
Displaced Persons and Refugees

UNHCR issues stark warning as reaches alarming levels, urging global action to prevent apathy and inaction.

The Northern Crisis Recovery Project is focusing on humanitarian aid and infrastructure reconstruction to support internally displaced persons and enhance community stability amidst ongoing conflict.

鈥淪omebody who lived in an IDP camp 鈥 [is] suddenly back home, in dignity, self-reliant and thinking, 鈥業 want to reimagine what life means for me鈥 鈥 Yes, I'm very proud.鈥

A former child refugee, Mohamed Yahya knows the life-long pain of yearning for a lost home. That鈥檚 why some of his most emotional experiences with the United Nations have involved helping displaced people return to their towns years after they fled a brutal conflict.

Until recently working with internally displaced communities in northern Nigeria, the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Pakistan is a life-long champion of community-led development.

In this episode, Mohamed Yahya reflects on the challenge of rebuilding scattered communities, on his experiences of being a refugee twice, and on the lasting allure of home.

鈥淭here's always a sense of something missing. Because you're deprived of going back to where you were born.鈥

Photo credit: 漏鲍狈顿笔

鈥淸...] yet we are here seeing unfolding under our watch, our eyes, one of the fastest evolving looming famines, which has been completely fabricated. It's man-made. And which can easily be reversed through political will and political decision. It is deeply frustrating, but it's outrageous and makes me very angry [...] 鈥

Philippe Lazzarini holds one of the most challenging positions in the whole of the United Nations. As head of UNRWA, he is leading the backbone of the humanitarian operation in Gaza. Following the devastating terror attacks by Hamas and others on 7 October, Israel鈥檚 military operations in Gaza have brought unspeakable death and destruction. 2.2 million Palestinians are in the midst of an epic humanitarian catastrophe. In this episode, Philippe Lazzarini reflects on the trauma of the past months and the human cost of war.

鈥淐easefire, ceasefire, ceasefire. If we have a ceasefire and the opening of the crossing, and we can flood assistance to the Gaza Strip, we would be able to prevent this catastrophe.鈥

Photo credit: 漏UNRWA/Hussein Owda

Amidst Yemen's conflict, community-led water projects are revitalizing communities and providing essential access to clean water, transforming lives and easing burdens for millions.

Due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Svetlana and her family had to leave their home in Odessa and seek refuge in the coastal town of Zatoka. When the bridge across the Dniester Estuary was attacked, they decided that Svetlana had to take the children to Moldova while her husband Ruslan stayed behind due to martial law. They have now been separated for 20 months and share how they maintain their family life and love across the border.Throughout Ukraine and neighboring countries, the United Nations Population Fund's () Safe Spaces provide expert psychosocial support to people coping with the effects of war and displacement.

Months of escalating conflict have turned the Gaza Strip into the most dangerous place in the world to be a child. Every child across Gaza has been exposed to deeply distressing events, witnessing horrors that no child should. Around 1.7 million people are estimated to have been internally displaced by the violence, half of them children. Families desperately searching for shelter are being pushed into tiny, overcrowded areas without adequate water, food, or protection. The little food that is available isn鈥檛 enough to meet children鈥檚 nutritional needs. As a result, thousands of children are malnourished and sick. The lasting impact of this violence will be felt for generations to come.

鈥淢issiles hit the perinatal centre, the maternity ward 鈥 everything,鈥 remembers , a doctor from Mariupol. 鈥淭hey fired directly at the windows: we saw pieces of human bodies flying out.鈥 Immediately after the February 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Maksym began treating patients in the basement of a gymnasium that had been turned into a makeshift hospital catering to the needs of the 4,000 people sheltering there. For them, Maksym was a pediatrician, surgeon, nurse, and psychologist combined in one, working for 14 hours per day or more. Read more about Maksym and others in the war-affected communities that the International Organization for Migration () is helping.

Following the T眉rkiye and Syria earthquakes, the number of child-headed households surged, prompting initiatives like AHF's family reunion programme to address the needs of these vulnerable households. 

The conflict that began on October 7 has not only displaced Hala, a mother of four and humanitarian worker from Gaza, but has also resulted in over 22,000 casualties, nearly 2 million displacements.

"Volunteers from all areas of society have helped people who have been directly impacted by the war. They're cooking meals, giving clothing, giving money, opening their homes."

Karolina Lindholm Billing was posted to Ukraine less than a year before the full-scale Russian invasion. As the UNHCR Representative in the country, she draws hope from witnessing the power of community volunteer networks in supporting displaced people in their hour of need.

In this episode, Karolina reflects on Ukrainian resilience, the drive to rebuild, and why people long to stay in their own homes, even in a war zone.

鈥淲hat I鈥檝e seen so clearly during these last 600 plus days of the war in Ukraine, is how quickly people want to recover鈥o when we can be a little enabler of that recovery, I think that feels meaningful鈥

Photo: 漏UNHCR/Oleksii Barkov

Investing in Afghan women and girls鈥 menstrual health, preserves their dignity, whose vulnerabilities are exacerbated by displacement and risks of gender-based violence.

Fighting has resumed in Gaza after a temporary humanitarian truce that allowed desperately needed assistance to reach people displaced by the war. The temporary halt provided some respite for residents who endured constant shelling, repeated displacement and sleepless nights. One of them is Asmaa Marouf. A UN Volunteer, Asmaa was working as a geographic information systems specialist with the (UNDP). When the war began, she was forced to flee her home along with her children. Asmaa shares her experience, her fears, her hopes and her belief that the current war is different from the previous escalations she has lived through. Her words underscore the need for a full humanitarian ceasefire.

Honoring individuals, groups and organizations who excel in protecting refugees, displaced and stateless people is the main mission of the given out by the Established in 1954, the award celebrates the legacy of Fridtjof Nansen, a Norwegian scientist, polar explorer, diplomat and first High Commissioner for Refugees for the . Since then, more than 60 individuals, groups or organizations have received the prize for their service to refugees. The 2023 Global Laureate is Abdullahi Mire, a journalist and former refugee from Somalia.

The climate crisis and human displacement are increasingly linked. Not only did climate-related disasters cause more than half of all new displacements reported in 2022, but nearly 60 percent of refugees and internally displaced people now live in countries that are among the most vulnerable to climate change. Our understanding of these connections is growing, but the ways in which our rapidly changing climate is forcing people to move and making life harder for those already displaced, are complex and evolving. This situation has led to a proliferation of myths and disinformation. Here are related to the climate crisis and displacement, followed by what the knows.