


On 28 June 2019, the Counter-Terrorism Committee (CTC)/ Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) concluded a second follow-up visit to Morocco.

Country Assessment Visits


Security Council resolution  requires the Counter-Terrorism Committee to monitor the implementation of its provisions. The Committee is supported in this work by its Executive Directorate (CTED), which implements the Committee’s policy decisions and conducts expert assessments of Member States. CTED uses two main tools in its dialogue with States: the Detailed Implementation Assessment (DIS)  and country visits conducted with the approval of the host Government. The DIS helps the Committee and CTED to understand and define the counter-terrorism situation in each State. Shared only with the State concerned, the DIS is prepared on the basis of information provided by the State concerned, international organizations, and other public sources.

CTED shared 52 assessment visit reports with the Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Platform, which launched in March 2020.

As of September 2024, CTED has conducted 205 visits to 119 United Nations Member States (including 11 virtual components of the hybrid visits during the COVID-19 period and 2 full hybrid visits), on behalf of the Counter-Terrorism Committee.


Visit Framework


The visits to Member States conducted by the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution  concerning counter-terrorism (Counter-Terrorism Committee) are recognized, in the report of the Committee on its revitalization () and in Council resolutions  and , as necessary for the Committee to effectively fulfil its mandate to monitor, promote and facilitate the implementation by Member States of Council resolutions , , , ,  and  and other relevant Council resolutions. The present framework document contains the general guidelines, modalities and procedures for preparing and conducting the visits.  

S/2020/731– Framework document for Counter-Terrorism Committee visits to Member States aimed at monitoring, promoting and facilitating the implementation of Security Council resolutions 1373 (2001), 1624 (2005), 2178 (2014), 2396 (2017), 2462 (2019) and 2482 (2019) and other relevant Council resolutions [    ] 


Electronic Detailed Implementation Survey


CTED’s new and improved assessment tools & processes include the cloud-based CTED assessment and analysis portal, launched in January 2021, which reflects the new mandates conferred upon CTED by relevant resolutions, is user-friendly, and makes the most effective possible use of qualitative and quantitative data. This portal allows password-protected access, retaining key elements of CTED’s current assessment and survey tools to allow comparability with previous Committee-approved reports. The tool serves to simplify and streamline CTED assessments, improve their utility for the design of technical assistance and capacity-building support, and facilitate current and real-time production of analysis and reports. Additionally, the portal facilitates the availability of the country assessments, recommendations, surveys, and analytical products throughout the United Nations system, and enhances the sharing of its findings with Member States and relevant partners. 


Global Implementation Surveys


The information gathered was previously also used to produce Global Implementation Surveys (GIS) of Member States’ implementation of Council resolutions , , and , until the GIS was discontinued by the Security Council in 2021.While still in use, the surveys considered where progress had been made and where gaps remained, and identified where the international community might most usefully focus its efforts. The surveys also contained global assessments of Member States’ efforts across all major thematic areas addressed by the three resolutions.

GIS was conducted from 2005 to 2021. The current mandate does not call for GIS.


Global survey of the implementation of Security Council resolution 1373 (2001) by Member States



Global survey of the implementation of Security Council resolution 1624 (2005) by Member States



Member States National Reports


In resolution , the Security Council requests that States report to the CTC on the steps that they have taken to implement this resolution. On this basis, the Committee has established a dialogue with each UN Member State to help them raise their national counter-terrorism capacities and to foster international cooperation between the UN system, States and other intergovernmental bodies.

These reports form what many experts consider to be the world’s largest body of information on the counter-terrorism capacity of each of the 192 UN Member States.

Reports dated from 2001 through 2006 are available on this page; however, a decision was made not to make public subsequent reports on resolution 1373 (2001). For more information, please contact us at cted@un.org.