
Event date: 
16 Sep 2022 - 09:30 to 19 Sep 2022 - 08:00
New York
Students drawing on blackboard. UNICEF photos

Transforming Education Summit
United Nations, New York, 16, 17 & 19 September 2022

A Leaders Day will be held on Monday 19 September. Summit engagement days will be held on Friday 16 September (Mobilization Day) and Saturday 17 September (Solutions Day) at UN Headquarters. Information Note - Concept Note

17 September: Solutions Day

portrait picture

The Solutions Day will provide a platform for partners to mobilize support to launch or scale up initiatives connected to the Summit Thematic Action tracks. Coalitions for action or other multi-stakeholder initiatives that will contribute to transforming education will be presented. Member States are encouraged to co-organize sessions and events on 17 September.

A call for proposals to organize events and meetings on 17 September was launched, with a deadline of 18 August.

Solutions Day Programme

Plenary master of ceremony:
Mr Ilan Enverga, teacher and founder of the Youth for Better pedagogy at the International School for Better Beginnings

Time Session Location
09:00 - 09:45 Opening of the TES: Solutions Day

1. Opening Remarks:

Ms Amina J. Mohammed, UN Deputy Secretary-General

2. Solutions to transformation: what would you do to transform education?

? Video – Thematic Action Tracks to transform education

? Keynote on the need to transform education - Prof. Jeffrey D. Sachs, Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and SDG Advocate

? Inter-generational conversation “From mobilization to solutions - H.E. Mr David Sengeh, Minister of Basic and Senior Secondary Education, Sierra Leone, Co-Chair of the Summit Advisory Committee and the SDG4 High-Level Steering Committee Sherpa Group, and Ms Sofía Bermúdez, SDG4Youth Representative

? Inspirations for transforming education - Ms Maysoon Zayid, comedian, author, Princeton fellow, and disability advocate
Conference Room 4
10:00 - 11:30 Learning Passport: A Digital Future for Every Child
A holistic & equitable approach to digital transformation: how Microsoft, UNICEF and governments are coming together to ensure children and young people are ready for a digital future.

UNICEF, Microsoft, Lao PDR and Zimbabwe
Conference Room 1
Action Track 4
Enhancing Education Readiness To The Future Of Work Through Public-Private Partnerships
Global Education Coalition – UNESCO, Morocco, Colombia, UNICEF, UN Global Compact and the Global Business Coalition for Education
Conference Room 2
Action Track 2
Bringing accountability to our promises to transform education
Jordan, France, Sierra Leone, Maldives and UNESCO
Conference Room 3
Action Track 2
Greening Education Partnership: Getting Every Learner Climate-ready
UNESCO, Japan and the United Kingdom
Conference Room 4
Action Track 2
Transforming Education Starts Early: Laying the foundation from early years
Uzbekistan, Lao PDR, Gabon, UNICEF and UNESCO
Conference Room 5
Action Track 2
Reimagining learning through digital transformation and partnership
Mongolia, Japan, UNICEF and UNESCO
Conference Room 6
Action Track 4
Hungry Children = A Failed Education System: Why School Feeding is So Important to Transforming Education
Plan International Canada, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, United Arab Emirates (tbc) and WFP
Conference Room 7
Action Track 1
Transforming Sector-Wide Support for Refugee Teachers
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), Chad, Kenya, UNHCR and the Teachers College Columbia University
Conference Room 11
Action Track 3
Pathway to Transforming Education
Catalyst 2030, Honduras, Palestine, Burkina Faso
Conference Room 12
Action Track 4
Financial Literacy: A universal 21st Century Skill – Lessons Learned from Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Aflatoun, Haiti, Burkina Faso, Office of UN Secretary-General's Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development, INJAZ Jordan
ECOSOC Chamber
Action Track 2
11:45 - 12:45 Schools2030: A New Global Movement to Re-imagine the Role(s) of Schools, Youth, Systems, and Societies for the Future of Teachers, Teaching and the Teaching Profession
Portugal, Tanzania, UNICEF, Schools 2030, Aga Khan Found., UNESCO, GPE, LEGO Foundation and Generation Unlimited
Conference Room 1
Action Track 3
LEAP into Learning - Inclusive, quality language learning and teaching through digital innovation
United Kingdom (British Council), South Africa and UNICEF
Conference Room 2
Action Track 4
A Healthier Planet, Healthier Schools, Healthier Generations: Transforming Education with a Planetary Health Approach
Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Planetary Health Alliance, UN Environment, Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Planetary Health Alliance, UN Environment
Conference Room 3
Action Track 2
Her Education, Our Futures: Transforming Education with and for Girls
Brookings Institution, Namibia, United Kingdom, UNESCO/UNICEF, AU/CIEFFA, Echidna Giving, Malala Fund, Population Council GIRL, UNGEI and WHF
Conference Room 4
Action Track 1
Girls’ health and education: Indivisible rights, smart co-investments
UNPFA, Bangladesh, Niger and UNICEF
Conference Room 5
Action Track 1
Transforming education systems in times of crisis: perspectives from Ukraine
Ukraine, Poland
Conference Room 6
Action Track 1
Rewiring and Transforming Education through cross-sectoral action
Education Commission, United Arab Emirates, Zambia, UNEP, Dubai Cares and UN Foundation
Conference Room 7
Action Track 2
Financial innovations - expanding the fiscal space for education to finance learning recovery
Education Above All, the World Bank, Qatar, Sierra Leone, and the Global Partnership for Education
Conference Room 11
Action Track 5
Tackling Inequality and Transforming Classrooms through Social and Emotional Learning (45 minutes)
Community Jameel, Jordan, United Kingdom and J-WEL
Conference Room 12
Action Track 3
Greening the Southern Africa TVET Ecosystem
Zimbabwe, Malawi, ILO and Humana
ECOSOC Chamber
Action Track 2
13:00 - 14:30 Effective Educational Ecosystems: Solutions for Open Digital Content
Nigeria, Finland, Germany and South Africa
Conference Room 1
Action Track 4
Advancing Foundational Learning: From Crisis to Action
World Bank, UNICEF, Government of Ghana
Conference Room 2
Action Track 2
Education Financing Observatory: setting the grounds for sustainable, fair and inclusive financing
Global Campaign for Education, Malawi, Argentina, UNESCO CCNGO, ABEGS, ASPBAE, ACEA, CLADE, ANCEFA, ENACE, Education Intl., Action Aid and UNCTAD
Conference Room 3
Action Track 5
Education and learning in times of emergencies and protracted crises
UNESCO, South Sudan, Ecuador, ECW, GPE, UNHCR and UNICEF
Conference Room 4
Action Track 1
Advancing multi-stakeholders’ partnerships to drive education transformation
Global Education Coalition, Senegal, El Salvador, UNESCO, Ericsson, KPMG and Microsoft
Conference Room 5
Action Track 4
Digital Solidarity Initiative: Digital Solidarity Initiative: Learning and Education Internet Connected Computer Devices for ALL
Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO), Morocco, Jordan, UNESCO, Tunisia, Mauritania and Millenium@EDU SUSTAINABLE ED
Conference Room 6
Action Track 4
Transforming Commitments into Real Solutions for Disability- Inclusive Education
International Disability Alliance, UNICEF, South Africa, Sierra Leone, Global Campaign for Education-US, International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC), Global Action on Disability Network (GLAD), Sightsavers, CBM, Leonard Cheshire, Light for the World, Humanity & Inclusion, Perkins School for the Blind, World Bank
Conference Room 7
Action Track 1
The Sustainable Enterprise Challenge
Prince’s Trust International World Colleges International
Conference Room 11
Action Track 2
The role of higher education in transforming climate and environment lifelong learning for all
UN University, Spain, Bhutan, UNESCO and UNFCCC
Conference Room 12
Action Track 2
Gender Transformative Education From Rhetoric to Action
Global Partnership for Education (GPE), Niger, El Salvador, UN Girls’ Education Initiative, Plan International, Transform Education
ECOSOC Chamber
Action Track 1
14:45 - 16:15 Transforming Education Through Teacher Leadership and Innovation
United Arab Emirates, South Africa and UNESCO – International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030
Conference Room 1
Action Track 3
Transforming Technical and Vocational Education and Training for Refugees: Skills and Labour Market Transitions in Contexts of Fragility
Finn Church Aid, Finland, Germany, UNHCR and ILO
Conference Room 2
Action Track 2
Digital citizenship skills and Artificial Intelligence in learning and teaching processes - a human rights perspective
Council of Europe, Slovenia, Greece, UNESCO and UNESCO Centre Ljubljana
Conference Room 3
Action Track 4
Towards a new global compact for financing education
Belgium, Fiji, UNESCO and GPE, the World Bank
Conference Room 4
Action Track 5
Transformation de l’éducation et développement durable
Morocco, Cote d'Ivoire and UNESCO Institutes for Lifelong Learning
Conference Room 5
Action Track 2
Accelerating Learning in Latin America & the Caribbean
Inter-American Development Bank, Argentina, El Salvador and UNESCO International Institute for Education Planning
Conference Room 6
Action Track 4
Educate the Educator: Transformative Pedagogies for Innovative Leadership Skills in Private Sector
UN Global Compact, Canada and Kenya
Conference Room 11
Action Track 3
16:30 - 18:00 Scaling Evidence-based EdTech in Kenya, Malawi, and Sierra Leone
EdTech Hub, UNICEF, Sierra Leone, Malawi, Kenya, Imagine Worldwide
Conference Room 1
Action Track 4
Transforming Education through Grassroots Innovation (45 minutes)
A Localized, Teacher-Led Approach
Muhammad Sanusi ii SDG (MSII SDG), UN SDG Office and UN Partnerships Office
Conference Room 2
Action Track 3
Teachers at the heart of education! Call for action on teacher policies and social dialogue to transform the teaching profession
Romania, Nigeria, ILO, UNESCO, Education International, UNESCO – International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 and UNHCR
Conference Room 3
Action Track 3
Transforming ESD - implementing the UNESCO OER Recommendation within Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships
SDS Net-SDG Academy, Ireland, Ghana, UN Academic Impact, UNESCO, UN Library, IAU, IFLA, Mission 4.7, Creative Commons and 2U
Conference Room 4
Action Track 4
Escuelas y Universidades emprendedoras y para el emprendimiento
Secretaría General Ibero-americana, Argentina, Mexico, UNCTAD and Consejo Universitario Iberoamericano
Conference Room 5
Action Track 2
Significant Initiatives of Transformative Education - A Global Citizenship Education Perspective
Ban Ki Moon Centre, Republic of Korea, Finland and UNESCO
Conference Room 6
Action Track 2
Transformer l'éducation pour transformer la vie:
enjeux, défis et perspectives pour les systèmes éducatifs francophones
Conférence des Ministres de l'Education des Etats et gouvernements de la francophonie (CONFEMEN), Morocco, UNESCO-IBE et IFEF/OIF (Institut de la francophonie pour l’éducation et la formation)
Conference Room 7
Action Track 2
GIGA Initiative:
Transforming Education Through Digital Connectivity
Spain, Switzerland, ITU and UNICEF
Conference Room 11
Action Track 4
Mainstreaming business education and net zero commitments for sustainable development (45 minutes)
Deloitte, Costa Rica, Switzerland, USA and UNITAR
Conference Room 12
Action Track 2
Localizing Education for a Sustainable Future + (45 minutes)
Launch of a new digital learning platform for connecting educators and learners to local institutions
Qatar, Djibouti, UNESCO and Qatar Foundation
ECOSOC Chamber
Action Track 2
18:15 - 19:00 Conclusions of the Solutions Day – What’s next?
1. Takeaways of the Solutions Day and next steps – a reflection panel of Thematic Action Track Co-leads

Moderator: Mr Leonardo Garnier, UN Secretary-General’s Special Adviser for the Transforming Education Summit

  • ? Thematic Action Track 1: Ms Maria Nguyen, SDG4Youth Network
  • ? Thematic Action Track 2: H.E. Mr Osamu Yamanaka, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations
  • ? Thematic Action Track 3: Mr Khalifa A. Al Suwaidi. International Taskforce on Teachers for Education 2030
  • ? Thematic Action Track 4: H.E. Ms Niki Kerameus, Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, Greece
  • ? Thematic Action Track 5: Mr David Archer, Global Campaign for Education and Action Aid
2. Follow up of the Transforming Education Summit
  • ? Rt Hon. Gordon Brown, UN Special Envoy for Global Education
  • ? Ms Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO ADG/ED
3. Closing remarks
  • ? Ms Amina J. Mohammed, UN Deputy Secretary-General
Conference Room 4

19 September: Leaders Day

portrait picture

Leaders Day will be dedicated to the presentation of National Statements of Commitment by Heads of State and Government in the form of Leaders Roundtables. A limited number of thematic sessions will also be held to place a focus on cross-cutting priorities for transforming education. Leaders Day will also feature the presentation of the Summit Youth Declaration and the Secretary-General’s Vision Statement for Transforming Education.

Statements from Heads of State and Government

Attending Heads of State and Government are invited to present a national statement of commitment to transform education not exceeding 4 minutes in duration. Guidance is available in Annex 2 of the Concept Note.

Leaders Day Programme

Time Session Location
08:30 – 09:55 SDG Moment General Assembly hall
10:00 - 10:50 Opening segment

1. Introductory film
  • Opening moderator: Ms Folly Ba Thibaut, Journalist and Principal Presenter, Al Jazeera
  • Video: Let Me Learn campaign
2. Opening remarks
  • ? Mr António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General
  • ? H.E. Ms Lachezara Stoeva, Permanent Representative of Bulgaria to the United Nations in New York, President of the Economic and Social Council
  • ? Ms Audrey Azoulay, Director-General, UNESCO
  • ? H.E. Ms Sahle-Work Zewde, President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Chair of the International Commission on the Futures of Education (video message)
  • ? H.E. Mr Julius Maada Bio, President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Co-Chair of the SDG 4 High-Level Steering Committee
3. Youth Segment: The imperative for education transformation
  ? The rights of women and girls - Joint call to action
  • ? Ms Vanessa Nakate, Climate Justice activist and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador
  • ? Ms Yelizaveta Posivnych, Student, Saint George Academy, New York
  • ? Ms Somaya Faruqi, Activist and former Captain of the Afghan Girls Robotics Team
  • ? Ms Malala Yousafzai, 2014 Nobel 91麻豆天美 Prize Laureate, UN Messenger of 91麻豆天美 and co-founder, Malala Fund
  ? Spoken word introduction of the Youth Declaration on Transforming Education
  • ? Mr Ulises Brengi, SDG4 Youth Network
  • ? Ms Karimot Odebode, Poet from Nigeria
General Assembly hall
10:50 - 11:30 Setting the Scene panel discussion: Towards Education Transformation
  • ? Ms Catherine Russell, Executive Director of UNICEF and Chair of the UN Task team on the Transforming Education Summit
  • ? Mr Houlin Zhao, Secretary-General of ITU Mr Houlin Zhao, Secretary-General of ITU
  • ? Ms Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director of UNAIDS
  • ? Mr Filippo Grandi, High Commissioner, UNHCR
  • ? Mr José Viera, Advocacy Director, International Disability Alliance
  • ? Mr Mugwena Maluleke, General Secretary of the South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU) and Vice-President for Africa of the Executive Board of Education International

Cultural performance by Ms Angelique Kidjo

General Assembly hall
11:45 - 13:00 Leaders Roundtable I ECOSOC Chamber
Leaders Roundtable II Trusteeship Chamber

Spotlight session 1: Education in Crisis Situations – A Partnership for Transformative Actions for Learners

Concept note | Call to Action

Conference Room 4
13:15 - 14:45

Spotlight session 2: The Global Challenge of Addressing the Learning Crisis

Concept note | Call to Action

ECOSOC Chamber

Spotlight session 3: Transforming Education to Transform the World: Learning to Live Together Sustainably

Concept note | Call to Action

Trusteeship Chamber

Spotlight session 4: Digital transformation of education

Concept note | Call to Action

Conference Room 4
15:00 - 16:30 Leaders Roundtable III ECOSOC Chamber
Leaders Roundtable IV Trusteeship Chamber

Spotlight session 5 Advancing gender equality and girls’ and women’s empowerment in and through education

Concept note | Call to Action

Conference Room 4
16:45 - 18:15 Leaders Roundtable V ECOSOC Chamber

Spotlight session 6: Financing Education

Concept note | Call to Action

Conference Room 4
18:30 - 19:00 Closing segment

Introduction of the UN Secretary-General’s Vision Statement on Transforming Education by Ms Amina J. Mohammed, UN Deputy Secretary-General

Statement by H.E. Mr Santiago Irazabal Mour?o, President of the UNESCO General Conference

Follow up to the Summit by the SDG4 High-Level Steering Committee Sherpa Co-chairs
  • - Ms Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director-General for Education, UNESCO
  • - H.E. Mr David Moinina Sengeh, Minister of Education, Sierra Leone
Towards a global movement to transform education
  Moderator: Ms Anne-Birgitte Albrectsen, CEO, The Lego Foundation
  • ? Doris Mwikali, SDG4Youth Network Representative to the HLSC Sherpa Group
  • ? Sebastian Berger, Executive Director, Global Student Forum
  • ? Thaís Queiroz, Youth Representative of World Scouting and Next Generation Fellow for Education
  • ? Jona Turalde, Co-Coordinator of Transform Education hosted by UNGEI
Closing remarks and introduction of the UN Secretary-General’s Vision Statement on Transforming Education by Ms Amina J. Mohammed, UN Deputy Secretary-General
General Assembly Hall