
2021 Holocaust Remembrance Week


Calendar of Events | Secretary-General's Message | Statements | Webcast | Media Coverage UNICs


Glasses of those murdered at Auschwitz Birkenau Nazi German concentration and death camp (1941-1945). Credit: Pawe? Sawicki, Auschwitz Memorial



Calendar of events

Thu, 21 Jan | Wed, 27 Jan | Thu, 28 Jan | Thu, 4 Feb | Thu, 11 Feb


“Facing the Aftermath: Recovery and Reconstitution after the Holocaust”

The theme guiding Holocaust remembrance and education in 2021 is “Facing the Aftermath: Recovery and Reconstitution after the Holocaust”. It focuses on the measures taken in the immediate aftermath of the Holocaust to begin the process of recovery and reconstitution of individuals, community, and systems of justice. Integral to the process of reconstitution was the accurate recording of the historical account of what happened before and during the Holocaust. Challenging the denial and distortion of the historical events was interwoven in the processes of recovery and reconstitution. The theme examines the contribution of the responses to the victims of the Holocaust, and of the survivors, to addressing the needs of the contemporary world, and to the historical record of the Holocaust. Against a global context of rising antisemitism and increasing levels of disinformation and hate speech, Holocaust education and remembrance is even more urgent, as is the development of an historical literacy to counter repeated attempts to deny and distort the history of the Holocaust. 


Thursday, 21 January 2021

Panel Discussion “Women and Genocide” 

What has been the impact of genocide on women? How did women respond? To what extent did it matter whether you were a woman? Experts considered these questions as they examined the experience of women and the place of gender in the Holocaust, and the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. This is Episode 4 of the live discussion series Beyond the long shadow: engaging with difficult histories.


Monday, 25 January 2021

Park East Synagogue Holocaust Commemoration Service

Park East Synagogue hosted a virtual Holocaust Commemoration Service marking the 76th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz. United Nations Secretary General António Guterres and Rabbi Arthur Schneier convened for a discussion under the theme “Survivors’ Plea – Holocaust Education”. The event included the participation of the diplomatic corps and feature Chief Cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot, Park East Synagogue Choir and Maestro Russell Ger, Conductor.


Wednesday, 27 January 2021


Discussion “Lessons of the Holocaust – A United Nations Perspective on Global Antisemitism”

An event with H.E. Mr. Miguel ?ngel Moratinos, High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and United Nations Focal Point to monitor antisemitism. The event was organized by B’nai B’rith International.


United Nations Holocaust Memorial Ceremony


The Holocaust memorial ceremony was organized jointly by the United Nations Department of Global Communications and UNESCO, in cooperation with the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. The event included remarks by the Secretary-General António Guterres and the UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay. The ceremony included a key note address by the Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel as well as remarks by the President of the United Nations General Assembly and representatives of the United States and Israel. In addition to the high-level remarks, the ceremony included traditional prayers, music, a dialogue between Holocaust survivor Irene Butter and her grand-daughter, as well as statements by academics, artists and youths active in the field of Holocaust education and remembrance.


Panel Discussion “Holocaust Denial and Distortion”

Following the ceremony, leading experts in the field of Holocaust research and education and prominent voices against antisemitism discussed the dangers of Holocaust denial and distortion during an online round table. Participants included Deborah Lipstadt, professor of Holocaust studies at Emory University, Hella Pick, journalist and Kindertransport refugee, Philipp Sands, writer and lawyer, Marian Turski, President of the Jewish Historical Institute Association and Vice-President of the International Auschwitz Committee and Robert Williams, chair of the IHRA Committee on Antisemitism and Holocaust denial. IHRA President Amb. Michaela Kuechler, UNESCO Special-Envoy Serge Klarsfeld and UN Special Adviser on Genocide Prevention Alice Wairimu Nderitu also contributed to the discussion. The panel discussion was moderated by Hala Gorani, anchor and correspondend for CNN International and was produced by CNN.


United Nations Chamber Music Society Virtual Concert

On 27 January 2021, the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp, the  of the United Nations Staff Recreation Council, performed a virtual concert in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. The classical music programme featured Jewish composers, to instill the memory of the tragedy in future generations to prevent genocide from occurring again.


Thursday, 28 January 2021

Panel Discussion on Nazi Rise to Power and the Weimar Constitution

The panel considered the democracy that existed before the Nazis came to power, and the extent to which the legal framework in place contributed to the rise of the Nazis, and the collapse of the Weimar Republic. The discussion was organized in partnership with the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists (IJL), and con-sponsored by the Permanent Missions of Germany and Israel to the United Nations.


Thursday, 4 February 2021

Civil Society Briefing “Childhood after Atrocity Crimes: Hope for 91麻豆天美, Dignity and Equality”

The briefing examined the approaches taken to support children who survived the Holocaust and considered how these approaches contributed to models adopted for contemporary practice for working with young people who have survived atrocity crimes.


Thursday, 11 February 2021

Film discussion “The Windermere Children” 

“The Windermere Children” is a biographical drama about the recovery and rehabilitation of 300 young orphaned Jewish children who survived the Holocaust and were sent to the United Kingdom after the end of the Second World War. The film was commissioned by the BBC and ZDF Germany, and it was co-production between Wall to Wall Media and Warner Bros International Germany (WBITVP Germany). H.E. Mr. Jonathan Allen, Deputy Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the United Nations delivered opening remarks. The film discussion included Mr. Michael Samuels, film director, Ms. Nancy Bornat, film producer, Ms. Joanna Millan, Holocaust survivor, and Mr. Trevor Avery, historian and director of Lake District Holocaust Project. The discussion was moderated by Mr. Maher Nasser, Director of the Outreach Division in the United Nations Department of Global Communications.  


Secretary-General's Message 

on The International Day of Commemoration 

in memory of the victims of the Holocaust

27 January 2021






Remarks to the Park East Synagogue and United Nations International Holocaust Remembrance Service

, President of the 75th session of the General Assembly

, Director-General of UNESCO

, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany

, Canada’s Special Envoy on Preserving Holocaust Remembrance and Combating Antisemitism

, Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations

, Chargé d’Affaires at the United States Mission to the United Nations 










Media Coverage







2021 Holocaust Remembrance Activities around the World


Africa | Americas | Asia and Pacific | Europe

The United Nations Information Centres and Resident Coordinators organized events and activities in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. In several instances, UNICS and RCOS collaborated with UNESCO field offices to produce outreach activities. This year UNICs organized Holocaust remembrance and educational activities in 15 countries, under the theme “Facing the Aftermath: Recovery and Reconstitution after the Holocaust”, including online and in-person events, op-ed placements, and production and dissemination of information materials in local languages.  



UNIC Accra, Ghana

On the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Ghana, Mr. Charles Abani joined the Embassy of Israel in Ghana and the Embassy of Germany in Ghana at a ceremony to reaffirm the UN's resolve to uphold human rights, and to encourage people everywhere to eschew bigotry, hatred and prejudice to prevent the recurrence of the Holocaust. 

A panel discussion involving the Commissioner of the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice, Mr. Joseph Whittal and Mr. Abani situated Holocaust remembrance within the local context. 85-year-old Ms. Betty Eppel recounted her experience as a child survivor of the Holocaust via Zoom. UNIC Accra provided technical support in the planning of commemoration and delivered opening remarks at the event. 

Commemoration of the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of The Holocaust in Accra, Ghana. Photo: UNIC Ghana
Commemorative event on the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of The Holocaust in Accra, Ghana. Photo: UNIC Ghana


UNIC Bujumbura, Burundi

UNIC Bujumbura disseminated the Secretary-General's message on the International Day of Commemoration in memory of victims of the Holocaust to local media and through social media. The message was placed in the daily newspaper Net Press on 26 January 2021.


UNIC Lagos, Nigeria

On 28 January, UNIC Lagos, in collaboration with Initiative for Information, Arts and Culture Development (AICD) held a virtual event in observance of the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust under the theme, “Addressing Rising Antisemitism, Disinformation and Hate Speech in Nigeria”. Dr. Martin Ejidike, the UN Advisor on Human Rights in Nigeria in his opening remarks called for the moral commitment of all peoples and the political commitment of government to be strengthened to ensure future generations can understand the causes of the Holocaust, and reflect on its consequences in order to avoid a repetition. The keynote speaker, Dr. Jide Jimoh of the Department of Journalism, Lagos State University highlighted the role of the media in conflict resolution. He advised that Communication and Information Literacy education be used to address the spate of disinformation, fake news and hate speech for media and increased level of education, persuasion and enlightenment for people in the society, urging everyone to rise up to their social responsibilities.

The film “Path to Nazi Genocide” and the video message of the UN Secretary-General António Guterres were screened at the virtual event. The zoom meeting had 116 participants.

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Virtual event on Holocaust remembrance organized by UNIC Lagos and Initiative for Information, Arts and Culture Development. Photo: UNIC Lagos


UNIC Lusaka, Zambia

The National Information Officer of UNIC Lusaka, Mr. Mark Maseko and Ms. Memory Chipeta, a Grade 11 student from a local high school in Lusaka, were featured in a video compilation for the GA-mandated ceremony on the International Day of Holocaust Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. The compilation includes renowned Holocaust historians and scholars, Holocaust museum director, youth Human Rights activist, and filmmaker. The commemoration was screened globally on 27 January 2021.


Ms. Memory Chipeta and Mr. Mark Maseko were featured in a video compilation screened during the commemorative ceremony on the International Day of
Holocaust Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Photo: screenshot taken from video by UNTV.


UNIC Pretoria, South Africa

Mr. Masimba Tafirenyika, Director of UNIC Pretoria attended the virtual event held on 27 January to mark the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust jointly hosted by UNIC Pretoria, the South African Holocaust and Genocide Foundation and the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Southern Africa. Mr. Tafirenyika made brief remarks, followed by the screening of the Secretary-General’s video message and speeches by other guests including Mr. Martin Sch?fer, Ambassador of Germany to South Africa, and Professor Aomar Boum who delivered the keynote address about the history of the Jews in North Africa. Holocaust survivors shared messages and a candle lighting ceremony was held. The virtual event was attended by more than 200 participants.()

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Virtual event organized by UNIC Pretoria and the South African Holocaust and Genocide Foundation.
Photo:  Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Centre





UNIC Panama, Panama

UNIC Panama collaborated with the Resident Coordinator Office in Panama and the Embassy of Israel in Panama to commemorate the International Day and raise awareness of the Holocaust and its consequences. A candle lighting ceremony in remembrance of the 6 million Jews murdered during the Holocaust was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Panama, the Embassy of Israel, the Embassy of Germany and UNIC Panama, with the participation of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Ambassador of Israel and the Ambassador of Germany. Resident Coordinator Mr. Cristian Munduate read the message of the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres. ()

An online discussion "Nazi Medicine: when the doctor becomes a murderer" was held and participated by Reda Mansour, Ambassador of Israel to Panama; Dalia Gate?o, Yad Vashem Friends Association in Panama; Dr. Daniel Pichel, Vice President of Fundación Libertad; Cristian Munduate, UN Resident Coordinator; as well as the public and the media. ()

UNIC Panama produced of Holocaust survivors with the support of the Embassy of Israel. The videos were promoted through digital media to highlight the importance of Holocaust remembrance and raise awareness of the danger of hate speech, xenophobia and discrimination against Jews and other groups.

UNIC Panama hosted a Holocaust remembrance event with the office of the Resident Coordinator and the Embassies of Israel and Germany in Panama. Photo: UNIC Panama


UNIC Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

UNIC Rio de Janeiro collaborated with the Jewish Federation in Rio de Janeiro (FIERJ) to organize a virtual Holocaust memorial ceremony on 27 January 2021, featuring statements from Ambassadors Yossi Avraham Shelley of Israel and Heiko Thoms of Germany, as well as testimony from Fred Sabotka, who survived four concentration camps before emigrating to Brazil. FIERJ President Alberto Kline delivered his remarks from the newly inaugurated Memorial to the Victims of the Holocaust, which is located on a mountaintop overlooking the bay in Rio. UNIC Rio de Janeiro translated and produced the video message of United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres in Portuguese for the event and provided it to the Jewish Confederation of Brazil in Sao Paulo for inclusion in its Holocaust memorial ceremony held later that evening. ()

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Aerial view of the new Memorial to the Victims of the Holocaust, opened in Rio de Janeiro in December 2020. Photo: Holocaust Memorial 


Asia and Pacific


UNIC Kathmandu, Nepal

In February 2021, UNIC Kathmandu organized a nationwide education outreach programme to observe the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. The UNIC organized a formal ceremony in the UN House, participated by Ms. Sara Beysolow Nyanti, the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Nepal; Mr. Roland Sch?fer, Ambassador of Germany to Nepal; Hanan Goder-Goldberger, Ambassador of Israel to Nepal; and Ms. Nona Deprez, Ambassador of the Delegation of the European Union to Nepal. The recording of the ceremony was watched over 2,800 times (). 

The opening ceremony was followed by a week-long, virtual interactive outreach programme conducted across all seven provinces of Nepal. The programme was supported by Higher Institutions and Secondary Schools’ Association Nepal (HISSAN) and V4Action group, an online volunteering network of youth established by the UN in Nepal. The overall objective was to create awareness among the youth of Nepal about the Holocaust and raise the voice against antisemitism, discrimination, intolerance and hate speech. The key speaker in the outreach events was the National Information Officer of UNIC Kathmandu, Mr. Ram Babu Shah. A total of 2,025 young people participated in seven different webinars. The outreach programme and all webinars were conducted in Nepali language.


UNIC New Delhi, India

In January, UNIC New Delhi collaborated with the Embassy of Israel in India, Alliance France de Delhi and UNESCO to mark the Holocaust commemoration in India. The opening event held on 27 January comprised a virtual ceremony honoring victimus of the Holocaust was attended by 200 members of the diplomatic community from 21 partner missions. Speakers included Mr. Stephane Amalir, Director of Alliance Fran?aise de Delhi; Mr. Eric Fault, Director UNESCO New Delhi Office; Dr. Ron Malka, Ambassador of Israel to India; Mr. Walter J. Lindner, Ambassador of Germany to India; Mr. Ugo Astuto, the Ambassador of European Union to India and Bhutan; and Mr. Hardeep Singh Puri, Minister Independent Charge for Housing and Urban Affairs, Civil Aviation and Minister of State for Commerce and Industry, Government of India. The ceremony was moderated by the Officer-in-Charge of UNIC New Delhi, Rajiv Chandran. Ms. Aroma Mathews of Tagore International School in New Delhi performed the song, "A Walk to Caesarea", commonly known as “Eli, Eli” ("My God, My God").

The second part of the commemoration programme was a film screening organized by the Embassy of Austria, Alliance Fran?aise and UNIC New Delhi on 28 January. The film “Mauthausen-Zwei Leben”, tells the story of Stanis?aw Leszczyński, a prisoner and Franz Hackl, an apprentice in the Mauthausen Concentration Camp during the Nazi regime. The screening was followed by a brief discussion with the Deputy Ambassador of Israel, the Ambassador of Austria and the director of the film, Simon Wieland. ()

On 29 January, a webinar on Holocaust education and awareness was attended by 400 students from over 40 schools from across the country via the National Progressive Schools Conference. As part of the webinar, UNIC New Delhi screened “Anne Frank’s Video Diary”, a vlog created by Anne Frank House. Ms. Ilona Domanska, Second Secretary, Embassy of the Netherlands introduced the episodes to the audience. Students expressed their empathy for Anne Frank and engaged in a Q&A session with the panelists, including Ms. Yoni Yedidia Clein, Deputy Ambassador, Embassy of Israel; Ms. Sarah Hasslebarth, Embassy of Germany;  Mr. Eric Falt, Director, UNESCO New Delhi Office; and Mr. Jakub Horvath, Third Secretary, Embassy of Slovakia.

A joint op-ed titled , by Dr. Ron Malka, Ambassador of Israel to India, Mr. Walter J. Lindner, Ambassador of Germany to India and Mr. Eric Fault, Director UNESCO New Delhi Office was published in The Hindu on 29 January 2021.


Virtual ceremony honoring victim of the Holocaust. Photo: UNIC New Delhi



UNIC Yangon, Myanmar

UNIC Yangon, together with the Embassy of Israel and the Ministry of Education, commemorated the International Day in memory of the victims of the Holocaust in two events held on 25 and 27 January 2021. On the 25 January, a lecture was held online with 170 students, professors and lecturers from Yangon University, Dagon University and Mandalay University in attendance. From Israel, Holocaust survivors Ambassador Colette Avital and Ms. Marianne Soher spoke at the event.  Ambassador Avital gave a brief history of the Holocaust and Ms. Soher spoke of her personal experience. This was followed by a panel discussion with the Ambassador of Israel, H.E. Mr. Ronen Gilor, Professor Dr. Chaw Chaw Sein of the University of Foreign Languages and the UNESCO Head of Office Ms. Min Jeong Kim.  The panel discussion was moderated by the National Information Officer of UNIC Yangon, Mr. Aye Win.

The Commemorative event was held online on 27 January, with the participation of H.E. U Phyo Min Thein, Chief Minister of Yangon Division, the Diplomatic Corps, UN personnel including Ms. Tracey Petersen from the Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme, university students and professors and other invited guests including Ms. Vered Kater, a Holocaust survivor, who joined from Israel. The event was opened by a keynote speech by the Union Minister for Education, H.E. U Myo Thein Gyi.  It was followed by a video message by the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, which was subtitled into Burmese. Statements were delivered by the UN Resident Coordinator in Myanmar, Mr. Ola Almgren, Ambassador of Israel, H.E. Mr. Ronen Gilor, Ambassador of Germany, H.E. Mr. Thomas Neisinger, Ambassador of the Russian Federation, H.E. Mr. Nikolay Listopadov and Head of the UNICEF Office, Ms. June Kunugi.  Ms. Kunugi also spoke of the selflessness of Dr. Janusz Korczak, who had personally accompanied young Jew children to their tragic end. Finally, Holocaust Survivor Ms. Marianne Soher spoke from Israel.



Europe and the CIS


UNIC Ankara, Turkey

UNIC Ankara translated the Secretary-General's video message on the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, into Turkish and added Turkish subtitles and shared it on its social media accounts.

UNO Baku, Azerbaijan

UNO Baku translated the Secretary-General's message on International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust into the Azerbaijani language, added subtitles, and shared the video on its social media channels.

UNRIC Brussels, Belgium

UNRIC/Italy posted on its website and social media platforms the video contribution by Auschwitz survivor and Italian Senator, Ms. Liliana Segre on her experience and the value of remembrance. The video was produced with the cooperation and support from the non-governmental organization Figli della Shoah. The Desk Office translated the Secretary-General’s message in Italian and placed it on its social media channels.

To commemorate the international day, UNRIC Brussels also created an infographic in French and Dutch, which was shared on social media. 


Infographics on Holocaust Remembrance in Dutch and French. Photo: UNRIC Brussels

Infographics on the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust in Dutch and French. Photo: UNRIC Brussels


UNO Kyiv, Ukraine

UNO Kyiv recorded and promoted through social media from Ms. Osnat Lubrani, UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine on the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Ms. Lubrani also addressed the and the commemorative in Ukraine.


Video message from Ms. Osnat Lubrani, UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine. Photo: UNO Kyiv


An event to honour the memory of the victims of the Holocaust was attended by the Chief Rabbi of Kiev Rav Jonathan Binyamin Markovich, the UN Resident Coordinator Ms. Osnat Lubrani and the People's Deputy of Ukraine Alexander Kunitsky. The recorded event was viewed by some 3000 people. 


UNIS Vienna, Austria

To mark the International Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust on 27 January, Ciné-ONU (UN Cinema) of Vienna, Brussels and Geneva organized a Europe-wide online screening of the film The Albanian Code. This event was held in cooperation with the Permanent Missions of Israel and Albania to the United Nations in Vienna. With unique archive footage, the documentary features the little-known story of how thousands of Jewish refugees in Albania were saved in the Second World War. The online event, joined by around 270 participants, started with opening remarks by Mordechai Denis Paul Rodgold, Ambassador of the State of Israel to Austria and Permanent Representative to the UN, OSCE and International Organizations in Vienna and Ambassador Igli Hasani, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Albania to the International Organizations in Vienna. After the film screening, Martin Nesirky, Director of UNIS Vienna invited the film director Ms. Yael Katzir, Ennie Altaratz, Michal Kaplan and Shaban Sinani, Albanian historian and book author, to join a panel discussion and engage with the audience.

Ciné-ONU film screening “The Albanian Code”. Photo: UNIS Vienna

UNIS Vienna and the Permanent Mission of Israel to the UN in Vienna also organized a virtual commemorative ceremony on YouTube with messages by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV) Ghada Waly, Foreign Minister of Israel Gabi Ashkenazi and Ambassador Rodgold. It was viewed by over 1700 people.