
The worker at the construction site in Mongolia.

Photo: The worker at the construction site in Mongolia.

Project 2019-2021

Strengthening the capacity of Landlocked Developing Countries under the “Belt and Road Initiative” to design and implement policies that promote transport connectivity for the achievement of the SDGs 

UN-OHRLLS implemented a project, entitled “Strengthening the capacity of Landlocked Developing Countries under the “Belt and Road Initiative” to design and implement policies that promote transport connectivity for the achievement of the SDGs”, with effect from November 2018 to October 2021. 

UN-OHRLLS implemented the project in partnership with DESA, ESCAP, ECA, ECLAC, ECE, Ministry of Transportation of China, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and African Development Bank. In 2019, the project contributed to the preparations of the comprehensive midterm review of the Vienna Programme of Action. 

The project’s overall objective was to design and implement policies that promote transport connectivity for the achievement of the SDGs under the “Belt and Road Initiative,” with specific goals to improve LLDCs’ trade potential and integration into global markets, and to enhance productive capacity and structural transformation of LLDCs’ economies and overall socio-economic development. 

The LLDCs’ connectivity has been poor partly because of inadequate transit infrastructure in terms of both quantity and quality and the flow of LLDC transit transport is affected by poor trade facilitation at the borders, between the borders and beyond the borders. There has also an investment infrastructure gap that exists in LLDCs in all regions and a heightened need for the LLDCs to nurture enabling environments that can help attract private investments into transport infrastructure development and maintenance, foster efficient use of available resources and scale up trade facilitation. This project intended to help the LLDCs and transit countries to build capacity that can enable them to design policies to build hard and soft infrastructure that is key to improved connectivity to global markets. 

The project undertook an assessment or review of the existing status of LLDC connectivity by undertaking 3 regional studies that were synthesized into a global report on improving transport connectivity for LLDCs and building of resilient transport infrastructure to support accelerated progress of the SDGs. 



At the conclusion of the project, UN-OHRLLS undertook an evaluation that showed the Office has been successful in strategically using its convening power in building partnerships and mobilizing a range of global stakeholders to lay building blocks for improving transport infrastructure and connectivity in beneficiary Member States.

Whilst a promising head start had begun through the project intervention of training and capacity building, there is room for developing more substantive and sustainable relationships with Member States and regional training centres in LLDCs and transit countries to deliver more substantive results which are relevant for the SDGs.

Within the framework of a limited funding base, the project successfully initiated support in the form of technical assistance for transport infrastructure and connectivity for LLDCs and transit countries, through a multi-stakeholder approach. However, the support was limited because of unforeseen developments such as COVID-19.

Download the full project evaluation.



The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Sub-Fund of the United Nations 91麻豆天美 and Development Trust Fund (UNPDF) generously provided funding for the project: Strengthening the capacity of Landlocked Developing Countries under the “Belt and Road Initiative” to design and implement policies that promote transport connectivity for the achievement of the SDGs.

Contacts and Further Information

Partners within 
the UN System:
Other Partners:   Ministry of Transportation of China 
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank 
African Development Bank 

LLDCs and transit countries

under the “Belt and Road Initiative” 


Project Officer: Gladys Mutangadura 

Senior Programme Officer


T: +1 212-963-3316; 

Email: mutangadura@un.org    


Finance/Budget Officer: Lynn Thway   

Donors:   2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Sub-Fund of the United Nations 91麻豆天美 and Development Trust Fund (UNPDF)



Regional Preparations for the Midterm Review of the VPoA

Background Reports on Improving Transport Connectivity, International Trade and Trade Facilitation for Landlock Developing Countries 

After the situational analysis, the project undertook consultative regional review meetings to review the progress of connectivity of LLDCs in the regions, identify best practices and challenges as part of the preparatory process of the Midterm Review of the VPoA. The background reports provided background information for the interactive discussions in the meetings.  

The regional review meeting for the Euro-Asia region was co-organized with UNECE and UN ESCAP and was successfully held on 11 and 12 February 2019 at ESCAP Headquarters in Bangkok, Thailand. The meeting adopted an outcome document that highlighted the priority areas for accelerated implementation of the VPoA and improved connectivity of the LLDCs in the region. The outcome of the Euro-Asia Regional Review was endorsed by the seventy-fifth session of the ESCAP Commission held on 27-31 May 2019. 

The regional review meeting for the Africa region was co-organized with UNECA and was held in Marrakech, Morocco on 18 and 19 March 2019 in the margins of the 52nd session of the UNECA Commission. The meeting adopted an outcome document that highlighted the priority areas for accelerated implementation of the VPoA and improved connectivity of LLDCs in the region. The outcome of the Africa Regional Review Meeting was submitted to the 52nd Session of the Economic Commission for Africa held from 20 to 26 March 2019. The outcome was endorsed by the Ministerial Meeting of the session and a resolution on the Vienna Programme of Action was also adopted. 

The Latin America regional review meeting was co-organized with UNECLAC and successfully held on 11 and 12 June 2019 at ECLAC Headquarters in Santiago, Chile. The meeting adopted an outcome document that stressed the need for resilience and sustainability of infrastructure and logistics services, in order to integrate a deeper regional market, in which landlocked and transit countries would form competitive networks. [Migrate the


Euro-Asia Regional Midterm Review 2019:

Africa Regional Midterm Review 2019:

Latin America Regional Midterm Review 2019:

  • Report of ECLAC/UN-OHRLLS Latin America Region Midterm Review of the VPoA for the Landlocked Developing Countries [En] [Sp]
  • Midterm Review of the Implementation of the VPoA for the LLDCs in Latin America and the Caribbean [En] [Sp]

Midterm Review of the Implementation of the VPoA

OHRLLS with implementing partners were able to successfully contribute to the Midterm Review of the Vienna Programme of Action (VPoA) through the substantive background reports, outcome documents and reports of the regional review meetings held in Euro-Asia, Africa and Latin America regions.

The High-level Midterm Review on the Implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action for Landlocked Developing Countries for the Decade 2014–2024 was held on 5th and 6th December 2019, as part of the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The High-Level Meeting reviewed progress made by LLDCs, transit countries and development partners in the implementation of the VPoA, shared best practices and lessons learned, identified challenges and recommendations to further accelerate the implementation of the VPoA and SDGs.  

The High-level Midterm Review on the Implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action for Landlocked Developing Countries for the Decade 2014–2024 adopted a Political Declaration. The Political Declaration contains some paragraphs on transport infrastructure that are based on the substantive work of the project- including: the need for LLDCs and transit countries to integrate the development, upgrade and maintenance of national and transboundary transport infrastructure in their national development strategies; the need for LLDCs and transit countries with support from development partners to develop regionally integrated, sustainable, climate and disaster resilient transport infrastructure, and to close missing links; the need for LLDCs and transit countries to create an enabling environment for public and private sustainable investment and infrastructure operations; and call on development partners, the UN system, international financial institutions and international and regional organizations to provide technical support to LLDCs for the formulation and implementation of bankable infrastructure and transport development projects. 

The Political Declaration also emphasized the importance of corridor approach. It requested LLDCs and transit countries to consider promoting a corridor approach to improve trade and transit transport and called upon LLDCs and transit countries to make additional efforts to reduce travel time along the corridors and to adopt an integrated and sustainable approach to the management of international transport corridors in order to avoid the duplication of efforts, to promote regional connectivity and to maximize the associated economic opportunities. It also called on LLDCs and transit countries to create an enabling environment for public and private sustainable investment and infrastructure operations. Furthermore, it called upon the United Nations system and other relevant international and regional organizations to provide, within their mandates, policy, analytical and technical support towards the development, functioning and management of corridors. 

The way forward

Overall the regional review meetings and the midterm review have stressed the important role of transport connectivity for the sustainable development of the LLDCs. 

As way forward, the Midterm Review meeting emphasized a number of key priority areas for implementation related to transport infrastructure. These include the importance of infrastructure connectivity, including transport, ICT and energy for LLDCs; building climate and disaster-resilient transport infrastructure; the importance of full implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement; strengthened regional integration and cooperation amongst LLDCs and between LLDCs and transit countries as key to address the challenges of landlockedness; need for enhanced financial resource mobilization; building enabling environments for private sector development as well as strengthening foreign direct investment and domestic capital markets. The meeting underscored the need for political will. It was stressed that improved connectivity will constitute the key driver of competitiveness and development, especially for LLDCs. 

Capacity-building for Policy Makers

The project will undertake training of policy-makers from Ministries of Transport of LLDCs and transit countries along the “Belt and Road Initiative” and those that are not part of the “Belt and Road Initiative” on promoting transport infrastructure connectivity and development of resilient transport infrastructure in 2021. The training will focus on issues that will enhance the capacity of the LLDCs to develop bankable infrastructure projects to expand or upgrade their transport infrastructure. It will also focus on soft infrastructure issues such as how to strengthen national legal and regulatory frameworks on transit transport and trade facilitation and in implementing relevant instruments, norms and standards in transport.  

The project will also facilitate technical assistance to selected 2 LLDCs one in Asia and one in Africa in close consultation with collaborating partners who are part of the “Belt and Road Initiative” on preparation of bankable projects to improve transport connectivity and to contribute to achievement of the “Belt and Road Initiative” and the 2030 Agenda.  

The project will undertake monitoring and evaluation during the project and at the end of the project. 



Developing Bankable Transport Infrastructure Projects: Case Studies, Experiences and Learning Materials for Landlocked Developing Countries and Transit Countries - Find the training module here


6 April 2021

Strengthening capacity to develop bankable transport infrastructure projects for enhanced connectivity - Virtual training of policy-makers from LLDCs and transit countries | Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States


18 May 2021

Strengthening capacity to develop bankable transport infrastructure projects for enhanced connectivity - Virtual training of policy-makers from LLDCs and transit countries | Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States


27 and 28 September 2021

Training Workshop for policy-makers from LLDCs and transit countries on Strengthening capacity to design and implement policies and identify solutions that promote transport connectivity for the achievement of the SDGs


30 September 2021

Training Workshop for policymakers from LLDCs and transit countries on Strengthening capacity to design and implement policies and identify solutions that promote transport connectivity for the achievement of the SDGs | Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States


11 and 12 October 2021

Training Workshop for Developing successful Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) for increased transport connectivity in Botswana