
The homepage, or landing page of your website, is the first step users take and they should be able to easily understand the content your site offers. This can be achieved by following the accessibility guidelines below. Your visitors will be able to navigate your site and find the information they are looking for. Accessibility is not synonymous with blandness; feel free to use multimedia assets (carousels, videos, etc.) while maintaining the accessibility principles.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines:
The P.O.U.R. principles

Organized into four guiding principles — Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust (POUR) — and referenced throughout this site, they provide the basis to address web accessibility.

‘P’ is for Perceivable

In this section, the ‘perceivable’ web accessibility principle addresses, in particular, the following: images, charts, infographics, geographical maps, audio, video, carousels, layout, and colour contrast.

  1. Why it is important

    Providing text alternatives for non-text content will ensure that visuals are read by screen readers and that the browser will display the alt attribute if an image cannot be loaded. The alt description has other uses as well; it will be read by search engines, and it will also display when a user has chosen not to view images.

    Make it accessible

    • By using ‘alt’ attributes, that is by adding a description of the non-text content, either in the HTML code directly or filling out the image ‘alt’ property ‘box’.
    Do the following:
    • Use an empty ‘alt’ attribute if the imagery is purely decorative (horizontal line, etc.); in that case, the screen reader will ignore the image, rather than reading 'image' for no reason.
    • Use the ‘alt’ attribute to describe the content and/or function of a visual.
    • Limit the length of the description of the non-text content to 80-100 characters.
    • Describe what is ON the visual, keeping in mind the context.
    • Repeat the text embedded in the image (e.g. in the case of logo, announcement, etc.).
    • Provide alternative methods to describe visuals in the text near the non-text content or through a separate page description (e.g. for charts, infographics, etc.).
    • For complex images or images that link to content, or require additional information, use also the ‘Title’ attribute (See example below).


    • The ‘Alt’ attribute is not a repeat of the caption, nor the name of the file.
    • Background images (usually brought in via CSS) cannot have alt text.
    • There is no need for a space between the quotes in an empty ‘Alt’ attribute (See example below).
    • Screen readers automatically announce non-text content ‘image’ so you do not need to write in the ‘Alt’ attribute ‘photo’, ‘image’, ‘illustration’, etc.
    • Screen readers will not pick up image descriptions via CSS hover state so use ‘Alt’ attributes.
    • The ‘Title’ attribute, meant to describe the purpose of a link, is not required for accessibility - it is about optimizing the user experience (See example below). Note that screen readers do not read ‘Title’ attributes unless the user allows the option.

    Alt attribute

    <img src="sg_Summit2020.jpg" alt="UN Secretary-General at the podium during the Climate Ambition Summit 2020" />

    Title attribute

    <img src=".../web_cover_issue_2_2018_english.jpg” alt="Magazine cover of the UN Chronicle, issue about the 2030 Agenda” title="Link to issue 2 of the UN Chronicle which focuses on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” />

    Empty alt attribute

    <img src=".../images/hr_shadow.gif" alt="" />

  2. Why it is important

    Providing alternatives for time-based media will ensure that all users can benefit from the multimedia assets that you have created or added to your website. Different users have different needs. A deaf person or a person who is hard of hearing cannot listen to the audio but can read a transcript or understand sign language. Processing auditory information may also be difficult for some users, therefore, they would benefit from captions and transcripts so they can read at their own pace. Other users may have low vision or may be blind which prevents them from watching videos well, or at all, and therefore they listen to the audio description of visual information.

    Make it accessible

    • Text transcripts and captions are a must for audio content (e.g. radio interview), and videos. Users should also be able to control the display speed of carousels and slides.
    Do the following:
    • Prerecorded video – Add an audio description when you offer a video online. It should not only include the narration (transcript) but also describe important information such as background sounds, visual effects, etc. (See example below, ‘Transcript’)
    • Prerecorded video – Plan and arrange for videos to have sign language interpretation.
    • Prerecorded video and Prerecorded audio – Ensure that there is enough time to read the captions or subtitles.
    • Prerecorded video – Add a description of the video in the ‘Title’ attribute (See example below, <iframe>).
    • Carousel – Controls (forward/backward) need to be clearly displayed and recognizable (arrows, dots).
    • Carousel – Keyboard access is essential for users to navigate manually from one slide to the other.
    • Audio content – Include controls to pause or stop the audio, as well as controls to turn the volume up or down.


    • Captions/subtitles on a video should be legible, for instance, a caption in white should be displayed against a dark background/in a dark overlay.
    • Users should be able to resize alternative content for time-based media by at least 50%.
    • ‘Auto-play’ should not be the default for videos on your website.
    • Avoid text overlay on Prerecorded video.
    • Carousels and sliders/slideshows should not scroll automatically.
    • <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" mozallowfullscreen="" src=/webcast/1362235914001/B1J3DDQJf_default/index.html?videoId=6203307844001" title="Video message of the Secretary-General on UN Day 2020" webkitallowfullscreen=""></iframe></div>
    • Transcripts: a description of visual and audio information available as text. Load on your website an objective description of the video - without interpretation, censorship, or comment - in present tense, using an active voice and a third-person narrative style.
    • Captions/subtitles: YouTube offers the option to automatically add captions. You need to check/edit them manually for accuracy.
  3. Why it is important

    Creating content that can be presented in different ways without losing information or structure is key to making your web content accessible. The various elements, such as headings, lists, tables, and input fields need to be marked up properly.

    Make it accessible

    • Sequences of information, or instructions, are independent of the presentation. (See example below, <h>).
    • Settings can be customized via browsers and assistive technology (screen readers, text magnifying, etc.).
    • Use ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) regions to identify regions of the web page.
    • Tables – use the ‘table elements’ not to lose the data logical relationship when read by assistive technology (See example below, <table>).
    • Use the ‘caption’ element in data tables (see example below, data table).
    • Lists should be properly coded, ‘ordered’ (set order of the items listed) or ‘unordered’ (no set order) when items are related, or not.


    • Information should not be lost when users resize the text up to 400%.
    • Categorize information using correct headers (<h> tags) to make it easier for users to visually scan the content.
    • Use <h> tags to convey structure and divide large blocks of information into manageable groups.
    • Tables are complex for persons with visual or cognitive disabilities. Adding mark-up is essential for the comprehension of the data they contain.
    • <h> tags – architecture of a landing page/index:

      <h1>Law of the Sea</h1> [First title on the index page]
      <h2>Our mandate: saving the oceans</h2> [Title of the first paragraph]
      <h3>The oceans and sustainable development</h3> [Subtopic nested in the first paragraph]
      <h2>Our action: maintaining the law at sea</h2> [Title of the second paragraph]
      <h3>Piracy</h3> [Subtopic nested in second paragraph]

      Note: <h> tags are styled from <h1> to <h6>, <h1> being the largest and <h6> the smallest.

    • Table – Job Vacancy

          <th>Job Title </th>
          <td> ...</td>

    • Data table – “UN Secretary-General Official Appointments,” using a caption to ensure the identifier remains with the table when CSS is disabled for instance.

        <caption>Schedule for the week of 4 February 2019</caption>

  4. Why it is important

    Some screen readers identify text that has been correctly marked as a quotation differently, which gives people who use these technologies important information about the context of the text.

    Make it accessible

    • Short quotations of 10 words or less should use the <q> tag for markup. Long quotations of 11 words or more should use the <blockquote> tag.


    • The <blockquote> and <q> tags are to be used for quotations only.
    • <blockquote>
      I feel honoured and very humbled when I think of all our founding fathers wise enough and courageous enough to save this world from the scourge of war who have negotiated, drafted, and finally signed the Charter of the United Nations, which has shaped the future of the whole international community.
      <p>Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in remarks at San Francisco War Memorial, 26 July 2007</p>

‘O’ is for Operable

The ‘operable’ or operability web accessibility principle addresses, in particular, the following: controlling interactivity through keyboard use only, consistent navigation, enough time for users to complete online tasks and do so easily, and preventing seizures while navigating on a website.

  1. Why it is important

    The diversity among users and their abilities, physical and mental, is wide. Some may require more time than others to complete a form online, read the caption on a slider, etc. All users should benefit from the interactive elements on a website, and a time limit should not lead to frustration.

    Make it accessible

    • Provide enough time for users to complete tasks on your website by increasing the time limit configurable.
    • When offering multimedia assets such as animations or carousels, ensure that the user is in control (stop, back, forward, etc.). Your priority is to give users enough time to read and use the content.
    Do the following:
    • Provide controls so that users can turn on and off, or pause animations, carousels, etc. (unless they are essential to the website’s functionality) and enjoy this feature at their own pace.
    • Indicate the button status in a slideshow/slider, as controls of a carousel are typically small. Colour and shape, and proper naming and labeling, will indicate the status and make it easier for users to know their current status.


    • Do not ‘autoplay’ moving or scrolling assets (such as slideshow/carousel or video).
    • There should be enough contrast between the foreground and the background of text, links, and buttons – especially when text or buttons are positioned on top of images. In that case, use a semi-opaque background colour to maintain the contrast.
    • Previous and Next - <button> JavaScript

      var ctrls = document.createElement('ul');
      ctrls.className = 'controls';
      ctrls.innerHTML = '<li>' +
        '<button type="button" class="btn-prev">' +
        '<img src="img/chevron-left.png" alt="Previous Item">' +
        '</button>' +
        '</li>' +
        '<li>' +
        '<button type="button" class="btn-next">' +
        '<img src="img/chevron-right.png" alt="Next Item">' +
        '</button>' +
      ctrls.querySelector('.btn-prev').addEventListener('click', function() {
      ctrls.querySelector('.btn-next').addEventListener('click', function(){

  2. Why it is important

    Blinking or moving elements on a web page can trigger epileptic seizures in people suffering from photosensitive epilepsy, or cause dizziness in others.

    Make it accessible

    • Avoid visual elements which can cause the screen to flicker, move or blink. If you must have an animation, consider the speed of the moving text or image. Similarly, users read at different speeds, and moving text does not consider those differences.
    Do the following:
    • Web pages should not contain any element that flashes more than three times per second.


    • Allow users to disable animations from interactions (unless the animation is essential).
  3. Why it is important

    To ensure that pages are usable when scripts, applets, or other programmatic objects are turned off or are not supported. If this is not possible, provide equivalent information on an alternative, accessible page.

    Make it accessible

    • Use the <noscript> tag. User agents that do not support scripting will display the contents of the <noscript> tag.
    Do the following:
    • Use server-side scripts instead of client-side scripts. If you use a client-side script and the client does not support this technology, the user will not be able to access the content or features provided by the script. But in many cases, the same functionality can be achieved using a server-side script.
    • As a last resort, provide an up-to-date text equivalent of the information on an alternative page.


    • Make sure the page is usable, and that there is no critical function missing (particularly check that the menu remains visible and that forms can still be submitted).

‘U’ is for Understandable

The ‘understandable’ web accessibility principle addresses, in particular, the following: simple and consistent content, predictable navigation elements, and input assistance.

  1. Why it is important

    Users should be able to navigate between pages logically, and quickly. As navigation directs the visitor to key sections and/or pages of your site, it should remain consistent visually and structurally, from page to page. The menu should also be accessible via keyboard, using the Tab key to navigate between items and the arrow keys to navigate between sub-items (see ‘Operable’ principle for more details).

    Make it accessible

    • An intuitive and understandable user interface with a clear navigating pattern is essential. Achieving predictability also means positioning related links, for example, the same way throughout your site, or using consistent styling for technical explanation, etc.
    Do the following:
    • Make the navigation consistent throughout the site. If you decide to have sub-menus rather than side menus, keep that pattern.


    • Keep the button text short – this will be particularly helpful when the website is developed in other languages (which tend to take up more space than English) - and will ensure purpose clarity.
  2. Why it is important

    Categorizing the information makes it easier for the average user to visually scan the content. Large blocks of information are not reader-friendly and, therefore, should have the information broken down into smaller sections.

    Furthermore, breaking up the text into smaller sections and sub-sections allows screen-reader users to scan the page. Screen readers can bounce from title to title, enabling the user to skim through the information.

    Make it accessible

    • Some screen readers will read content marked as a header in a tone of voice different from the one used for other content on the page, providing users with important clues about the document structure. It is therefore important to use header elements to convey document structure and divide large blocks of information into more manageable groups.
    Do the following:
    • Documents are often divided into a variety of sections; those sections should be introduced with HTML heading elements (<h1> through <h6>).
    • It is important to use headings appropriately to convey document structure. For example, an <h2> is the subtitle of an <h1>; an <h3> is the subtitle of an <h2>, etc.
    • Do not skip levels (e.g., <h1> directly to <h3>); to create formatting effect, use CSS/style sheets (to change font styles, for instance).


    • All titles should be outlined and the hierarchy between heading tags should be consistent with the hierarchy of the content.
    • <body>
        <div class="section1">
          <h1>Welcome to the United Nations!</h1>
          … some text here ...
        <div class="section2">
          <h2>sub topic 1</h2>
          ... text of the section ...
        <div class="section3">
          <h2>sub topic 2</h2>
          ... text of the section ...

‘R’ is for Robust

Digital content must be robust enough to be interpreted by a wide variety of user agents: various browsers and assistive technologies. This means that if you choose custom content, ideally a standard version should be provided in an established standard format (such as HTML and XML) to ensure that web content is properly interpreted via agents.

  1. Why it is important

    This principle addresses standards and non-standard digital content.

    All users should be able to benefit from your web content, hence the importance of ensuring that it is interpreted correctly by a wide variety of user agents. The content should remain accessible as technologies advance and user agents evolve.

    Make it accessible

    • Maximize compatibility with current and future user agents, including assistive technologies. Use ARIA attributes to describe the role, states, and properties of custom elements, should you choose not to use standard technologies.
    Do the following:
    • Ensure that custom components maintain as many native HTML and XML accessibility attributes as possible.
    • HTML or XML should have complete start and end tags to prevent display errors and problems with assistive technologies.
    • Use aria-label to provide an invisible label where a visible label cannot be used.
    • Validate your HTML code, using the built-in feature of the ‘web developer’ add-on.


    • When using JavaScript to HTML to add functionalities, add ARIA, otherwise, the functionalities may not be compatible with Assistive Technology.
    • HTML is a semantic markup language. By using appropriate markup, accessibility becomes inherent to your digital content. It will also use CSS effectively.
    • The markup of your digital content does not contain duplicate attributes, and any IDs are unique (except where the specifications allow these features).
    • Appropriate HTML markup

      “On 23 March 2020, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres issued an <em>urgent</em> appeal for a <strong>global ceasefire</strong> in all corners of the world to focus together on the true fight – defeating COVID-19.”
      <em> = important word in the sentence;
      <strong> = like <em> but stressed for emphasis.

  2. Why it is important

    When linking to non-HTML documents, provide users with information on the document file type, size, language, and available alternative formats.

    Make it accessible

    • Users who want to download files or view pages (such as documents or multimedia files) will want to select versions compatible with their systems and/or human language. Users are very reluctant to commit to downloading files if they can't tell whether they will be able to open or read them. Users with text-only browsers or screen readers may prefer to use pages that are optimized for certain user agents.
    Do the following:
    • Indicate file type and size within the link or in brackets or parenthesis.
      Providing details on the file type, size, and language in the link title ensures that users download the files that best suit their needs (platform and language).
    • Provide available links to alternative presentations
      Whenever alternatives are available, provide clear links to these alternatives (example: provide links to different media types or different language options for the same document, if possible).
    • Consider using profiles to record user preferences and configure the server to choose document preferences automatically
      For example, a browser could indicate that it would like to see information in Arabic or English based on the user's settings; provide users with the options to reset their settings.


    • Links to downloadable files should provide users with details about the file (format, size or length, language, etc.).
    • <!-- clearly specify the file type, size and/or language -->
      <a href="event.mov">Download the video of the event (Quick Time format, 3MB, 12mn)</a>
      <a href="event.mp3">Download the audio recording of the event (MP3 format, 112KB, 12mn)</a>
      <p>Choose the language of the document:</p>
        <li><a href="English_file.html">English (HTML format)</a></li>
        <li><a lang="ar" href="Arabic_file.pdf">عربي (PDF 3MB)</a></li>