
2013 Holocaust Remembrance Week

Calendar of Events | Media Coverage | Statements | WebcastUNICs


Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Mrs. Ban lay a white rose bouquet on the International Monument to the Victims at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp.
Credit: UN Photo/Evan Schneider




Calendar of Events

Tue, 22 Jan | Wed, 23 Jan | Thu, 24 Jan | Fri, 25 Jan


¡°Rescue during the Holocaust: The Courage to Care¡±

The 2013 observance of the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust was built around the theme ¡°Rescue during the Holocaust: The Courage to Care¡±. Through exhibits, film, educational activities and the annual memorial ceremony, the Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme and the global network of United Nations Information Centres honour those who risked their own lives to save tens of thousands of Jews, Roma and Sinti and others from near certain death under the Nazi regime during the Second World War in Europe. The week¡¯s events provoked each participant¡¯s own thoughts and beliefs about the moral values and courage that lie behind such daring acts of rescue. Each person who becomes aware of this history will no doubt reflect upon his or her own capacity to turn compassion for others into decisive and heroic action in their time of need.


New Publication

The Discussion Papers Journal is a compilation of ten papers written by leading Holocaust and genocide studies scholars from around the world. The series aims to engage the minds of students and spark lively discussions to expand their awareness of a crucial issue. In this series, Chinese author Pan Guang delivers a gripping account of how Jews made their way to Shanghai during the Second World War while Polish writer Andrzej Mirga details the Nazi persecution of Roma and Sinti during the same period. Argentine professor Juan E. M¨¦ndez bring us to the 21st century with a discussion of the 2011 arrest and pending trial of accused Serbian war criminal Ratko Mladic. And the timeless value of Holocaust education is explored as South African Tali Nates shows how education is helping to heal the divisions wrought by apartheid in South Africa and Russian scholar Ilya Altman lays out Holocaust remembrance and education in contemporary Russia. Other contributors are Edward Mortimer and Kaja Shonick Glahn (UK / Germany), David Matas (Canada), Lenore Weitzman (USA), and  Robert Krell (Canada).

Poster Series "Rescue"

At the initiative of the Holocaust and United Nations Outreach Programme,   has made an eight-part poster series on the subject of ¡°Rescue¡± available to the global network United Nations Information Centres for their educational activities. A teacher¡¯s guide on how to generate a discussion on the importance of rescue, and student handouts describing individual stories accompany the posters, which convey the values of self-sacrifice, integrity and moral courage, offer a universal lesson on the importance of the preservation of human dignity and the protection of human rights. The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme, with the assistance of UNIC Buenos Aires, UNIC Moscow, UNRIC Brussels and UNIS Geneva, has translated these products into French, Russian and Spanish for classroom use.


Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Exhibition ¡°The World Knew -- Jan Karski¡¯s Mission for Humanity¡±

This exhibit lays out the captivating background of Polish native Jan Kozielewski, who under the assumed name of Jan Karski served as a courier for the Polish Underground State and informed Allied leaders about Nazi Germany¡¯s ongoing extermination of the Jews. Karski was a Roman Catholic who later attained U.S. citizenship and was named an honorary citizen of Israel and a Righteous Among the Nations. The exhibit has been produced by the Polish History Museum in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland and the .

Exhibition "Whoever Saves a Single Life ¡­ Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust"

This exhibit showcases some of those rare but exceedingly important instances where people fought to safeguard their Jewish fellow citizens during the Holocaust. In a time of overwhelming death and destruction, rescuers did not stand by silently. They chose another way, and their bravery offers us a glimmer of hope. It shows us that people are able to make choices and act on them, even in the face of powerful constraints, offering us a lesson on the universal value of the preservation of human life, human dignity, and human rights. It shows us that people are able to make choices and act on them, even in the face of powerful constraints, offering us a lesson on the universal value of the preservation of human life, human dignity and human rights. The exhibit has been produced by .


Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Film Screening ¡°The Rescuers¡±

This documentary film by Emmy award-winning filmmaker Michael King chronicles the heroic efforts of a dozen diplomats who used the powers and privileges tied to their postings throughout Europe to save the lives of tens of thousands of Jews during the Second World War. These 12 individuals ¨C from a Muslim Turk stationed in Greece to a Japanese envoy posted in Kaunas, Lithuania - took enormous personal risks to their lives and livelihoods to help others in dire circumstances. Michael King follows Sir Martin Gilbert, an eminent Holocaust historian who lost family members to the Holocaust, and Stephanie Nyombayire, a young Rwandan anti-genocide activist whose family was murdered during the 1994 Rwandan genocide, as he interviews Holocaust survivors and descendants of the rescuers. Producer Joyce D. Mandell introduced the film. Michael King and Leon Moed, a Holocaust rescuee, took part in Q&A following the screening. The screening is organized by the United Nations Holocaust Programme in partnership with the United States Mission to the United Nations and the  


Thursday, 24 January 2013

DPI NGO Briefing ¡°Rescue during the Holocaust: The Story of the Danish Jews¡±

The briefing examines the situation in Denmark during the Second World War, and highlights the heroic individuals who facilitated the safe passage of the Danish Jews to Sweden. Speakers included Rebecca Neuwirth, Director of the Ambassadors program of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) (read ) , Jacob Abudaram, student at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor (read ), and Rikke Borge, daughter of famed pianist and humorist Victor Borge, one of the founders of Thanks To Scandinavia. The event was moderated by Maria Luisa Chavez, Chief NGO Relations Outreach Division UN Department of Public Information


Friday, 25 January 2013

United Nations Holocaust Memorial Ceremony

Anchored by this year's theme of ¡°Rescue during the Holocaust: The Courage to Care¡±, this solemn ceremony included a video message by the United Nations Secretary-General and statements by H.E. Mr. Raymond Serge Bal¨¦, Vice-President of the sixty-seventh session of the United Nations General Assembly, delivered on behalf of H.E. Mr. Vuk Jeremi?, the President of the General Assembly, H.E. Mr. Ron Prosor, Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations and H.E. Ms. Signe Burgstaller, Deputy Permanent Representative of Sweden to the United Nations. Professor Ethel Brooks, who is Romani and a sociologist at Rutgers University, shared her perspective on the impact of Nazi terror and murder on Roma and Sinti families, while the keynote speech was delivered by Professor Mordecai Paldiel of Yeshiva University, who is a Jewish Holocaust survivor and leading authority on the acts of rescue during the Holocaust. Professor Paldiel is the former director of the Department of the Righteous at Yad Vashem, The Holocaust Martyrs¡¯ and Heroes¡¯ Remembrance Authority, which marks its 50th anniversary in 2013. Cantor Chaim David Berson recited the memorial prayers. The music during the ceremony was performed by the .


Discussion ¡°60 Years of Material Restitution: History and Challenges¡±

 organized a special breakfast programme on 60 years of material restitution, its history and challenges. Allan J. Jacobs, B¡¯nai B¡¯rith International President opened the event. Remarks were made by Arie Bucheister, Senior Restitution Specialist, Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany and Daniel S. Mariaschin, Executive Vice President, B¡¯nai B¡¯rith International.


At the initiative of the Holocaust and United Nations Outreach Programme,   has made an eight-part poster series on the subject of ¡°Rescue¡± available to the global network United Nations Information Centres for their educational activities. A teacher¡¯s guide on how to generate a discussion on the importance of rescue, and student handouts describing individual stories accompany the posters, which convey the values of self-sacrifice, integrity and moral courage, offer a universal lesson on the importance of the preservation of human dignity and the protection of human rights. The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme, with the assistance of UNIC Buenos Aires, UNIC Moscow, UNRIC Brussels and UNIS Geneva, has translated these products into French, Russian and Spanish for classroom use.



Media Coverage





Remarks by President of the sixty-seventh session of the General Assembly, delivered by H.E. Mr. Raymond Serge Bal¨¦, Permanent Representative of the Republic of the Congo to the United Nations, and Vice-President of the United Nations General Assembly

Remarks by H.E. Mr. Ron Prosor, Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations

Remarks by H.E. Ms. Signe Burgstaller, Deputy Permanent Representative of Sweden to the United Nations

Remarks by Professor Ethel Brooks, a sociologist and associate professor at Rutgers University in New Jersey

Remarks by Professor Mordecai Paldiel, a Holocaust survivor, a former Director of the Department of the Righteous at Yad Vashem 







2013 Holocaust Remembrance Activities Around The World


Africa | Asia and Pacific | Americas Europe

The United Nations and its global network of information centres (UNICs) held special events to mark the 2013 International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust (27 January) under the theme ¡°Rescue during the Holocaust: the Courage to Care¡±. Events ranged from solemn ceremonies, to film screenings and text message campaigns. The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme provided these field offices with an educational package on rescue, which included a film, posters, a teacher¡¯s guide and student handouts. Armed with the English text and the artwork, the Information Centres in Buenos Aires, Brussels and Moscow subtitled the film ¡°The Rescuers¡± in Spanish, French and Russian. The film explores the lives of thirteen diplomats who risked their lives to save others during the Second World War. The Centres in Buenos Aires, Geneva and Moscow translated and printed an eight-part poster series on ¡°rescue¡± created by the . The colourful posters highlight eight values embodied by those that rescued others during the Holocaust: Courage, Compassion, Ingenuity, Cooperation, Integrity, Social Responsibility, Self Sacrifice and Moral Leadership. The Programme then provided the educational package to the information centres that provide services in English, French, Russian and Spanish.

The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme also encouraged the information centres to take part in the International Design Student Poster Contest held in partnership with the Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research. The UNICs would hold local competitions and submit the top winners to the international judging panel, to be coordinated by Yad Vashem, The Holocaust Martyrs¡¯ and Heroes¡¯ Remembrance Authority. The top entries will be displayed at the Vienna International Centre in January 2014.




UNIC Accra, Ghana

UNIC Accra marked the 2013 International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust with several activities. Special events included a skype campaign, a student discussion and the launch of the International Design Student Poster Contest under the theme ¡°Keeping the Memory Alive ¨C Journeys through the Holocaust¡±. The student discussion, held at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi, was organized in partnership with the Embassies of Israel and Germany. Professor Vincent N. Dodoo, Head of the Department of History and Political Studies at KNUST led the seminar for students of history and political studies.


UNIC Antananarivo, Madagascar

To mark the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, UNIC Antananarivo partnered with a number of schools to organize a series of film screenings and poster exhibitions on the theme ¡°Rescue during the Holocaust: The Courage to Care¡±. The month-long remembrance opened on 28 January with an exhibit of the eight-part poster series on ¡°rescue¡± created by the JFR and the launch of the International Design Student Poster Contest. The poster exhibition was hosted by various schools over the month including Lyc¨¦e Jules Ferry, L¡¯Universit¨¦ Estiim and L¡¯Institut d¡¯Etudes Politiques. Almost 1,000 students from the schools viewed the exhibition.    


UNIC Brazzaville, Republic of Congo

On 25 January, UNIC Brazzaville organized an educational event to mark the 2013 International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Almost 80 students attended the event which featured a screening of the film ¡°Into the Arms of Strangers: The Story of the Kindertransport¡±. Students engaged in a discussion about rescue during the Holocaust following the film screening.


UNIC Bujumbura, Burundi

To mark the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, the United Nations Information Centre in Bujumbura organized an educational programme which took place at Saint Michel Archange Secondary School in Bujumbura on 28 January. Students participated in a screening of the film ¡°The Rescuers¡±, which was followed by an interactive discussion on lessons learned from the rescuers featured in the film. Students also viewed the photo exhibit ¡°The Shoah in Europe¡± and an exhibit of the JFR poster series on ¡°rescue".


UNIC Dakar, Senegal

In partnership with the Universit¨¦ Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD), the National Senegalese Commission for UNESCO, and the Embassies of Israel and Rwanda, The United Nations Information Center in Dakar organized a ceremony and photo exhibition to mark the 2013 International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Over 1,000 students and teachers attended the remembrance ceremony, which featured a video message by the United Nations Secretary-General and remarks by the ambassadors of Israel and Rwanda. Both events were held at UCAD and were covered by various local media outlets including TV RTS, Canal info, RDV, Sen TV, Sud FM,Zik FM, Siweul FM as well as local newspapers.


UNIC Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

On 30 January, The United Nations Information Centre in Dar es Salaam marked the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust with a film screening of the film ¡°The Rescuers¡± and a discussion held at the British Council Hall in Dar es Salaam. Almost 80 students and youth from Dar es Salaam secondary schools and universities participated in the event. UNIC Dar es Salaam uploaded the events report on the UNIC website and posted the United Nations Secretary-General¡¯s message prepared for the day on Facebook. UNIC Dar es Salaam also translated the Secretary-General¡¯s message, posters and produced the Holocaust Programme¡¯s bookmark in Kiswahili and distributed them to the students in attendance.


UNIC Lusaka, Zambia

In Lusaka, the United Nations Information Centre organized a remembrance ceremony around a screening of the film ¡°The Rescuers¡±, which was held at the UNIC premises. In opening remarks, National Information Officer Mickie Mumba spoke about the importance of Holocaust remembrance in combatting racism, xenophobia, discrimination and bigotry. Participants observed a minute of silence in memory of the diplomats featured in the film who risked their lives to save others, and then lit candles as Rabbi Yalenga led the Kaddish hymn and Hatikva anthem of Israel. In a discussion that followed, participants voiced concern for the need of outreach activities on the Holocaust on a regular basis. UNIC Lusaka reached out to an additional 8,500 people through an SMS message campaign.


UNIC Nairobi, Kenya

The United Nations Information Centre in Nairobi partnered with the Embassy of Israel to conduct a training programme to mark the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Twenty students from the Universities of Nairobi, Moi, Daystar and the United States International University attended the training session held at the UNIC premises in December. In addition, UNIC Nairobi organized a remembrance ceremony held at UNON on 25 January which featured a candlelight vigil and a screening of the film ¡°The Last Korzac Boy¡±. Model UN Conference participant Katie Gilmer presented remarks at the ceremony and said, ¡°Let us remind each other that EVERY man, woman and child is of infinite worth¡­..We can be an example to the world by treating people with decency and respect, honouring one another above ourselves. By so doing, we can keep the Holocaust memory as a valuable warning and move forward to a future full of respect, love and harmony.¡± UNIC also mounted an exhibition on the Holocaust and screened the video ¡°The Rescuers¡± to about 300 guests that included government officials, members of the diplomatic corps, university students, journalists and UN staff.


UNIC Pretoria, South Africa

On 27 January, UNIC Pretoria delivered the message of the United Nations Secretary-General at the Holocaust remembrance ceremony organized by The Johannesburg Holocaust Centre. The United Nations Information Centre also coordinated an educational activity for 150 high school students in Orange Farm, located South of Johannesburg. The grade 9 learners are studying the Holocaust as part of the social science curriculum. The UNIC librarian read the Secretary-General¡¯s message and reminded students that the day serves as a reminder for tolerance, respect and peace.


Asia and Pacific 


ESCAP Bangkok, Thailand

To mark the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Thailand, partnered with the Embassy of Israel to organize a remembrance ceremony under the theme ¡°Never Again¡±, which was held on 4 February at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok. The event opened with the United Nations Secretary-General¡¯s video message prepared for the day, and statements by ESCAP Deputy Director Shun-ichi Murata, Ambassador Simon Roded of Israel , Ambassador Peter Gottfried Schulze of Germany, and Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre. Guests then participated in a candlelight vigil and a reading of names of victims of the Holocaust. In a moving performance, students of the Mechai Pattana Bamboo School played ¡°Imagine¡± by John Lennon on their ukuleles.  Later in the week, ESCAP hosted an exhibition from the Museum of Tolerance titled ¡°The Courage to Remember¡± and organized a screening of the film ¡°The Rescuers¡±. Government officials, representatives of several embassies and UN offices and students from local schools participated in the events.


UNIC Canberra, Australia

On 27 January, local politicians, diplomats and the Jewish community came together to observe the  at the Sydney Jewish Museum in Australia. UNIC Director Christopher Woodthorpe delivered the Secretary-General¡¯s message for the international day, which was followed by moving testimonies from survivors and their relatives. More than 300 people attended the event organized in partnership with the Australian Association of Jewish Holocaust Survivors and Descendants and the Sydney Jewish Museum.


UNIC Manila, Philippines 

To mark the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, UNIC Manila organized a screening of the film ¡°The Rescuers¡±. The Centre also launched the International Design Student Poster Contest using Facebook and will display the local top entries at the UNIC office.


UNIC New Delhi, India

In partnership with the Alliance Fran?aise de Delhi and in association with the Embassies of Israel and France in India, UNIC New Delhi organized a commemorative ceremony to mark the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. The event, held on 28 January, featured a screening of the film ¡°A Film Unfinished¡±, and was opened with remarks by UNIC Director Kiran Mehra-Kerpelman, Ambassador Alon Ushpiz of Israel and Ambassador Fran?ois Richier of France.


UNIC Tokyo, Japan

The United Nations Information Centre in Tokyo launched a social media campaign on Facebook to observe the 2013 International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. The Centre translated the JFR poster series on ¡°rescue¡± into Japanese and posted the posters and stories about the 16 heroes featured in the film "The Rescuers" on their Facebook page.


UNIC Yangon, Myanmar

On 28 January, The United Nations Information Centre in Yangon organized a day-long commemorative event to mark the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust in partnership with the Embassies of Germany and Israel, the Ministry of Education, the French Institute, the British Council and the American Center. The event, held at Yangon University, was opened with remarks by German Ambassador Christian-Ludwig Weber-Lortsch, Israeli Ambassador Hagay M. Behar, and United Nations Resident Coordinator Ashok Nigam who delivered the United Nations Secretary-General¡¯s message prepared for the day. Following the welcoming remarks, visitors participated in a candlelight vigil and observed a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Mr. Sammy Samuels of the Myanmar Jewish community led the audience in the Yizchor remembrance prayer. The prayer was followed with a poetry reading in English and Burmese by Yangon University students. Other events organized for the day included a screening and discussion of the film ¡°The Last Korczak¡± and a lecture given by Yangon University Professor Kyaw Win titled ¡°Ultra-Nationalism and Ethnic Cleansing in History¡±. UNIC Yangon also translated into Burmese student handouts on Dr. Korczak, a rescuer of Jewish children during the Holocaust. The events were covered by the media outlets Skynet, Myanmar National TV, and MRTV4.





UNIC Asunci¨®n, Paraguay

To mark the 2013 International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, UNIC Asunci¨®n, in partnership with the Consulate of Israel, organized a commemorative ceremony which took place at Paraguay¡¯s bicameral Congress. The ceremony began with the national songs of Israel and Paraguay, followed by a minute of silence in honour of the victims of the Holocaust. Congresswoman Do?a Perla Acosta de V¨¢zquez made opening remarks which were followed by statements delivered by United Nations Resident Coordinator Lorenzo Jim¨¦nez de Luis and Israeli Ambassador Dorit Shavit.


UNIC Bogot¨¢, Colombia

The United Nations Information Centre in Bogot¨¢ partnered with the Apostolic Nunciature of Bogot¨¢, the Embassy of Israel and the Jewish Community Human Relations Office to organize a commemorative event to mark the 2013 International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. The 7 February event, held at the Apostolic Nunciature, featured an exhibition of  the eight-part poster series on ¡°rescue¡± created by the JFR, the launch of the book ¡°Sobrevivientes del Holocausto que rehicieron su vida en Colombia¡± (Holocaust Survivors That Rebuilt Their Lives in Colombia), and the United Nations Secretary-General¡¯s video message for the day. Representatives from the Embassies of Israel and of Germany, The Holy See as well as Holocaust survivors from 11 different countries attended the observance. The event was covered by various local media outlets including El Tiempo, Elespectador and Vanguardia Liberal.


UNIC Buenos Aires, Brazil

Holocaust survivors, Ambassadors and representatives from local government and non-governmental organizations gathered on 25 January at the Buenos Aires Shoah Museum in Argentina to mark the 2013 International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Guests viewed a segment of the film ¡°The Rescuers¡±, which had been subtitled in Spanish by the Centre, after hearing opening remarks delivered by UNIC Director David Smith. The screening was followed by a candlelight vigil. UNIC Buenos Aires also mounted an exhibit of the JFR poster series on ¡°rescue¡± at the Museum and facilitated the printing of the posters in Spanish for United Nations Information Centres with Spanish-speaking audiences.


UNIC Lima, Peru

UNIC Lima launched a Facebook campaign to highlight the theme of the 2013 : ¡°Rescue during the Holocaust: The Courage to Care¡±. Visitors to the site were asked to submit a fitting slogan for the campaign. The phrase "Six million reasons to not forget, to celebrate life, for hope", was chosen as the winning submission. The authors, Alonso Gurmendi and Nelly Shisco (pictured), were invited to visit the UNIC to pick up their prizes where they spoke about the importance of remembering the Holocaust to prevent future acts of genocide.


UNIC Mexico City, Mexico 

The United Nations Information Centre in Mexico City partnered with a number of organizations and schools to organize several events to mark the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. On 22 January, UNIC Mexico City partnered with Anahuac University to organize the exhibit ¡°The Shoah in Europe¡±. The exhibit opening included a round table discussion with Ms. Laura Ang¨¦lica Rojas Hern¨¢ndez, President of the Commission on International Relations of the Senate, university students and faculty members. This exhibit was also displayed at the Biblioteca Pedag¨®gica de Estado de M¨¦xico in Toluca on 15 February. On 25 January, UNIC Mexico City organized a day long event to mark the international day of remembrance, which took place at the UN House. The event included a screening of the film ¡°The Rescuers¡± for secondary students, followed by a discussion on the Holocaust. Later that day, UNIC Director Jadranka Mihalic hosted a solemn ceremony in memory of the victims of the Holocaust and an exhibit opening featuring the Jewish Foundation for the Righteous poster series on rescue.

UNIC Mexico also participated in several commemorative events to mark the international day of remembrance. On 24 January, UNIC participated in a commemorative ceremony organized by the NGO PAAZ, which took place at the National Museum of History and Anthropology in Mexico City. On 25 January, Ms. Mihalic took part in a forum at Colegio Hebreo Monte Sina¨ª, organized by Yad Vashem Mexico as part of its ¡°Adopt a School Programme¡±. On 28 January, the UNIC Director also participated in a commemorative ceremony at the National Museum of History and Anthropology in Mexico City, hosted by the Human Rights Commission. On the same day, Deputy Director Juan Miguel Diez took part in a commemorative ceremony at the Chamber of Deputies in Mexico City, organized by Mexican National Congress, where he read the United Nations Secretary-General¡¯s message prepared for the day. On 29 January UNIC participated in a commemorative event organized by PAAZ, which took place at the municipality of Ecatepec. And on 21 February, UNIC attended a commemorative event organized by the NGO PAAZ and the Government of the State of Oaxaca.


UNIC Panama City, Panama

To mark the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, UNIC National Information Officer Jisselinde Gonz¨¢lez participated in a solemn ceremony held at the Senate. Distinguished speakers included Israeli Ambassador Alexander Galilee and the President of the Senate, H.E. Mr. Sergio G¨¢lvez. Ms. Gonz¨¢lez delivered the United Nations Secretary-General¡¯s message prepared for the day. The ceremony ended with a candlelight vigil and the transfer of the "travelling plaque" in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. The plaque, which contains the handprints of Holocaust survivor Simon Burstein and his descendants, was viewed by over 200 people while on display at the UNIC Panama premises before being transferred to the German Embassy at the end of February. Ambassador Herman Sausen of Germany received the plaque at the embassy in a ceremony that included members of the diplomatic corps, government officials and staff members from the NGO Activistas por La Paz.


UNIC Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The United Nations Information Centre in Rio de Janeiro, organized a social media campaign to mark the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust.  The Centre used Twitter and Facebook to promote the 2013 theme of "Rescue during the Holocaust: The Courage to Care". The Facebook posts included the Secretary-General's message of the United Nations, which it translated into Portuguese.







UNO Almaty, Kazakhstan

The United Nations Office in Almaty organized events in both Almaty and Astana to mark the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. On 28 January, a commemorative ceremony was held at the United Nations House in Almaty which featured a screening of the film "The Rescuers" followed by a discussion about the values demonstrated by the heroes portrayed in the film. On 29 January, the memorial event in Astana featured several film screenings and a concert. The event was organized in partnership with the Embassies of Hungary, Israel, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland and the United States of America. On 3 February, UNO Almaty partnered with the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan for another screening of ¡°The Rescuers¡±.

UNO Baku, Azerbaijan

The United Nations Office in Baku organized several events to mark the 2013 International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Students and members of the general public were invited to participate in a video screening of the film ¡°The Last Flight of Petr Ginz¡± and discussion on the Holocaust and to view an exhibition of posters held at Chabad Ohr Avner School. The exhibition included the eight-part poster series on ¡°rescue¡± created by the JFR and winning entries from the International Design Student Poster Contest 2012.


UNRIC Brussels, Belgium

The United Nations Regional Information Centre in Brussels organized several events in different regions to mark the 2013 International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. In Greece, UNRIC partnered with the Jewish Museum of Greece to distribute postcards to 5,000 students who participated in Holocaust remembrance events organized by the Jewish community and the Ministry of Education. The postcard serves as a reminder of the dangers of hatred, bigotry and racism. In Madrid, the Centre partnered with Centro Sefarad-Israel to organize a screening of the film ¡°The Rescuers¡±, which was made available with subtitles in Spanish by UNIC Buenos Aires. UNRIC Brussels also facilitated the subtitling of the film ¡°The Rescuers¡± into French for use by United Nations Information Centres with French-speaking audiences


UNIS Geneva, Switzerland

The United Nations Information Service in Geneva organized several events to mark the 2013 International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. On 29 January, more than 400 people gathered at the United Nations Office at Geneva for a remembrance ceremony which included a performance by Saint-Gervais Theatre actor Jos¨¦ Lillo, the Secretary-General¡¯s video message prepared for the day, and remarks by Director-General Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, Ambassador Eviatar Manor of Israel and Holocaust survivor R¨¦gine Frydman. On 30 January, the Office also organized a commemoration for youth aged 9-11 centered around the film ¡°The Last Flight of Petr Ginz¡±. The commemorative events concluded with a film screening of ¡°The Rescuers¡± for staff members.


UNO Kyiv, Ukraine

To mark the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, the United Nations Office in Kyiv (Ukraine) and several organizations organized a number of events to pay tribute to the 3,000 Ukrainian citizens and other nationals who risked their lives to save Jews and others during the Second World War. On 27 January, in partnership with the Ukrainian Centre for Holocaust Studies and the Goethe Institute, the Office organized a roundtable discussion for educators titled ¡°Holocaust Commemoration and the Ukrainian Society: Research and Educational Perspectives¡±. On 30 January, the Office organized a screening of the film ¡°The Rescuers¡± at the German Cultural Centre for more than 100 students and teachers from Kyiv¡¯s schools. During the week of 27 January, the Tarasa Shevchenko Library hosted a photo exhibition titled ¡°The Righteous of Babyn Yar¡± which portrayed unknown heroes who risked their lives to save Jews. Maksym Hon, Chair of Political Science at Rivne State Humanitarian University presented his new textbook on the history of genocide at the exhibit.


UNO Minsk, Belarus

The United Nations Office in Minsk commemorated Holocaust Remembrance Day with an exhibition titled ¡°My Righteous¡±, held at the Minsk City History Museum. The exhibit featured black and white photographs of rescuers from Belarus, which were taken by the well known Belarussian photographer Anatoly Kleschuk. The exhibit was opened with remarks by Ambassador Yosef Shagal of Israel, UNO Representative Victor Radivinovski and Photographer Anatoly Kleschuk.


UNIC Moscow, Russian Federation 

To mark the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, UNIC Moscow partnered with the Jewish Museum and Center of Tolerance and the Russian Scientific Research Centre on the Holocaust to organize a screening of the film ¡°The Rescuers¡±, which had been subtitled into Russian by UNIC Moscow. The Information Centre also translated the JFR poster series on ¡°rescue¡± and supporting teacher¡¯s guide and student handouts into Russian for use by United Nations Information Centres with Russian-speaking audiences.


UNO Tbilisi, Georgia

The United Nations Office in Tbilisi organized a Holocaust remembrance event on 27 January to mark the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. The event, which featured a screening of the film ¡°The Rescuers¡± and discussion, was held at the Amirani Theatre with more than 90 high school and university students in attendance. Participants paid tribute to Georgian cleric St. Grigol Peradze who sheltered Jews during the Holocaust. St. Grigol Peradze was captured by the Nazis and killed at Auschwitz on 6 December 1942. In the discussion period that followed the film, 19-year old student Nino Kakhiani commented that ¡°we can stop history from repeating itself by promoting interfaith understanding, equality and mutual respect¡±.


UNIS Vienna, Austria

To mark the 2013 International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, UNIS Vienna organized events in several countries it covers including Austria, Hungary, Slovenia and Slovakia. In Austria, UNIS Vienna partnered with the Permanent Mission of Israel to open the exhibition "Visa's for Life: The Righteous Diplomats" on 8 January at the Vienna International Centre Rotunda. More than 80 people attended the opening which featured remarks by UNIS Director Janos Tisovszky, Ambassador Aviv Shir-On of Israel, and Philippe Scholtes, Director of the Agribusiness Development Branch of UNIDO. Mazlan Othman, who represented the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna, delivered the message of the United Nations Secretary-General prepared for the day. On 4 February, UNIS Vienna organized a screening of the film "The Rescuers" at cinema Topkino, which was followed by a panel discussion. Panellists included Ambassador Aviv Shir-On of Israel, Ambassador Joseph Estey Macmanus of the United States and Ambassador Thomas Greminger of Switzerland. The discussion was moderated by UNIC Director Janos Tisovszky. The Centre also distributed 70 DVD teaching sets to local schools, which were produced in cooperation with the Holocaust Memorial Institute in Budapest.

UNIS Vienna also coordinated outreach activities in Hungary, Slovenia and Slovakia which were centered around the JFR poster series on ¡°rescue¡±, DVD teaching sets produced by UNIS Vienna in partnership with the Holocaust Memorial Institute, and DVD teaching sets developed by the Shoah Foundation in Hungary. Special events in these countries included a Holocaust Remembrance Day event held at the Holocaust Memorial Centre in Budapest on 27 January, and an exhibition of the JFR poster series on ¡°rescue¡± at the Baroque courtyard of the University Library in Bratislava, Slovakia.

UNIC Warsaw, Poland

On 27 January, Ms. Mariola Ratschka, Officer-in-Charge of UNIC Warsaw (Poland), participated in a wreath-laying ceremony organized by the Shalom Foundation. Ms. Ratschka delivered the United Nations Secretary-General's message produced for the day, which the Centre translated into Polish. The ceremony was held at the Ghetto Heroes Memorial in Warsaw.


UNIC Windhoek, Namibia

To mark the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, UNIC Windhoek organized a screening of the film ¡°Footprints for Hope¡±. Students were invited to create a display from shoes which served as a symbolic reminder of the shoes of the victims that were left behind at the Nazi death camps.


UNO Yerevan, Armenia

The United Nations Office in Yerevan partnered with the Embassies of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Ukraine to organize a film festival in observance of the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. More than 400 people attended the film festival held at Cinema Moscow in Yerevan, which included a screening of the film ¡°The Rescuers¡±. Speakers included United Nations Resident Coordinator Henriette Ahrens, Ambassador Zdzislaw Raczy¨½ski of Poland and Ambassador Ivan Kukhta of Ukraine. The film festival, ¡°Conflict and Reconciliation in the Central-Eastern European Cinema¡±, was promoted by UNO Yerevan by social media and covered by seven television stations and several other media outlets. The Office also produced a banner and posters for distribution in universities and cultural centres. The United Nations Development Programme in Vietnam participated in a seminar on the Holocaust organized by H.E. Ms. Meirav Eilon Shahar, Ambassador of Israel to Vietnam. Ms. Mehta delivered the United Nations Secretary-General's message prepared for the day. This event, held on 24 January, was the first Holocaust memorial observance to be held in Vietnam.