
The 2030 Data Decade - Strengthening the institutional capacity of national statistical offices in Asia and the Pacific to use innovative, new and big data sources for official statistics in support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Implementing Entity/ies
Collaborating Partners
UNDESA, Statistics Division Global SDG data custodians identified through national prioritisation (e.g., UN Environment, IOC-UNESCO, FAO and UN Women)
April 2023 – March 2025
Approved Budget
$ 899,999
Official statistics traditionally rely on data sources such as surveys and censuses. Nowadays, innovative, new and big data such as data sourced from scanner, web-scraping, mobile phone and satellite imagery are increasingly becoming popular for their enhanced quality, improved accuracy and timeliness, as well as reduced cost. Better data and statistics are a key enabler for building back a better world and addressing the development divide, as well as for improving decision making and holding governments to account. However, National Statistics Offices in Asia-Pacific face various challenges when seeking to leverage innovative data sources, tools and methods for official statistics, including legal framework constraints, shortage of financial, human and technical resources, and lack of regionally or globally accepted standards and guidelines.

To overcome these challenges, the project aims to strengthen the institutional capacity of target countries in Asia-Pacific to use innovative, new and big data sources for official statistics. Through a combination of workshops, expanded knowledge products, peer-to-peer learning among countries, and support from development partners, National Statistical Offices will be enabled to develop and deliver trusted and timely statistical products as required by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Additionally, the project will facilitate sharing of guidance on overcoming legal barriers in using innovative data sources. South-South collaboration will be used to identify and document good practices and provide peer-to-peer support at the sub-regional level, including study tours to showcase national efforts to use big data, tools and methods for official statistics, which will establish a foundation for continued south-south collaboration and foster an effective regional big data ecosystem.