
Republic of Korea (on behalf of MIKTA Group)

His Excellency Mr. Moon Jae-in

Statement Summary

MOON JAE-IN, President of the Republic of Korea, also speaking on behalf of Mexico, Indonesia, Turkey and Australia, noted that the five countries are cross?regional powers that have developed upon the foundation of a multilateral international order and have been steadfast in supporting the United Nations.  Since its inception, the Organization has promoted peace and safety in conflict zones around the world by establishing international norms such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Treaty on the Non?Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.  It has also pooled the wisdom of all humanity to address global issues including sustainable development and climate action, he said, stressing that “the communal umbrella of the United Nations” is instrumental to peace and progress.

Highlighting the bridging role played by the five countries in the face of the COVID?19 pandemic, he noted that Indonesia took the lead in proposing the first Assembly resolution on the virus, while Mexico drafted the resolution on enhancing global access to medicines, vaccines and medical equipment.  Australia, working closely with key partners, secured the adoption of the resolution establishing an impartial, independent and comprehensive evaluation of the experience gained and lessons learned from the World Health Organization (WHO)?coordinated international health response.  Mr. Bozk?r from Turkey is demonstrating his leadership to promote global solidarity as the President of the Assembly during this critical time, while the Republic of Korea has also done its part by forming various Friends Groups to strengthen cooperation in health care.

Calling on the international community to guarantee equitable access to vaccines and therapeutics, he said it is vital to use global funding to advance purchase sufficient doses of vaccines for international organizations to ensure that developing countries can also share in the benefits.  The Republic of Korea is home to the headquarters of the International Vaccine Institute, and will provide active support to various activities geared towards developing and distributing affordable vaccines for developing countries, he said.  Alongside infectious disease prevention measures, multilateralism must be the driving force of global economic recovery.

Highlighting the need to adopt the path of “Green Recovery”, he pointed out that 7 September was the “International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies”, which was proposed by his country.  As blue skies re?emerged once human activities came to a halt, it is necessary to reflect on how humans and nature can coexist, he said, calling on the international community to support the Global Green New Deal which seeks to address the climate crisis while creating jobs and enhancing inclusiveness.


