

His Excellency Aleksandar Vu?i?

Statement Summary

ALEKSANDAR VU?I?, President of Serbia, recalled with pride that Serbia was among the first 50 signatories of the Charter and a founding member of the United Nations.  It remains committed to the Organization’s purposes and principles, which are as relevant today as they were decades ago.  While COVID?19 has tested the world’s readiness for action, he said it is only through mutual cooperation and respect that States can muster a global response.  Regrettably, at the end of the twentieth century, Serbia experienced unilateral actions that challenged the mechanisms of multilateralism and international law, with the so?called unilateral declaration of independence, which breached resolution 1244 (1999) and undermined the stability of both Serbia and the region.  Expressing Serbia’s full commitment to finding a sustainable solution to the question of Kosovo, he said that by defending its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and upholding Security Council resolution 1244 (1999), Serbia is defending international law and the ultimate authority of the Council.


