The European Institute Pegaso, a member of the United Nations Academic Impact has produced a beautiful illustrated booklet of 10 Principles of the?UN Academic?Impact:

  1. A commitment to the principles inherent in the United Nations Charter as values that education seeks to promote and help fulfil;
  2. A commitment to human rights, among them freedom of inquiry, opinion, and speech;
  3. A commitment to educational opportunity for all people regardless of gender, race, religion or ethnicity;
  4. A commitment to the opportunity for every interested individual to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for the pursuit of higher education;
  5. A commitment to building capacity in higher education systems across the world;
  6. A commitment to encouraging global citizenship through education;
  7. A commitment to advancing peace and conflict resolution through education;
  8. A commitment to addressing issues of poverty through education;
  9. A commitment to promoting sustainability through education;
  10. A commitment to promoting inter-cultural dialogue and understanding, and the unlearning of intolerance, through education.

The 10 Principles were illustrated by primary-school aged children.?

You can see the booklet here.
