

H.E. Mr. Ernesto Henrique Fraga Araújo

Statement Summary

ERNESTO HENRIQUE FRAGA ARA?JO, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Brazil, said the United Nations was built not only on the concept of peace and sovereign equality of nations, but also on the principle of freedom for every human being.  However, along the decades, the purpose of promoting freedom for all has been neglected, deviating from the original design of the Charter of the United Nations, which must be urgently corrected.  In facing the tremendous challenge of COVID?19, it is often said the world’s response should be more multilateralism.  Stressing that the world certainly needs better multilateral institutions, he said the United Nations must follow its original mandate and be a center for harmonizing the action of nations.  It must fulfil its original commitment of pursuing freedom, which cannot be manipulated by ideologies.  Adding that the post?COVID world needs more freedom, he said the United Nations is called on to gather the efforts of all nations in the attainment of this objective.


