
CTED holds inaugural annual meeting of the Global Research Network


Research is essential in ensuring the evidence-based design of counter-terrorism policies. To facilitate this, the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) coordinates the Global Research Network (GRN), an informal group of more than one hundred organizations from across the globe who conduct research into trends and developments in terrorism, countering terrorism and countering violent extremism conducive to terrorism.

To drive this forward, CTED recently hosted the inaugural annual meeting of the GRN. Held from 14-16 February 2024, the event featured a series of thematic roundtable discussions across three topics – the impacts of armed conflict on terrorism and counter-terrorism in the context of Africa; ICT, technology, and terrorism; and pathways to prosecution and accountability.

Day one was opened by Assistant Secretary-General Natalia Gherman, Executive Director of CTED, with updates on CTED and that of the Counter Terrorism Committee (CTC) shared by David Scharia, Director and Head of the Technical Expertise and Research Branch.

The sessions which followed featured a range of rich presentations from GRN members, where they shared their latest research, followed by open discussion sessions among both panellists and participants. Each of the roundtables created a valuable space for GRN members to share their insights, with the follow-up dialogue between GRN members, CTED personnel, and UN partners proving highly informative thanks to a range of organic conversations and important questions which were raised.

The GRN provides CTED with evidence-based research insights from diverse regional perspectives, which ultimately supports the Executive Directorate’s analytical work on identifying emerging issues, trends and developments related to relevant Security Council resolutions on terrorism. Indeed, the added value of the GRN has been noted by the United Nations Security Council and has been referred to and included in relevant resolutions, including most recently in resolution 2617 (2021), that renewed CTED’s mandate.

Membership of the Network comprises independent thinktanks and academic institutes, as well as government-affiliated and intergovernmental research centres. Given the importance of including diverse views and balanced regional representation, CTED invites entities with a strong research focus on terrorism and counter-terrorism to consider joining GRN. CTED is particularly keen to connect with organizations based in Africa, Asia, and Latin America to expand geographical diversity. 

Read more about the GRN, including on how to become a member, at the Global Research Network FAQs.