
Training Workshop for Developing successful Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) for increased transport connectivity in Botswana

Monday, 11 October 2021 - 3:00am


11-12 October 2021
Time Zones: Gaborone 09:00hrs; New York 03:00hrs


The specific objective of the seminar is to equip policymakers with knowledge and skills on how to negotiate, develop and implement effective public-private-partnerships for transport infrastructure. The seminar also aims to help Botswana as an LLDC and transit country to develop capacity that can enable it to design policies to build hard and soft infrastructure that is key to improved connectivity to regional and global markets.

The skills to be developed are of importance to Botswana to help in overcoming the challenges faced due to landlockedness and being a transit country, including remoteness to international markets and long distances from the seaports, which result in high transit times and costs. Challenges have been further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The following areas have been identified by the Botswana Government for the training:

  • Commercial Agreements involving infrastructure development through PPP
  • Financial modeling of large infrastructure project on PPP Transport Economics - Economic Assessments of Transport Projects Transport Demand analysis and Project assessment
  • Transport modeling
  • PPP in Road sector
  • Traffic Impact Analysis
  • Road Asset Management
  • Procurement of PPP infrastructure projects
  • PPP Project Management
  • PPP Contract Management
  • Case studies: PPP transaction Management
  • Managing long term PPP contracts ensuring service delivery, price regulation and dispute resolution
  • PPP model and Program development
  • Structure financial agreements for PPPs





Background materials






Opening Remarks 

  • H.E. Mr. Collen Vixen Kelapile, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Botswana to the United Nations 
  • Mr. E. Courtenay Rattray, Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS) [Statement]


Session 1. Introduction - PPPs for transport infrastructure Development and Maintenance – UN-OHRLLS 

  • Overview of the PPP process cycle 
  • PPP models & Program development 
  • PPP in Road sector and Case Studies 
  • Mr. Glory Jonga, UN-OHRLLS Resource person
    [Presentation 1] [Presentation 2]


Session 2. UN-OHRLLS 

  • Traffic Impact Analysis 
  • Use of Transport Modelling in developing Transport Infrastructure Projects  
  • Mr. Glory Jonga, UN-OHRLLS Resource person 
    [Presentation 1] [Presentation 2]


Session 3. World Bank 

  • Financial and Economic Assessments of Transport projects 
  • Development of Financial Models for Transport Infrastructure projects  
  • Dr. Daniel Benitez, Senior Economist, Transport Global Knowledge Unit, World Bank [Presentation]
  • Ms. Prajakta Chitre, Senior Infrastructure Finance Specialist, Infrastructure, Finance, and Guarantees, World Bank, and Mr. Shashank Shanker, Infrastructure Finance Analyst, Infrastructure Finance and Guarantees, World Bank [Presentation]


Session 4.


Session 5. UN-OHRLLS 


Session 6. The Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) 

  • Structure financial agreements for PPPs and Commercial Agreements involving infrastructure development through PPP 
  • Managing long term PPP contracts ensuring service delivery, price regulation and dispute resolution 
  • Mr. Cyprian Marowa, Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) [Presentation]


Session 7. World Bank 

  • Road Asset Management 
  • Mr. Mesfin Jijo, Senior Transport Specialist, World Bank, Middle East and North Africa Region [Presentation
  • Dr. Theuns Henning, Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland 



  • Mr. Orapeleng Mosigi, Director, Ministry of Transport and Communication of Botswana [Presentation]
  • Mr. Sandagdorj Erdenebileg, Chief, Policy Coordination, Monitoring and Reporting Service, UN-OHRLLS [Presentation]