
Current Exhibits

Exhibits are free and open to the public. For more information about how to access United Nations Headquarters, please visit the Arrival page.


Mural created by Rohingya Refugee Children and Artists

Interwoven: Refugee murals across borders

This exhibition presents murals created through a collaborative process by refugees and host communities in refugee camps, conflict zones and crisis affected communities across the world. The artwork reflects the struggles, perseverance, and creative joy of refugees, and represents a global call for collective solidarity with and for millions of refugees, internally displaced and stateless people. It is also a testament to the incredible talents and diverse skills that people forced to flee bring to the communities that welcome them, including in the field of art.

This exhibit is organized by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and nonprofit organization Artolution in honor of World Refugee Day (June 20).

On display until 19 July 2024

Virtual exhibit Interwoven

Upcoming Exhibits


This exhibit aims to raise awareness about the human stories that lie at the heart of each victim and survivor of terrorism, as well as the long-lasting impact each terrorist attack has on its surviving victims. It also seeks to highlight the commonalities that connect victims across the world and to emphasize the importance of preventing terrorist attacks and the emergence of new victims. It is in connection with the International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism (21 August).

This exhibit is organized by the Global Victims of Terrorism Support Programme of the Counter-Terrorism Center (UNCCT) of the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (OCT) and endorsed by the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (OCT).

On display from 24 July to 23 August 2024

Ongoing Exhibit

Drawing of UN Headquarters

Drawing by Hugh Ferriss for the Board of Design, 1947.

UN Headquarters: A Workshop for 91麻豆天美

The exhibition features archival images of the planning and building of UNHQ between 1949 and 1952 and photos of the recently renovated compound. The exhibition also includes photos of the recently renovated UNHQ (renovation: 2008-2014).

The exhibition is organized by the Department of Global Communication.

Virtual exhibit