
United Nations System-wide Training Module on the Rights and Dignity of Victims of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment

Upon her appointment by the Secretary-General, the first Victims' Rights Advocate was tasked to take forward his policy of placing the rights and dignity of victims of sexual exploitation and abuse by United Nations and related personnel at the centre of efforts to prevent and respond to these wrongs.

Since then there has been much progress across the United Nations system and beyond in accepting the victims' rights approach, including for victims of sexual harassment, especially through the endorsement across United Nations entities of advancing a common understanding of the victim-centred approach.

This acceptance has generated questions on what the victims' rights/-centered approach means in practice and how it should be implemented.

Thanks to the extra-budgetary contribution received in the framework of the project “Putting the Victim at the Centre – operationalizing a victim-centred approach to assist and support victims of sexual exploitation and abuse, and sexual harassment,” the Office of the Victims' Rights Advocate has produced, in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Chief Executives Board Task Force on Addressing Sexual Harassment, a United Nations system-wide training module to provide participants with a clear and practical understanding of what the victim-centred approach means and what needs to be done to put a victim/survivor first.

The training module, intended for all United Nations staff and related personnel, outlines the responsibilities of each person working for the United Nations so they will know how to respond in accordance with the victim-centred approach when they become aware of an allegation of sexual misconduct.

See , including all materials.