
Closing Statement at the Virtual Ministerial Meeting of LDCs

Closing Statement by Ms. Fekitamoeloa Katoa‘Utoikamanu, High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States

17 September 2020 
New York, USA


Hon. Minister Mkaka, thank you for giving me the floor again to say a few closing remarks, and let me thank and congratulate you for chairing this very important and successful meeting. The efficient and substantive way in which you presided over the proceedings was simply exceptional. 


I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of the distinguished speakers during the opening session: 

  1. HE Mr Volkan Bozkir, President of the General Assembly  

  1. HE Ms Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary General  

  1. HE Mr Munir Akram, President of the ECOSOC 

  1. HE Soltan bin Saad Al-Muraikhil,  Minister of State of Qatar and the host of the LDC-V 

  1. Ms Karin Finkelston, Vice President of Partnerships, Communications & Outreach, IFC and  

  1. Mr Nishio, Vice President, Development of the World Bank 


I also thank Hon Ministers and distinguished representatives from the LDCs, Development partners and other stakeholders for your active participation.  I am particularly grateful that you have all been able to set aside the time to respond to the invitation of the Chair and that you stay throughout the meeting, despite often the huge difference in time zones. I take it as a sign of the large reserve of goodwill and commitment that exist, in LDCs and development partner countries, towards advancing the sustainable development of LDCs and strengthening their resilience. 

We are grateful to His Highness Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani, Emir of Qatar and H.E. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani for agreeing to host the LDC-5 and their full commitment of support to the LDCs.  

We deeply appreciate H.E. Soltan bin Saad Al-Muraikhi, State Minister for Foreign Affairs of Qatar for his participation today in our meeting and his reassurances that Qatar will spare no efforts to provide all the requirements for the success of the LDC-5.  

I also thank Her Excellency Ambassador Alya bint Ahmed Al Thani and her team with whom we have excellent working relationship.  

With the a generous host like Qatar and with the support of our development partners, I echo the sentiment expressed by the Honourable State Minister for Foreign Affairs of Qatar that a new program of action for LDCs for the coming decade will serve as a road map and a solid basis for raising the level of ambition for LDCs.  

We also acknowledge the support of the government of Turkey and other development partners towards the preparatory process leading to LDC5.  

I once again also thank HE Ambassador Perks Ligoya, Chair of the LDC Group and his team,  the members of the Global Coordination Bureau and the entire membership of LDCs for their efforts in relentlessly advocating for the needs and shared interests of LDCs.  

We are looking forward to working together with all of you to make the Fifth UN Conference for LDCs a game changer for the people of the LDCs.   

Last but not least, I wish to thank my team at OHRLLs, the interpreters and UN support team for their support and contribution to ensure a successful meeting. 

Malo aupito, Thank you very much .