
Do I need to register with or be certified by the United Nations when organizing a Model UN conference?

No. The United Nations does not register or certify Model UN clubs. Model UN clubs and conferences operate independently from the United Nations. The United Nations does not recognize, certify or endorse Model UN conferences. You are welcome to inform us about your Model UN.

The Secretary-General’s Message to Model United Nations Conferences can be downloaded for the use of your Model UN conference.

Please note that this is a general message to all Model United Nations conferences. The message is not an endorsement or recognition or certification of the conference or club. The United Nations does not register or certify Model UN clubs or conferences.


How do I register to participate in Model UNs?

The United Nations does not organize Model UN conferences. Instead, search for local organizers online or through your school. You may also ask the United Nations Information Centre in your area for local opportunities and resources.


Can I invite someone from the UN to speak at our Model UN conference?

You can get in touch with the United Nations Speakers Bureau to request a United Nations expert to speak at your conference.

The Model UN office does not have the capacity to send an official to speak at your conference.

However, you can download the written and/or video message from the Secretary-General of the United Nations. No written request is required when you download and use the statement. The statement is a general message to all Model United Nations conferences. The statement is not an endorsement by the United Nations or a certification or recognition of any specific conference or Model UN club. The statement does not indicate or imply an affiliation with the United Nations. The United Nations does not have affiliated Model UN clubs. The statement may not be used for fundraising purposes.


How can I contribute to the work of the UN as a student?

There are many ways for young people to engage with the United Nations. For example:


Can you sponsor our Model UN event or provide a scholarship for participants?

The United Nations does not provide financial assistance of any kind for students participating in Model UN events and activities.


I have been selected to participate in a Model UN conference, but it is charging me an entry fee. Is it legitimate?

Model UN conferences are held independently by schools or and other organizations. They are not affiliated with the United Nations. You may contact the organizers directly to have your concerns addressed.


I want to use the United Nations emblem in the promotional materials of my Model UN conference. Is that allowed?

It is not allowed. Use and display of the United Nations emblem is highly restricted and essentially limited to the activities of the United Nations. You may not use any trademark, official mark, official emblem, flag or logo of the United Nations, or any of its other means of promotion or publicity, to represent or imply an association or affiliation with the United Nations.