committee. GNEC
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 



Consultation of Belgian Youth on the Summit of the Future
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 


4 May 2024

 15:00 GMT 

Children’s Virtual Assembly: Building an Inclusive, Greener, and Fair Future

Save the Children International
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 



6 May 2024

 11:00 ET 

Towards a People's Tribunal for Environmental Justice: Progress, Challenges, and Calls to Action

The Trebuchet
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 

7 May 2024

 11:00 am ET 

How Can We Prevent Harmful Consequences from ICTs and Move Towards a Sustainable Future?
 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
  Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 


Girls Pact for the Future; Youth recommendations for reimagining a better tomorrow
Plan International
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 



8 May 2024

C4UN Partners Pre-Meeting
Coalition for the UN We Need (a project of WFM - Canada & of Center for Development of International Law
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 

 6:30 - 18:00 

2024 UNCSC Kenya CSO Mobilization Day
HelpAge International
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 

 8:00 - 11:00 

Youth, 91麻豆天美 and Security; Exploring the Place of Digital Platforms in Countering Violent Extremism
Save the Children International
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 
 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 


 9:00 - 13:00 

Wheels of Hope: Generation Hope Climate Caravan
Save the Children - Kenya
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 


 9:00 - 15:00 

People's Assembly
Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP)
 Sustainable development and financing for development 

Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya

 9:00 - 16:00 

An Intergenerational Dialogue: Reimagining A Feminist Future for People and Planet
Akina Mama wa Afrika
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 


 9:00 - 10:30 ET 

Eliminating Extreme Poverty for Older Persons and People with Disabilities Using a Modified Social Security System
 Sustainable development and financing for development 

 9:30 - 16:00 

  Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 


 12:00 - 13:30 

Environmental sustainability: a key for a sustainable future

Major Groups at UNEP
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 12:00 - 14:30 

C4UN Partners Pre-Meeting

Coalition for the UN We Need (a project of WFM - Canada and of the Center for Development of International Law)
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 


From Theory to Action: Building Resilient Information Ecosystems to Protect the Future of Democracy

Center for Information, Democracy, and Citizenship (CIDC) at the American University in Bulgaria
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 
 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 

For inquiries, please email: cidc@aubg.edu

 13:00 - 15:00 

Level Up! Unleashing the Power of Youth-led Innovation
Department of Global Communications Civil Society Unit
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 
 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Transforming global governance 


 14:00 - 17:00 

Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on Building Sustainable 91麻豆天美 in Africa: A Regional Consultation as part of the United Nations 2025 91麻豆天美building Architecture Review
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 
 Transforming global governance 

The event will be followed by an informal reception afterward.

Please kindly note that participants must register to attend the workshop as the venue has a limited room capacity of up to 25 people.


HEALTH FOR THE FUTURE- Universal Health Coverage For All: Advancing Gender-Responsive Health Systems for Comprehensive SRHR

Women in Global Health
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 


 16:00 - 18:00 ET 

CDWD People's Assembly - pathways towards 2030
The Inclusivity Project (TIP)
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 


Citizen Science & Web3 Technology Enabled Governance Innovation: Challenges Mapping and Local Pacts for the Future

International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges IAAI GloCha
 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 

Watch live on  and 


9 May 2024

Protecting Our Common Future: Activating a Global Movement for Future Generations
Future of Climate Cooperation (fiscally sponsored by Rockefeller Philanthropy Fund)
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 

 08:00 - 11:00 

Empowering Youth through Community Financing and Policy Engagement
Coalition for Sustainable Development (SDG Kenya Forum)
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 

 08:00 - 12:00 

Amplifying The Voice of Global South Youth In the UN Civil Society Conference
Coalition For Sustainable Development (SDG Kenya Forum)
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 


SDG Action Hub Kenya
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 


Africa peace and security @20
Africa Union ECOSOCC
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 11:00 - 14:00 

Faith's ImPACT: Promoting Human Fraternity, Empowering Future Generations
Arigatou International-Kenya
 Sustainable development and financing for development 



African Science Leadership for the Summit of the Future
ISC - Africa-Europe Science Collaboration Platform (AERAP)
 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact

Creating Urban Public Space in Informal Settlements: Engaging Youth for Sustainable Transformation
Mathare Environmental Conservation Youth Group
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 


 11:15 - 12:45 

Summit of the Future 5 Chapters and the African Union Vision 2063: A Prosperous Africa on Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development
Center For African Policy
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 

 13:00 - 14:30 

Igniting Change: From Youth Ideas to Global Impact
Department of Global Communications Civil Society Unit
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 
 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 

Empowering Women and Girls’ for Climate Resilience in Africa: A Call to Action for Africa Vision 2063
Center for Africa Policy
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 

 14:00 - 15:00 

African Foresight Perspectives & Voices on the UN Summit of the Future & Future Generations
School of International Futures
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 

 14:30 BST 

Activating a UN Special Session on Disarmament
SCRAP Weapons, SOAS University of London
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 18:00 - 19:30 

Women’s Economic Empowerment, Innovation and Skills toward Digital Transformation.

Women's Federation for World 91麻豆天美 International
 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 

 |  | 


China Night - 2024 UN Civil Society Conference
Viva la Vida
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 
 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 



10 May 2024

 9:00 - 10:30 

Consultation with Major Groups on UNEP's Food Systems Private Sector Engagement Plan
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 

 9:00 - 11:00 

91麻豆天美 and Future Generations Solidarity Walk
World Future Council
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 

 11:00 - 12:30 

Intergenerational Leadership for Sustainable Business and Public Policy
Club of Rome
 Sustainable development and financing for development 

 12:30 - 14:30 

Economic Emancipation of the Afrodescendant Population: Challenges and Perspectives for the Future
Geledés - Black Woman Institute
 Sustainable development and financing for development 


 14:00 - 17:00 

Lightup Foundation
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 

 16:00 - 17:00 

Digitalization and Rural Entrepreneurship: The Pathways to Youth Employment, 91麻豆天美 and Prosperity.
Youths Enterprise Development and Innovation Society (YEDIS)
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 16:00 - 18:00 

Creativity as Catalyst: Empowering Communities through the Creative Economy
Gua Africa
 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 

 18:00 - 19:30 

Going beyond asymmetrical implementation towards equitable participation of communities for the Future
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung & CETIM
 Transforming global governance 

 18:30 - 20:00 

Future of Power: Shifting the Conscience of Humanity
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 


11 May 2024

 9:00 - 13:00 

Speak up! Youth Voices for the Future
Good Neighbors International
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 

Kenyatta University
Refreshments will be provided

 10:00 - 12:30 

C4UN Partners Post-Conference Brunch
Coalition for the UN We Need
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 


14 May 2024

 16:00 - 17:00 PET 

Nuestras voces: Infancias, Adolescentes y Juventudes en la UNCSC 2024 rumbo al SOFT

The Millennials Movement
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 

16 May 2024

 10:00 ET 

Business Champions Supporting Early Childhood Development to Transform the Future
Childhood Education International
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance 


 16:00 - 17:30 PET 

Consulta virtual: Nuestras Voces Infancias, Adolescentes y Juventudes rumbo a la Cumbre del Futuro de Naciones Unidas

The Millennials Movement
 Sustainable development and financing for development 
 International 91麻豆天美 and Security 

 Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation / The Global Digital Compact 
 Youth and Future Generations / The Declaration on Future Generations 
 Transforming global governance