
Launch of the United Nations Joint Appeal for Counter-Terrorism in Africa

On the margins of the Third Counter-Terrorism Week, the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Coordination Compact and the Permanent Missions to the United Nations of Qatar, Morocco, Tunisia, and Nigeria launched the United Nations Joint Appeal for Counter-Terrorism in Africa.

The Joint Appeal seeks to steer and incentivize a new generation of UN system action for a more visible, transparent, and effective multilateral contribution to the implementation of the UN Global Counter Terrorism Strategy in Africa. It unites 16 UN Global Counter-Terrorism Compact entities behind ten strategic multi-partner flagship initiatives across the continent.

Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) opened the event on behalf of the UN system together with Ms. Ghada Fathi Waly, Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and Ms. Natalia Gherman, Executive Director of the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED)

H.E. Ambassador Sheikha Alya Ahmed bin Saif Al-Thani, Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar to the United Nations, H.E. Ambassador Omar Hilale, Permanent Representative of Morocco, H.E. Ambassador Tarek Ladeb, Permanent Representative of Tunisia, and Mr. Thomas N Chukwu, Minister at the Permanent Mission of Nigeria participated in the launch event. Mr. Stephen Jackson, UN Resident Coordinator in Kenya addressed the audience via video message.

Over 70 participants – including representatives from 24 Member States, law enforcement agencies, civil society organizations, and colleagues from across the UN system – were in attendance in person and online.

The ten initiatives supported by the Joint Appeal have been competitively selected from across the UN system through a call for proposals under the auspices of the inter-agency Working Group on Resource Mobilization, Monitoring and Evaluation. For the first time, the initiatives were reviewed and recommended for selection by an inter-agency team based on their track record and potential of achieving transformative and impactful results. The ten initiatives selected for the Joint Appeal demonstrate the value of multiple entities working together, deliver exceptional value-for money and promote exemplary human-rights-based and gender-responsive approaches. 

The ten initiatives will be delivered by 16 partner entities: UNOCT, UNODC, CTED, UNDP, UN Women, OHCHR, UNICRI, ICAO, IMO, INTERPOL, IOM, OICT, UNAOC, UNFPA, UNESCO and WCO. 

The Joint Appeal Secretariat will be based in UNOCT to ensure effective coordination across the initiatives and partner entities.  The Secretariat will promote the Joint Appeal at the global level, connect funding partners to projects, and facilitate consistent monitoring and tracking of results in close coordination with the inter-agency Working Group. Information on the vision and mission of the Joint Appeal and its ten initiatives is available on the newly-launched website . 

The website will be continuously developed to feature progress updates, results reports, impact stories, lessons learned as well as the latest funding information. It is designed to serve as a transparent partnership platform to connect beneficiaries, UN entities and funding partners across the country, regional and global levels as the ten flagship initiatives will be fully developed and refined in the weeks and months ahead.

Under-Secretary-General Voronkov closed his remarks by inviting all Member States to “join us on this journey!”

Additional Quotes

“The Joint Appeal supports a new generation of UN-led strategic joint initiatives across borders, partners and thematic siloes for a more visible, transparent and effective multilateral contribution to the implementation of the UN Global Counter Terrorism Strategy in Africa.”

Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, Under-Secretary-General, United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT)

“The Joint Appeal is a significant step forward in our collective efforts to prevent terrorism and promote peace and security on the African continent.”

Ms. Ghada Fathi Waly, Executive Director, United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

“Africa is now the region of greatest focus to our Office in supporting other UN entities implementing technical assistance. For all projects, CTED will use its assessment process to facilitate technical assistance matching its finding and recommendations.”

Ms. Natalia Gherman, Assistant Secretary-General and Executive Director, Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED)

“The Joint Appeal is both timely and highly relevant as it supports the priorities and spirit of the 8th biennial review of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy with a strong focus on preventive action.”

H.E. Ms. Sheikha Alya Ahmed bin Saif Al-Thani, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Qatar

“The launching of the Joint Appeal with results-focused projects and programmes is a strong message and an illustration of how UN entities can work together with African Member States and other stakeholders in combatting terrorism and violent extremism, particularly through capacity building and tackling the root causes.”

H.E. Mr. Omar Hilale, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Morocco

“This commendable and timely initiative exemplifies the multilateral and joined-up action to effectively counter terrorism and violent extremism in Africa.”

H.E. Mr. Tarek Ladeb, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Tunisia

“This Joint Appeal is not only timely but extremely important as a catalytic tool to provide the much-needed tailored support to countries in Africa to address the threat of terrorism.”

H.E. Mr. Thomas N Chukwu, Minister, Permanent Mission of Nigeria

“The Joint Appeal brings United Nations entities together and represents our collective commitment to addressing priority challenges jointly, strategically and in innovative ways. And to do so in full alignment with national priorities and the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.”

Mr. Stephen Jackson, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Kenya