
60 newly hatched Olive Ridley turtles make their way to the ocean when released from Wayangani beach.


Saudi Arabia strives to regreen deserts to tackle drought and land degradation

In places like Al Thadiq National Park - known for its sweeping valleys and spanning 600 square kilometres - nature-based solutions are helping to restore degraded land, return wildlife, and combat drought and desertification.


boy playing around plastic trash

In the context of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, UNEP and FAO have interviewed young environmentalists who are making a positive change for our planet. This podcast aims to give the floor to these passionate people who are doing great things all around the world, so they can share their experiences and inspire others. Listen to the podcast .


As vital to our existence as air or water, land is one of our greatest shared assets. The stories in this book provide a timely reminder of how local and global collaboration to achieve land degradation neutrality can tip the balance in our favor, offering a foundation on which to build a healthy, equitable and prosperous future.

Desertification affects around 45 per cent of Africa’s land. Regreening Africa. A new initiative engaging farmer to transform land across africa is expected to bring 5 million hectares under restoration by 2030, boosting biodiversity and supporting local communities.

In the past decades, the Terai Arc Landscape’s wildlife became isolated in forest patches in protected areas due to human-led forest degradation outside them. However, one of seven  has already brought back to life a forest area 13 times the size of Kathmandu, and nearly tripled its tiger population from 121 to 355.