
Launch Event: “Technical guidelines to facilitate the implementation of Security Council resolution 2370 (2017) and related international standards and good practices on preventing terrorists from acquiring weapons”

Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) requires States to refrain from providing any form of support to entities or persons involved in terrorist acts, including by eliminating the supply of weapons to terrorists. Security Council resolution 2370 (2017) and relevant subsequent Council resolutions call on all States to eliminate the supply of weapons including small arms and light weapons (SALW), unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and their components and improvised device (IED) components, to those involved in terrorist acts. Security Council resolution 2370 (2017) is the first Council resolution specifically dedicated to preventing terrorists from acquiring weapons.

The objective of the virtual launch event is to introduce the non-binding technical guidelines as a practical tool to facilitate implementation of Council resolution 2370 (2017), thereby contributing to the enhancement of States’ national legislative, strategic and operational capacities to prevent, detect and counter the illicit trafficking and acquisition of weapons, systems and components and the associated activities of terrorist and organized crime groups. The objective of the virtual launch event is also to raise awareness and knowledge of the different ways and means through which terrorist groups and those who commit acts of terrorism acquire different types of weapons and to promote collective action for the implementation of resolution 2370 (2017), relevant subsequent resolutions, good practices and different measures to prevent the acquisition of different types of weapons by terrorist groups.

The guidelines will be considered a working reference document and tool to facilitate further dialogue and consultations among stakeholders, including Member States and other relevant stakeholders, at various levels.

The virtual launch event will consist of an opening session, to be followed by an expert session featuring short presentations by experts addressing the problem and a session presenting the project and introducing the technical guidelines. CTED will act as the moderator.

The launch event will be held via the Microsoft Teams virtual platform on Friday, 18 March 2022, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., EST. The meeting will be conducted in English.


The concept note for the virtual launch event is available here


The agenda for the virtual launch event is available here


You can register .