
Over 175 Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention signed up to the on the 22nd of April. The Paris Agreement was adopted by all 196 Parties to the UNFCCC at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris on 12 December 2015

IAF and the Paris Agreement

The new International Arrangement on Forests and the Paris Agreement put down the foundation for closer collaboration between the UN Forum on Forests and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.  Both agreements, which have been ratified in 2015, stress the importance of furthering integrated sustainable management of forests.

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Sustaining healthy forests and mitigating and adapting to climate change are two sides of the same coin. In the last decade there has been increased recognition of the role of forests in reducing green house gas emissions, just as reductions in deforestation and forest degradation potentially result in lower greenhouse gas emissions and more sequestered carbon.  Conserving and enhancing forests strengthens resilience for the climate and for communities.

Policy Brief

Policy Brief

In the Policy Brief “Paris Agreement and the IAF beyond 2015; Opportunities for greater coherence” UNFF Secretariat identifies several provisions that can potentially lay the foundation for increased coherence between the IAF beyond 2015 and the Paris Agreement, and consequently, enhanced collaboration between the UNFF and the UNFCCC.