
妍扯快扶抗忘 把快戒批抖抆找忘找我志扶抉扼找我

妍扯快扶抗忘 把快戒批抖抆找忘找我志扶抉扼找我

妞妥孛 妍妍妖 忱快抖忘快找 忘抗扯快扶找 扶忘 扶快抉忌抒抉忱我技抉扼找我 改扳扳快抗找我志扶抉忍抉 技抉扶我找抉把我扶忍忘 我 抉扯快扶抗我 扼志抉我抒 扭把抉快抗找抉志. 孜抉找抉: 妞妥孛 妍妍妖


妤把抉忍把忘技技扶忘攸 扼找把批抗找批把忘, 抉把我快扶找我把抉志忘扶扶忘攸 扶忘 把快戒批抖抆找忘找

UNCCT is committed to maximizing impact on the ground through the rigorous implementation of a results-based monitoring and evaluation system which enables the Centre to measure the performance of its programmes and projects. In order to increase transparency, accountability and effectiveness of its programming, UNCCT has developed a results-based Programme Results Framework, integrated into the UNOCT Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, which measures UNCCT*s contribution to the implementation of all four Pillars of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.

The Results Framework is based on 4 interrelated and mutually reinforcing outcomes corresponding to each Pillar of the Global Counter Terrorism Strategy and 12 outputs that each correspond to an outcome and comprise several UNCCT programmes and projects. It provides a set of indicators at the outcome and output level which is used to measure progress towards the implementation of the UNCCT 5-Year Programme.


UNCCT programme/project managers follow a results-based monitoring and evaluation approach which is focused on the achievement of intended results (outputs, outcomes and higher-level goals or impact) and aimed at collecting and assessing information on the changes that a programme or project is producing, with a view to improving the performance of existing and future programmes and projects.

The Centre uses a set of monitoring and evaluation tools to develop indicators and baseline data and to collect and report on performance on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis. Programme/project management teams use standardized templates for project design and development, aligned with PRINCE2 project management methodology, which not only provide clear guidance to the project manager, but also allow for results-based management and accountability.         

妞把我找快把我我 抉扯快扶抗我

UNCCT conducts internal and external evaluations of its programmes and projects to assess their relevance, effectiveness and impact, take corrective actions, and improve programme/project performance. The Centre incorporates the recommendations and lessons learned from the evaluations into decision-making processes, in order to improve the design and implementation of its capacity-building interventions. In undertaking evaluation, the Centre is guided by the norms and standards for evaluation as set out in the (UNEG) . 

圾 扼抉抉找志快找扼找志我我 扼 技快忪忱批扶忘把抉忱扶抉抄 扭快把快忱抉志抉抄 扭把忘抗找我抗抉抄, 扭把我扶攸找抉抄 志 扼扳快把快 抉抗忘戒忘扶我攸 扭抉技抉投我 志 扯快抖攸抒 把忘戒志我找我攸, 扭把我 抉扯快扶抗快 扭把抉忍把忘技技 我 扭把抉快抗找抉志 妞妥孛妍妍妖 把忘扼扼技忘找把我志忘攻找扼攸 扼抖快忱批攻投我快 抗把我找快把我我: 忘抗找批忘抖抆扶抉扼找抆, 忱快抄扼找志快扶扶抉扼找抆, 改扳扳快抗找我志扶抉扼找抆, 志抉戒忱快抄扼找志我快 我 批扼找抉抄折我志抉扼找抆.

  1. 均抗找批忘抖抆扶抉扼找抆 〞 扼找快扭快扶抆, 志 抗抉找抉把抉抄 忱快攸找快抖抆扶抉扼找抆 扭抉 抉抗忘戒忘扶我攻 扭抉技抉投我 抉找志快折忘快找 扭把我抉把我找快找忘技 我 扭抉抖我找我抗快 扯快抖快志抉抄 忍把批扭扭抑, 忱抉扶抉把忘 我 扭抉抖批折忘找快抖攸 扭抉技抉投我.
  2. 坏快抄扼找志快扶扶抉扼找抆 〞 技快把忘 扼抉抉找志快找扼找志我攸 忱快攸找快抖抆扶抉扼找我 扭抉 抉抗忘戒忘扶我攻 扭抉技抉投我 扭抉扼找忘志抖快扶扶抑技 扯快抖攸技, 志抗抖攻折忘攸 抉扯快扶抗批 抉扼扶抉志扶抑抒 扳忘抗找抉把抉志, 志抖我攸攻投我抒 扶忘 忱抉扼找我忪快扶我快 我抖我 扶快忱抉扼找我忪快扶我快 扭抉扼找忘志抖快扶扶抑抒 扯快抖快抄.
  3. 尿扳扳快抗找我志扶抉扼找抆 〞 我戒技快把快扶我快 抗忘折快扼找志快扶扶抑抒 我 抗抉抖我折快扼找志快扶扶抑抒 把快戒批抖抆找忘找抉志 扭抉 抉找扶抉扮快扶我攻 抗 志抖抉忪快扶扶抑技 把快扼批把扼忘技, 志 找抉技 折我扼抖快 扼 找抉折抗我 戒把快扶我攸 扼抉抉找扶抉扮快扶我攸 扯快扶抑/抗忘折快扼找志忘 我 扼志抉快志把快技快扶扶抉扼找我.
  4. 圾抉戒忱快抄扼找志我快 〞 扭抉戒我找我志扶抑快 我 扶快忍忘找我志扶抑快 我戒技快扶快扶我攸, 扭把抉我戒抉扮快忱扮我快 扭把攸技抉 我抖我 抗抉扼志快扶扶抉, 扭把快忱扶忘技快把快扶扶抉 我抖我 扶快扭把快忱扶忘技快把快扶扶抉 志 把快戒批抖抆找忘找快 志技快扮忘找快抖抆扼找志忘 志 扭把抉扯快扼扼 把忘戒志我找我攸. 妤把我 抉扯快扶抗快 志抉戒忱快抄扼找志我攸, 志 折忘扼找扶抉扼找我, 批折我找抑志忘快找扼攸, 抗忘抗我快 我戒技快扶快扶我攸 扭把抉我戒抉扮抖我 志 把快戒批抖抆找忘找快 扭把抉忍把忘技技抑 我抖我 扭把抉快抗找忘, 抗忘抗我快 把快忘抖抆扶抑快 扭快把快技快扶抑 扭把我扶快扼抖忘 改找忘 忱快攸找快抖抆扶抉扼找抆 忌快扶快扳我扯我忘把忘技 我 扼抗抉抖抆抗抉 折快抖抉志快抗 忌抑抖我 戒忘找把抉扶批找抑 快攻.
  5. 孝扼找抉抄折我志抉扼找抆 〞 我戒技快把快扶我快 批扼找抉抄折我志抉扼找我 扭抉抖抉忪我找快抖抆扶抑抒 把快戒批抖抆找忘找抉志 忱快攸找快抖抆扶抉扼找我 扭抉扼抖快 戒忘志快把扮快扶我攸 忱抉扶抉把扼抗抉忍抉 扳我扶忘扶扼我把抉志忘扶我攸.

坐抉忱抉志抉抄 忱抉抗抖忘忱 妞妥孛 妍妍妖 戒忘 2019 忍抉忱

2019 Annual Report on the Fourth Year of the UNCCT 5-Year Programme

扼抉忱快把忪我找 志扼快抉忌抓快技抖攻投我抄 抉忌戒抉把 志扼快抒 扭把抉忍把忘技技 我 扭把抉快抗找抉志, 抉扼批投快扼找志抖快扶扶抑抒 妞抉扶找把找快把把抉把我扼找我折快扼抗我技 扯快扶找把抉技 妍把忍忘扶我戒忘扯我我 妍忌抓快忱我扶快扶扶抑抒 妖忘扯我抄 志 2019 忍抉忱批, 志 找抉技 折我扼抖快 把快戒批抖抆找忘找抑 我抒 抉扭快把忘找我志扶抉抄 我 扳我扶忘扶扼抉志抉抄 忱快攸找快抖抆扶抉扼找我. 

[2018]  [2017]

圻忪快忍抉忱扶抑抄 忱抉抗抖忘忱 妞妥孛 妍妍妖 戒忘 2017 忍抉忱

圻忪快忍抉忱扶抑抄 忱抉抗抖忘忱 抉 志找抉把抉技 忍抉忱快 抉扼批投快扼找志抖快扶我攸 扭攸找我抖快找扶快抄 扭把抉忍把忘技技抑 妞妥孛 妍妍妖 戒忘 2017 忍抉忱 扼抉忱快把忪我找 志扼快抉忌抓快技抖攻投我抄 抉忌戒抉把 志扼快抒 扭把抉忍把忘技技 我 扭把抉快抗找抉志, 抉扼批投快扼找志抖快扶扶抑抒 妞抉扶找把找快把把抉把我扼找我折快扼抗我技 扯快扶找把抉技 妍把忍忘扶我戒忘扯我我 妍忌抓快忱我扶快扶扶抑抒 妖忘扯我抄 志 2017 忍抉忱批, 志 找抉技 折我扼抖快 把快戒批抖抆找忘找抑 我抒 抉扭快把忘找我志扶抉抄 我 扳我扶忘扶扼抉志抉抄 忱快攸找快抖抆扶抉扼找我.

妤攸找我抖快找扶攸攸 妤把抉忍把忘技技忘 把忘忌抉找抑

妤攸找我抖快找扶攸攸 扭把抉忍把忘技技忘 妞妥孛 妍妍妖 扶忘 2016-2020 忍抉忱抑 把忘戒把忘忌抉找忘扶忘 扼 批折快找抉技 志抉戒把忘扼找忘攻投快抄 扭抉找把快忌扶抉扼找我 批 戒忘扭把忘扮我志忘攻投我抒 忍抉扼批忱忘把扼找志-折抖快扶抉志 志 抉抗忘戒忘扶我我 扭抉技抉投我 志 扶忘把忘投我志忘扶我我 改扳扳快抗找我志扶抉忍抉 扼找把忘找快忍我折快扼抗抉忍抉 扭抉找快扶扯我忘抖忘 志 扭抉忱忱快把忪抗批 我抒 批扼我抖我抄 扭抉 抉扼批投快扼找志抖快扶我攻 坐抖抉忌忘抖抆扶抉抄 抗抉扶找把找快把把抉把我扼找我折快扼抗抉抄 扼找把忘找快忍我我 妍把忍忘扶我戒忘扯我我 妍忌抓快忱我扶快扶扶抑抒 妖忘扯我抄.