
Preparation, Purpose and Structure

Preparation, Purpose and Structure



Everything a delegate says should be premeditated and discussed with other delegations as much as possible before they take the floor.

If delegate says something to which another delegate feels they must respond, they do not have to put their nameplate up immediately. They should take time to prepare that response, consulting, if it is useful, with other delegations before asking for the floor. Every delegation has a right of reply but it should be remembered that if one chooses to exercise this right one must wait until the end of the Speakers¡¯ list to respond.

The need for careful premeditation also means that one should, wherever possible, write down the exact words one intends to use or at least the headings and key phrases. A delegate may also decide, if warranted, to give a copy to selected delegations so as to increase the chances that they will understand him or her well.



Every intervention will either advance or slow down the General Debate, push it in one direction or divert it into another and in other ways determine the outcome of the conference. One therefore needs to carefully consider what will be achieved by speaking at any given moment. A decision not to speak is often the most effective way of advancing one¡¯s objectives.

If a delegate speaks, they will need to be clear as to the purpose and likely effect of their intervention. They should ask themselves:

  1. What am I trying to achieve by making this statement?
  2. What am I trying to avoid?
  3. Can my words be misunderstood, give offence, or be misrepresented so as to harm my objectives?

The transition between debate and negotiation is seamless. Debate is discussion; negotiation is a joint effort to develop a text that can be agreed and that incorporates your objectives as far as possible.

Debate therefore can:

  1. Have the same objectives as negotiation
  2. Prepare the way for negotiation
  3. Shade into negotiation


  1. Can take place in formal or informal settings
  2. Is subject to the same rules as apply to debate
  3. The target audience is the same as in debate

The distinction between the two is therefore only a matter of form¡ªbut, as such, is important.



Interventions are easier to understand and more persuasive if they are structured. Structure in an intervention means attention to such factors as how the beginning, middle and end of what a delegate is saying relates to each component part; how one¡¯s ideas or arguments are developed; the sequencing of points; the balance between different points and other such factors.

A time-tested way of developing an argument is to:

  1. Proceed step by step
  2. Introduce new ideas one at a time
  3. Start from familiar and widely accepted ideas
  4. Relate new ideas to that benchmark (i.e., show that they are consistent with it or a necessary departure)
  5. Frame proposals as contributions to a common goal
  6. Refer to principles only when these are universally accepted
  7. Be as specific and limited as possible
  8. Close off unwanted extensions of your proposal