
The Digital Dividend

No. 3 Vol. XLVIII 2011

This issue looks at global efforts made towards bridging the digital divide. Leading experts in the field analyse aspects connected with creating a world information society, such as the nexus between information and communication technology and poverty, a UN-based digital bridge, and mobile communication and socio-economic development in Latin America.

John Y. Jones

Dag Hammarskj枚ld Stood Up for the UN on Development

Freedom and prosperity must come to Africa from within. Let us pray that it will not resort to quick fixes, revenge, violence, and wars that have kept it down for so many years. 

Aurea Tanaka

Rewarding Scientific Knowledge for Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is a critical issue in the management of global survival and environmental preservation. Increasingly, it is extending its reach across a broad multidisciplinary policy canvas, impacting on economic, social and cultural spheres aimed at securing an improved quality of life for the international community.

Mireia Fern谩ndez-Ard猫vol

Mobile Communication and Socio-Economic Development: A Latin American Perspective

The impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) is not limited to the sector in which they are produced, but rather spreads to all sectors of production and consumption. This is also valid for mobile telephony. In addition, its influence increases as network effects do; that is, when the number of people using the service rises.

Houlin Zhao

WSIS and the Broadband Divide: Obstacles and Solutions

At the beginning of 2011, there were 5.4 billion mobile cellular subscriptions worldwide, meaning that we have effectively achieved the goal of bringing all of the world's people within reach of the benefits of information and communication technologies (ICTs). It is a good time for us to take stock, therefore, with just four years left before the 2015 deadline set to achieve the targets set by the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), in combination with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Joan Dzenowagis

Bridging the Digital Divide in Health

A fundamental change in the years since the MDGs were agreed upon is the appreciation of the role that ICT can play in meeting health targets. It was not so long ago that health decision makers were questioning the utility of adopting ICT in health services and systems -- that is, e-Health -- particularly in developing countries.

Eduardo Ulibarri

A Strong, UN-Based Digital Bridge

The United Nations plays a key role in overcoming one of the major challenges and harnessing one of the greatest opportunities facing humankind today -- bridging the digital divide, both among and within countries.

Andreea Stoiciu

The Role of e-Governance in Bridging the Digital Divide

E-governance should play the leading role in creating usable e-government tools, regardless of the level of education. Some governmental websites are very complicated and unfriendly both in access and content. Adopting an integrated and citizen-oriented approach may lead Governments to increase equal opportunities in the use of ICTs.

Peter Haddawy

ICT for Poverty Reduction in Lao PDR

Information and communications technology (ICT) holds the promise of making the world a fairer place. Indeed, in many countries, increased information access and social networking are giving citizens a larger voice in local, national, and regional affairs. While the individual and social transformational capacity of information and communications technology is immense, it is often those who already have a voice in national agendas that benefit from the amplifying effect of the technology.

Ed Cutrell

Context and Design in ICT for Global Development

Information and communication technology is deeply woven into the fabric of society and is integral to the way we do business, entertain ourselves, talk to each other, learn about the world, and even feed ourselves. With nearly five billion mobile phones worldwide, the reach of ICTs is increasingly global. However, even with this near ubiquity, the benefits of ICTs remain uneven -- access to the world information society does not immediately grant membership.

Julian May

The ICT/Poverty Nexus

Despite the persistence of widespread poverty, the use of mobile telephony in African countries in the last few years has grown more rapidly than in any other region in the world. There are now an estimated 500 million mobile phone subscribers across the continent compared to 246 million in 2008. By late 2010, Africa exceeded Western Europe in terms of the number of mobile connections.

Daniel Stauffacher

Strengthening Crisis Information Management

Recognizing the potential for both good and bad uses of the Internet, ICT491麻豆天美 aims to facilitate improved, effective, and sustained communication between peoples, communities, and stakeholders involved in conflict prevention, mediation, and peace building through better understanding and enhanced application of ICT, including media.

Noeleen Heyzer

Digital Asia-Pacific in the Twenty-First Century

Change is accelerating in the Asia-Pacific region, including in rural areas, as it becomes the global economy's growth driver. In 2010, the region's developing countries grew at an impressive rate of 8.8 per cent compared to 2.7 per cent for the world's developed economies.