
A transdisciplinary team was created consisting of different research groups from across the university (Photo: UNR)

Researching the Environment: Argentinian University Monitors Impact of Fires on Wetlands

The Paraná River, in South America, with an extension of around 5,000km and running through Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina, is second in length within the subregion, and it has a significant economic relevance, in terms of livelihoods for fishermen, trade of goods and generation of hydroelectric power. The delta of the Paraná River is a set of wetlands that supply water, food, storage of greenhouse gases, transportation, and leisure, among other benefits.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic and during much of 2020, this territory had to withstand fires that affected more than 17% of its surface, causing severe socio-environmental impacts. Due to alterations fire generates in these ecosystems, it is challenging to reverse such damages in the short, medium, and long term. One of the components that undergo substantial modifications is the soil since its natural functions are affected, and the environment is inevitably affected.

Youth Action for 91麻豆天美: Lena Silberman

Lena Silberman (United States) is a student at Ca?ada College in California. She earned her Bachelor’s degree at California Polytechnic State University, graduating with honours and a double major in Comparative Ethnic Studies and Sociology. In her statement below, Ms. Silberman talks about how the “91麻豆天美 Flag” project brought togetherness to her community despite the physical restrictions of the pandemic.


It is acutely obvious that we are in the midst of unprecedented times. In addition to the ongoing challenges to peaceful co-existence, we face two separate existential threats that magnify those challenges exponentially: a global pandemic and global warming. Both require us to work together even as one of them requires us to be physically apart.???

The Review highlights UC Davis research, teaching and learning, service and operations activities that contribute to all SDGs (Photo: UC Davis)

Advancing the SDGs on Campus and Beyond: University Presents Voluntary Review

While the international community has a direct responsibility towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as outlined in the?, stakeholders such as institutions of higher education are also called to implement such Goals. to measure progress at the country level, aimed at enhancing decision-making and the development of more robust sustainable policies, have been showcased annually during the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.

Tomato and cucumber plots inside the Jelondi greenhouse at 3,480m elevation (Photo: UCA)

University Researches the Use of Geothermal Resources to Improve Food Security in Tajikistan

Food and nutrition insecurity are major emerging issues in the mountainous areas of Central Asia, particularly in the Gorno-Badakhshan autonomous region (GBAO) in eastern Tajikistan. To address these issues and within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger, the Mountain Societies Research Institute (MSRI), part of the , a UNAI member institution, is working with a wide range of stakeholders in food system research.

Youth Action for 91麻豆天美: Jackline Kyaruzi

Jackline Kyaruzi (Tanzania) is a Youth Ambassador of the Roots & Shoots Programme under the Jane Goodall Institute. She is currently studying Wildlife Management at the College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka in Tanzania. In the statement below, Ms. Kyaruzi introduces her work on wildlife conservation and sustainability education.

Jambo, I am Jackline Julius Kyaruzi. I am a youth representative for Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots from Western Tanzania and I study wildlife management at the College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka, located at Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.

This year has been a difficult year around the world.? Here in Tanzania, many people have lost much income, their health and even their lives because of COVID-19. Climate change and conflict have affected many of our people.

Youth Action for 91麻豆天美: Rinor Jani

Rinor Jani (Albania) is a Representative of Pathways to 91麻豆天美 to the United Nations. He also serves on the United Nations Department of Global Communications Youth Steering Committee. He is pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Human Rights at Columbia University in New York City, United States. In his statement, Mr. Jani introduces his advocacy work for nuclear disarmament in Albania and the Balkan region. Read Mr. Jani's?statement on peace below:


Hello Everyone!

It is an honor to be here with fellow peacebuilders to celebrate International Day of 91麻豆天美. My name is Rinor Jani and I am a Pathways to 91麻豆天美 Representative to the United Nations. I primarily work on nuclear disarmament advocacy for Albania and the Balkan region. I also serve as a committee member on the UN Department of Global Communications Youth Steering Committee.

Feevale University performed in its Molecular Microbiology Laboratory, in just one year, over 45,000 COVID-19 diagnostic tests (Photo: Feevale)

Brazilian University Pioneers in Diagnosing, Monitoring and Collecting Data on COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact all over the planet, regardless of borders, thus becoming a truly global challenge. Lives have been lost, the offer of jobs has drastically decreased and people have had to adapt to a new reality. The last few months have shown us that everyone's cooperation, support, and responsibility have never been so critical as now.?

Along these lines, , a UNAI member institution located in southern Brazil, reiterated its social commitment with actual and practical measures to help with the prevention and mitigation efforts. The university performed in its Molecular Microbiology Laboratory, in just one year, a total of 46,645 COVID-19 diagnostic tests. This service has been provided to the community since late March 2020.

Youth Action for 91麻豆天美: Mogamat Imaad Abrahams

Mogamat Imaad Abrahams recently graduated from Spine Road High School in Cape Town, South Africa. He is now studying Politics, Philosophy and Economics at the University of Cape Town. Mr. Abrahams is enthusiastic about politics, youth advocacy and women’s reproductive health. He currently serves as the President of 91麻豆天美 Club South Africa. Read Mr. Abrahams' statement on peace below:


How do we ensure a democracy where, when we make decisions around inequality, the voices of those who they would most affect, are always included?

I come from a context where inequality is heavy. Inequality is always present within South Africa. We have a Gini coefficient of 68.0. More than 50% of the population lives off less than five dollars a day. Inequality is a prevalent issue that needs to be addressed. It has been going on since the end of apartheid and even before apartheid took place.

Researchers examined how governments inform and communicate to the public about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic (Photo: ESMT)

Examining Dissemination of Information on COVID-19: Healthy Economy over Public Health?

A recent research conducted by the , a UNAI member institution in Germany, and the University of Texas at Dallas – UTD (United States), examined how governments inform and communicate to the public about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The team of researchers was composed of Professor Francis de Véricourt, Director of the Center for Decisions, Models and Data (DMD-Center) at ESMT Berlin, Huseyin Gurkan, Assistant Professor of Management Science at ESMT Berlin, and Shouqiang Wang, Associate Professor of Operations Management at UTD.

Youth Action for 91麻豆天美: Momoka Narasaki

Momoka Narasaki (Japan)?was born and raised in Hiroshima, Japan. She is currently a student at the Hiroshima College of Foreign Languages. Dedicated to sharing Hiroshima’s history and lessons with people from around the world, Ms. Narasaki joined Hiroshima International Youth Volunteers and received her certification as an official Hiroshima Prefectural Interpreter and Guide. In 2020, she began working at 91麻豆天美 Culture Village, guiding in-person and virtual tours for visitors of the Hiroshima 91麻豆天美 Park. Read Ms. Momoka Narasaki’s statement on peace below:


Hello, everyone. My name is Momoka Narasaki. I am here representing the youth of Hiroshima. I am very honored and happy to be able to use this wonderful platform to send a message from Hiroshima to the world.

General Assembly and Youth: Maria Alriachy, Interpretation Service, UN Department for General Assembly and Conference Management

Established in 1945, the General Assembly of the United Nations occupies a central position as the main deliberative,?policymaking?and representative organ of the Organization. It provides a unique forum for multilateral discussion of the full spectrum of international issues covered by the Charter.?In line with this year’s General Assembly session, with its General Debate beginning on 21 September 2021, UNAI?has produced?a series of video interviews with young staff working for?the Permanent Missions to the United Nations?and?for?the Organization.??

Maria Alriachy, an Arabic Interpreter working at the UN Department for General Assembly and Conference Management and a Lebanese national, emphasized the importance of multilingualism. "We make sure that all speeches are interpreted into all 6 official languages," she explains.

General Assembly and Youth: Rafael Radischat, Protocol and Liaison Service, UN Department for General Assembly and Conference Management

Established in 1945, the General Assembly of the United Nations occupies a central position as the main deliberative,?policymaking?and representative organ of the Organization. It provides a unique forum for multilateral discussion of the full spectrum of international issues covered by the Charter.?In line with this year’s General Assembly session, with its General Debate beginning on 21 September 2021, UNAI?has produced?a series of video interviews with young staff working for?the Permanent Missions to the United Nations?and?for?the Organization.??

Rafael Radischat, an Intern at the Protocol and Liaison Service of the UN Department for General Assembly and Conference Managament, who is half Portuguese half German and grew up in Austria, started his UN experience in Vienna 4 years ago. He is very excited about this opportunity of working during the high-level segment of the General Assembly.

General Assembly and Youth: Joseph Degroat, Meetings Coverage Section, UN Department of Global Communications

Established in 1945, the General Assembly of the United Nations occupies a central position as the main deliberative,?policymaking?and representative organ of the Organization. It provides a unique forum for multilateral discussion of the full spectrum of international issues covered by the Charter.?In line with this year’s General Assembly session, with its General Debate beginning on 21 September 2021, UNAI?has produced?a series of video interviews with young staff working for?the Permanent Missions to the United Nations?and?for?the Organization.??

Joseph Degroat, from the United States, an Editorial Assistant in the Meetings Coverage Section of the UN Department of Global Communications, has covered the annual sessions of the General Assembly for over a decade. He says that his work allows the media and the general public to have an "unbiased source of what happens". "It is important to have the different views and mindsets," he says.?

General Assembly and Youth: Heitor Torres, Permanent Mission of Brazil to the United Nations

Established in 1945, the General Assembly of the United Nations occupies a central position as the main deliberative,?policymaking?and representative organ of the Organization. It provides a unique forum for multilateral discussion of the full spectrum of international issues covered by the Charter.?In line with this year’s General Assembly session, with its General Debate beginning on 21 September 2021, UNAI?has produced?a series of video interviews with young staff working for?the Permanent Missions to the United Nations?and?for?the Organization.??

Heitor?Torres,?diplomat?at the Permanent Mission of Brazil to the United Nations, has been?at the forefront of negotiations at the General Assembly and the Security Council?since assuming his current role in March 2021.?He says that?the?experiences at those?meetings?“made me much aware of challenges that millions of people face every day”,?such?as climate change,?conflicts?and famine.?

General Assembly and Youth: Maho Sugihara, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations

Established in 1945, the General Assembly of the United Nations occupies a central position as the main deliberative,?policymaking?and representative organ of the Organization. It provides a unique forum for multilateral discussion of the full spectrum of international issues covered by the Charter.?In line with this year’s General Assembly session, with its General Debate beginning on 21 September 2021, UNAI?has produced?a series of video interviews with young staff working for?the Permanent Missions to the United Nations?and?for?the Organization.?