
view of a street where a few pedestrian walk around a burnt car and some tires

Security Council, 3 July 2024

Watch the 9679th meeting of the Security Council on the question concerning Haiti (3 July 2024).



3 July 2024 — Back here, this morning, the Security Council met on Haiti. The head of our political mission in Haiti, Maria Isabel Salvador, briefed the Council and told its members that the country is making headway towards restoring democratic institutions through enhanced security and credible elections. She said the first deployment of Kenyan police officers for the Multinational Security Support Mission is an important step and brings renewed hope for the people of Haiti. However, on the security front, she reminded Council members that the alarming levels of violence remain a source of great concern. Within its mandate, the UN mission will continue to support the transitional authorities in key areas that include elections, constitutional reform, police development, enhanced political dialogue and justice, and community violence reduction.

As we move forward, Ms. Salvador said there is also an opportunity to reinvigorate the UN political mission and reposition its role in the current context. As the Support Mission continues to deploy, she added that the establishment of a coordination mechanism will be critical to promote complementarities, exchange information, and devise effective communication strategies. She also renewed our appeal to all Member States to ensure the multinational support mission receives the sustained financial support it needs to succeed. Her full remarks were shared with you.


meals distributed by WFP since the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year across the country

displaced people in the Grand-Sud live with host families

displaced people in the Grand Sud region

mobile clinics were deployed by UNFPA and its partners across Port-au-Prince in May 2024

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It is impossible to overstate the increase in gang activity across Port-au-Prince and beyond, the deterioration of the human rights situation and the deepening of the humanitarian crisis.

María Isabel Salvador, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Haiti and Head of BINUH
Briefing to the Security Council, 22 April 2024

Portrait of María Isabel Salvador



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Haiti: Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan

Humanitarian needs

The worsening security situation, the near-collapse of basic services, the impact of years of drought and natural disasters will leave 5.5 million Haitians highly vulnerable in 2024. Humanitarians will target 3.6 million people, 12% more than in 2023, with a funding requirement of 674 million dollars, to:

  • 1. Provide a multi-sectoral emergency response to 2.2 million people in areas affected by sudden shocks linked to insecurity, forced population movements, natural disasters and epidemics.
  • 2. Implement activities to strengthen the resilience of 3.6 million people, including actions that promote sustainable solutions and emergency preparedness.

As of 19 April 2024, only 8.1% of the total requirements, i.e. US$ 54,4 million have been financed.

Learn more

Cover of the Executive Summary of 'Haiti: Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan'