
Before your start the application process, please ensure that you have all the required documentation.

How do we apply for association?

1. Fill out the application form (Typed forms only. No handwritten forms will be processed)

Please read the to properly complete the application form and provide all the necessary information. This will prevent having to re-submit the form due to incomplete or incorrect information.

2. Prepare the required documents:
  • A copy of your organization¡¯s Constitution/By-laws
  • Proof of non-profit & tax exemption status (only official government-issued documents, from the national/federal government, will be accepted)
  • A copy of your most recent financial statement (preferably in U.S. dollars). Please note the requirement will depend on the annual income of your organization.
    • If your organization¡¯s annual income is less than $50,000 the requirement is an income and expenditure statement and a balance sheet.
    • If your organization¡¯s annual income is more than $50,000 but less than $500,000 the requirement is Compiled or Reviewed or Audited Financial Statement.
    • If your organization¡¯s annual income is more than $500,000 but less than $1,000,000 the requirement is Reviewed or Audited Financial Statement.
    • If your organization¡¯s annual income is more than $1,000,000 the requirement is Audited Financial Statement.
  • 6 different samples of recent information materials or advocacy events that your organization has taken the lead on, relating to the work of the United Nations (for example: roundtables, seminars, workshops, conferences, newsletters, reports, audio or video productions, blogs, promotional publications/advertisement of events, etc).

Each sample should clearly show how the information material  or activity raised awareness about a UN-related topic, should indicate the target audience(s) and size of audience, and should be produced/organized by your organization. Samples that are not in English must be accompanied by an English description.

  • 2 recommendation letters from an individual/organization familiar with the work of your organization.
  • 1 recommendation letter from a UNIC/UNIS/UNRIC or a UN entity with which your organization has partnered.

Recommendation letters should briefly describe your organization¡¯s work/partnership and explain why your organization is being recommended for association with the Department of Global Communications. Letters from local, central or federal/national governments (Member States), as well as their subsidiary agencies/entities or programmes are not accepted, including Permanent Missions, Embassies and Consulates. (1) Recommendation letters from individuals: the recommending person must sign the letter and should not have a formal relationship (Member/Chairman of the Board; CEO; CFO; CAO; etc,) or hold a position within the organization, its board of directors or any other organ of the CSO. (2) Recommendation letters from organizations: the recommendation letter must be signed and issued on official letterhead.

3. Send the completed application form and all required documents directly to the Civil Society Unit via e-mail at undgccso@un.org.

All submitted materials must be in English or French, the two working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. Material in other languages must be accompanied by a translation into to English or French.

Remember to keep a copy of all submitted documents and material for your records.

If the material is too large to be submitted via e-mail, we suggest you use digital platforms such as Google Drive, WeTransfer, Dropbox, One Drive, etc. to upload your documents and share the link with us.

I¡¯ve applied. What¡¯s next?

Step 1:
Once your application material has been received, the Civil Society Unit will evaluate your materials and inform you if your application is complete.

Step 2:
If your organization has submitted a complete application, the Civil Society Unit will prepare your application for presentation to the Civil Society Association Committee which will review your application. This Committee usually meets twice a year to review applications. 

Step 3:
Your organization will receive a letter informing you of the decision by the Civil Society Association Committee on your application; the UNIC/UNIS/UNRIC office in your country/region as well as the NGO Executive Committee are also informed, and a press release is issued naming all newly associated organizations.

What are the responsibilities of organizations associated with the Department of Global Communications?

  • Continue to raise public awareness, in particular at the grass roots level, about key issues on the UN agenda including the  and in line with the UN Charter.
  • Collaborate with or support UN Information Centres or Services or other UN entities on advocacy campaigns or other promotional public information activities.
  • Submit yearly an online Annual Review report. This is the process by which organizations associated with our Department report back to the Civil Society Unit on their work and public information activities in support of the United Nations, and are evaluated.
  • Understand and ensure appropriate use of the UN name, flag and emblem

Can my organization be disassociated?

Yes, the Civil Society Association Committee may disassociate your organization if your organization consistently fails to fulfill its responsibilities over a three-year period or you engage in any activity that the Department of Global Communications considers merits separation from our Department or is not in line with the principles and values of the UN Charter.

Grounds for disassociation

  • Failure to meet the criteria for association
  • Failure to submit a complete Annual Review for three consecutive years
  • Acts of fraud and misrepresentation
  • Lack of collaboration with or support to a UN entity (including UNIC/UNIS/UNRIC) or UN campaign
  • Unauthorized use of the UN emblem, flag or name
  • Changing legal status

Can my organization re-apply for association status if it has been disassociated?

Yes. Your organization can re-apply for association with the Department of Global Communications one year after its disassociation. You must follow the original application procedure for membership as disassociation renders invalid the required documentation for membership, which you originally submitted at the time of your acceptance for association.