
Inter-Agency Consultative Group (IACG) on LDCs

Inter-Agency Consultative Group (IACG) on LDCs  

Chaired by the Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for the LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS, the IACG on LDCs is an informal consultative mechanism, convened by UN-OHRLLS, bringing together experts on LDCs issues from across the UN system as well as other international and regional organizations.   

The IACG on LDCs focuses on opportunities to enhance coordination and collaboration in support of LDCs in the implementation of the Programmes of Action for the LDCs. For the past ten years the meetings of the IACG have focused on providing coordinated support to the implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action (IPOA). The IACG also coordinated substantive contributions to the preparatory process for the  (LDC5), which took place in Doha, Qatar, in March of 2023.  

Members contribute based on their organizations’ area of expertise.   

The broad membership of the IACG makes it an effective tool for keeping LDCs issues high on the international agenda.   

The IACG on LDCs established the Inter-Agency Task Force?(IATF)?on LDC Graduation?Support to provide strengthened and coordinated UN system-wide support to countries preparing to graduate from the?LDC category.


The IACG on LDCs carries out the following functions:  

  • Provide a forum for member organizations to exchange information on their activities on LDCs 

  • Identify areas which require enhanced coordination, complementarity and synergy 

  • Ensure coherence and maximize synergies and complementarities in support of LDCs, bearing in mind the member organizations’ respective comparative advantages, expertise and mandates 

  • Strengthen cooperation and collaboration among its member organizations, and with the Group of LDCs, in the implementation of activities and replicating and scaling-up of best practices 

  • Enhance outreach activities to inform member states, in particular LDCs, and other stakeholders about activities of the members of the IACG towards the implementation of the Programme of Action and SDGs in LDCs 

  • Facilitate coordinated preparations of the Secretary-General’s report on implementation of the LDC Programme of Action and other relevant documents 


Meetings of the IACG on LDCs are typically held twice a year, in person where possible, or else virtually.   




Meeting reports: 


OHRLLS recently prepared a report on UN System Support to the LDCs, which reviews activities and best practices undertaken by the IACG members to support LDCs achieve the goals of the IPoA and the SDGs.