

27 June - 1 July 2022 | UN Ocean Conference

Monday 27 June | Interview with Jason Momoa, new UNEP Advocate for Life Below Water

12:15 pm - 12:45 pm

Hear from actor/activist Jason Momoa ("Aquaman") about his passion for the ocean and achieving Sustainable Development Goal 14. Momoa will be formally designated UNEP Advocate for Life Below Water at this event.


  • Jason Momoa, actor and UNEP Advocate for Life Below Water
  • Susan Gardner, UNEP Head of Delegation and DirectorEcosystems

Monday 27 June | Empowering Youth for the Ocean We Need

2:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Following the launch of its Ocean Literacy Toolkit for Policymakers, UNESCO has announced an ambitious objective to integrate ocean education into national curricula of all its Member States by 2025. But how can we empower youth, and citizens at large, beyond the classroom to sustain ocean action in this Ocean Decade?

This event marks the official designation by the UNESCO Director-General of Maya Gabeira, giant wave surfer and ocean advocate, as UNESCO Champion for the Ocean and Youth.


  • Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director-General
  • Maya Gabeira, Giant Wave Surfer, UNESCO Champion for the Ocean and Youth
  • Oskar Metsavaht, Entrepreneur and Fashion Designer, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador
  • Host: David Eades, BBC Chief Presenter

Monday 27 June | Private sector ocean action: Radical collaboration for people, nature and climate

2:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Participants will discuss the role of the private sector in scaling up solutions to meet SDG 14, and key frameworks needed to do so. The importance of cross-industry and sectoral collaboration to address challenges pertaining to ocean and environmental health will be discussed and evidenced.


  • Sanda Ojiambo, UN Assistant Secretary General, CEO and ED, United Nations Global Compact
  • Benj Sykes, Vice President, ?rsted
  • Geir H??y, CEO Kongsberg Gruppen
  • Host: Sturla Henriksen, UN Global Compact Ocean Stewardship Coalition

Monday 27 June | Ocean-climate nexus: from Lisbon to Sharm el Sheikh - ambitions for ocean-climate action at COP 27

3:00 pm - 3:30 pm

The ocean plays a vital role in regulating our global climate. It also offers a wealth of mitigation solutions - from harnessing offshore renewable energy to unlocking zero emission shipping. Restoring blue carbon ecosystems like mangroves offer both biodiversity and adaptation wins. Non-state actors are increasingly taking ocean-climate action - but what more is needed to unlock the ocean's potential to meet the Glasgow Climate Act?


  • Vincent Doumeizel, Head, Safe Seaweed Coalition
  • Emma Hospes, Head of Strategic Environment and Permitting, ?rsted
  • John Omingo, Director General of Kenya Maritime Authority
  • Host: Nigel Topping, High Level Climate Champion

Monday 27 June | From Lisbon to New York: A preview of the SDG 14 review at the High-level Political Forum

4:00 pm - 4:30 pm

In this session, speakers will discuss the immediate next step for taking ocean action forward – the in-depth review of SDG 14 at the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF), happening at UN Headquarters in New York from 5-15 July.

  • Mr. Liu Zhenmin, UN Ocean Conference Secretary-General and UN Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs
  • Mr. Collen Vixen Kelapile, President of the UN Economic and Social Council
  • Host: Lucy Calderón, Mesoamerican Editor, Earth Journalism Network

Tuesday 28 June | Time is Running Out for Ocean Action: identifying upcoming opportunities to protect the ocean and planet

9:20 am - 9:50 am

The UN Ocean Conference is designed to provide a space for the international community to push for safeguards to restore ocean health and protect the ocean from the impacts of the climate crisis and other threats. With environmental multilateralism at a critical junction for our planet, this panel will addresses some of the key opportunities to take action in 2022. The expert panel will discuss the importance of achieving new targets to protect 30% of the ocean by 2030, which includes adopting a robust UN High Seas Treaty, the growing momentum for a moratorium on deep-seabed mining, and how to ensure that the ocean is seen as one of the solutions to solving the climate crisis at this year's COP27.

  • Lisa Speer, Director, International Oceans Program at the National Resources Defence Council
  • Sian Owen, Director, Deep Sea Conservation Coalition
  • Anna-Marie Laura, Director of Climate Policy, Ocean Conservancy
  • Host: Lucy Calderon Pineda, Guatemalan science and environmental journalist, founder of Ecocienciagt and mentor at Earth Journalism Network

Tuesday 28 June | Unlocking corporate blue finance

1:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Investor appetite for blue investment is on the rise whilst businesses are recognizing the need to align their operations with the transition to a net-zero, resilient future in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. This session will discuss how to shift private and public sector funding towards the blue economy by developing a pipeline of bankable ocean investments. It will feature an important announcement about the creation of global blue capital market standards.


  • Suzanne Johnson, Senior Advisor, UN Global Compact Ocean Stewardship Coalition
  • Melissa Walsh,Program Manager, Ocean Finance Initiative, ADB
  • Tom Eveson, Vice President, Corporate Solutions and Sustainable Finance
  • Host: Martin Koehring, Head, World Ocean Initiative, Economist Impact

Tuesday 28 June | Driving the ocean energy transition: accelerating green shipping

1:30 pm - 2:00 pm

The international shipping sector urgently needs to decarbonize and get to zero emissions by 2050. Zero carbon fuels such as hydrogen and ammonia are being increasingly trialled, but will require a significant amount of renewable energy -with some of this coming from offshore wind. Green corridors are emerging between ports, driven by public-private partnerships, to create zero emissions transport lanes. The decarbonization of shipping and the wider ocean energy transition also brings with it wider benefits, and opportunities to enhance climate resilience, as well as bring new green jobs.


  • Jay Borkland, Director, Avangrid Renewables
  • Elisabeth Munck af Rosensch?ld, Global Sustainability Manager, IKEA
  • Susana Germino, Decarbonisation Manager, Swire Shipping
  • Host: Sturla Henriksen, UN Global Compact Ocean Stewardship Coalition

Tuesday 28 June | Meet UNDP Ocean Innovators

2:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Our ocean faces unprecedented threats from pollution, overfishing, habitat loss and climate change. Progress on the ocean SDG- life below water, is not on track to achieve its ambitious targets. In response, UNDP, with support from Sweden and Norway, launched the Ocean Innovation Challenge aimed at accelerating progress on SDG 14 in 2020. The first of several planned challenges, launched in January 2020, focused on SDG 14.1, marine pollution. UNDP received over 600 concept proposals, a testament to the tremendous global interest in addressing this issue. UNDP selected its first cohort of nine Ocean Innovators; these innovations cut across a wide range of technological, policy, regulatory and other innovative approaches to reducing marine pollution. Two UNDP ocean innovators will talk about their innovations and how they are tackling marine pollution.


  • Haoliang Xu, UN Assistant Secretary-General and Director of UNDP’s Bureau for Policy and Programme Support
  • Ocean Innovator Tamara Mekler, Spain (Fortuna Cools)
  • Ocean Innovator Mr. Eduardo Leiton (Fundacion OneSea)
  • Moderator: David Vousden, Prof of Ocean Governance, Rhodes University

Tuesday 28 June | Innovation and Partnerships Catalyzing Meaningful Solutions to Advance the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Our Ocean

2:30 pm - 3:00 pm

The panel will demonstrate how cross-sectoral collaboration facilitates the prevention, mitigation, and remediation of ALDFG in the marine environment, and establishes pathways for overcoming sea-based sources of marine pollution related to fishing, all of which supports delivery on SDG 14 and the ocean-climate agenda.


  • Marina Petrovic, Assistant Director, Fisheries Resource Management-National Programs, DFO Canada
  • Rupert Howes, CEO of the Marine Stewardship Council
  • Joel Baziuk, Director/Associate Director of the Global Ghost Gear Initiative
  • Host: Ingrid Giskes, senior Director, Global Ghost Gear Initiative, Ocean Conservancy

Tuesday 28 June | Highlighting Key Voluntary Commitments for the Ocean

3:00 pm - 3:30 pm

One of the key outcomes of the UN Ocean Conference is the registry of concrete and realistic voluntary commitments made by stakeholders from government, business and other sectors to address the various ocean-related issues affecting their communities, countries and beyond. Speakers at this session will highlight their new registered commitments to protect coral reefs, expand marine protected areas and provide new sources of funding to implement Sustainable Development Goal 14 for the ocean.


  • Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, CEO, Global Environmental Facility
  • Carol Phua, Global Coral Reef Initiative Leader, WWF Coral Reef Rescue Initiative
  • Host: Jeremy Wilks, Science reporter, Euronews

Wednesday 29 June | UN 2023 Water Conference - Uniting the World for Water

9:45 am - 10:15 am

Water is cross-cutting and can be the deal breaker to achieving many SDGs such as energy, food security, health, etc. Including our oceans, because ‘from source to sea’ fresh water connects with saline water.

After almost 5 decades a UN water conference will be held. Although progress been made, half of humanity is still either without safe drinking water sources or safely managed sanitation and 40% is affected by water scarcity. Climate change increases the pressure on water and polluted water ends up in our oceans.

The UN 2023 Water Conference (22-24 of March 2023, NY), will be the momentum for water action. Water is life, so it is about everyone. But how can we make sure everyone is involved? How can we speed up action? How can we value and manage water better? Conference hosts Tajikistan and The Netherlands will elaborate on how we can create a watershed moment and unite the world for water.


  • Henk Ovink, Special Envoy for International Water Affairs, Kingdom of The Netherlands
  • Sulton Rahimzoda, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea
  • Host: Usha Rao-Monari Associate Administrator, UNDP

Wednesday 29 June | Is sustainability in fisheries and aquaculture a realistic goal to attain?

11:00 am

Growing demand for fish and other aquatic foods is rapidly changing the fisheries and aquaculture sector. Consumption is expected to increase, driven mostly by a fast-paced increase in population, changes in post-harvest practices and distribution, as well as in dietary trends focusing on better health and nutrition. This is stressing our food systems, at the same time when climate change, COVID-19, environmental degradation and conflict, are putting them to test. Is sustainability a realistic goal we are keeping in mind?


  • Manuel Barange, Director of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Division at FAO
  • Peter Thomson, UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean
  • Margaret Nakato, coordinator at the Katosi Women Development Trust (KWDT) in Uganda, a non-profit organization
  • Host: Alice Tipping, Lead of Sustainable Trade and Fisheries Subsidies at the International Institute for Sustainable Development.

Wednesday 29 June | UNDP’s Ocean Promise

11:30 am - 12:00 pm

Following the launch of UNDP’s Ocean Promise at the UN Noon Briefing on the 28th of June, the SDGs Media Zone panel discussion on the 29th of June, will explain the vision of UNDP’s Ocean Promise, goal and targets within a time frame- A global blue economy that sustainably utilizes ocean resources for inclusive and sustainable economic development. The overall goal of Ocean Promise is that, by 2030, 100 coastal countries (including all SIDS) realize the maximum potential of their blue economies through sustainable, low emission and climate resilient ocean use that grows economies, creates jobs and livelihoods, improves food security and reduces poverty, inequity and gender inequality.


  • Usha Rao Monari, UNDP Associate Administrator
  • Andrew Hudson, Head of Water and Ocean Governance, UNDP
  • Host: Minna Epps, Director of IUCN's Global Marine and Polar Programme

Wednesday 29 June | SeaBOS progress report launch: Lessons learned since 2017

1:00 pm - 1:30 pm

How can Blue Foods help the world achieve the Sustainable Development Goals? This session will discuss how advancing Blue Foods can be a climate and food security solution. The session will also explore key takeaways of the SeaBOS five year report, sharing lessons learned in progressing sustainable seafood.


  • HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden - Opening and closing remarks
  • Therese Log Bergjord, CEO Skretting
  • Martin Exel, Managing Director, SeaBOS
  • Henrik ?sterblom, Professor, Stockholm Resilience Center
  • Host: Wenche Gr?nbrekk, SeaBOS

Wednesday 29 June | Global Offshore Wind - the Next Horizon

1:30 pm - 2:00 pm

The urgent shift to renewable energies has never been clearer. Yet there remain barriers to scaling-up offshore wind. During this session we will discuss the current barriers, as well frameworks to ensure that ocean renewable energy does no harm to marine environments. The session will also discuss the launch of the Global Wind Energy Council Offshore Wind report.


  • Peter Thomson, UN Special Envoy for the Ocean, Opening remarks
  • Tomas Anker Christensen, Denmark’s Ambassador for Climate Change
  • Emma Hospes, Orsted, Head of Strategic Environment and Permitting
  • Rebecca Williams, Global Head of Offshore Wind, GWEC
  • Host: Ben Backwell, CEO, GWEC

Wednesday 29 June | The Vulnerability Paradox: Helping the most vulnerable countries move beyond blunt tools of measuring development

2:00 pm - 2:30 pm

The world’s most vulnerable countries are on the frontline of multiple world crises – which are becoming more intense and interconnected. They rely on external financing to help prepare for and recover from these crises. But despite their chronic exposure to shocks, SIDS’ relative income makes them ineligible for the cheaper finance set aside for lowest income countries. Traditional measures of development like GDP insufficiently capture their vulnerabilities. This panel will discuss a new path forward – the Multidimensional Vulnerability Index (MVI) – that aims to demonstrate a data-driven approach to measuring countries’ vulnerability, and help the most vulnerable access international support to build their resilience against pandemics, economic shocks, disasters, and climate change.


  • H.E. Mr. Fatumanava -o-Upolu III Pa’olelei Luteru, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Samoa to the United Nations
  • Walton Alfonso Webson, Permanent Representative of Antigua and Barbuda to the United Nations
  • Sandagdorj Erdenebileg, Chief, UN-OHRLLS
  • Host: Patricia Figueiredo, Reporter, Globo

Wednesday 29 June | The Evolving Role of Philanthropy to Save Our Vibrant Ocean

2:30 pm - 3:00 pm

The ocean is inextricably linked to human survival but has been largely overshadowed in the climate change debate – receiving less than one percent of all philanthropic funding. At this year’s UN Ocean Conference, Bloomberg Philanthropies will announce several historic investments in ocean conservation -- from creating, expanding, and managing marine protected areas, to innovative solutions to improve the resilience of coral reefs and scaling-up transparency to reduce illegal activity at sea. Bloomberg’s Vibrant Oceans Initiative lead will join key partners from Global Fishing Watch and Blue Ventures to discuss how they aim to chart a new course for conservation, transparency, and solutions to save our ocean.


  • Melissa Wright: Vibrant Oceans Initiative Lead, Bloomberg Philanthropies [Moderator]
  • Jonathan Kelsey: Vibrant Oceans Initiative
  • Al Harris: Executive Director, Blue Ventures
  • Tony Long: CEO, Global Fishing Watch

Wednesday 29 June | Sailing Towards a Renewable Energy Future

3:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Join 91麻豆天美 Boat, Blue Planet Alliance & Sustainable Ocean Alliance Caribbean for a discussion in the SDG Media Zone on creating a renewable energy future. The reduction of carbon emissions is key to protecting the health of our ocean. Speakers will engage in thoughtful discussion and presentations regarding ocean sustainability and how to achieve a zero-carbon future.


  • Yoshioka Tatsuya, 91麻豆天美 Boat Ecoship
  • Henk Rogers, Blue Planet Alliance
  • Khadija Stewart, Sustainable Ocean Alliance Caribbean and 91麻豆天美 Boat Ocean and Climate Youth Ambassador
  • Host: Emilie McGlone, Director of 91麻豆天美 Boat US

Wednesday 29 June | International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture - An opportunity for small-scale fishers and fish farmers to have their voices heard

4:00 pm - 4:30 pm

From misinformation about the use of disinfectants to false claims that the coronavirus can spread through mobile networks, unreliable information is hurting the global effort to defeat the COVID-19 pandemic. By dispelling rumours, fake news, and messages of hate and division, the UN is working to spread accurate information and messages of hope and solidarity.


  • Dawda Foday Saine, Secretary General, CAOPA (Africa, CSO)
  • Emmanuel Bulayi, Director, Fisheries Resources Development, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Tanzania
  • Host: Nicole Franz, Equitable Livelihoods team lead, FAO

Wednesday 29 June | Portuguese-speaking countries unite to stamp out IUU fishing: the establishment of a new legally-binding instrument

4:30 pm - 5:00 pm

On the occasion of the UN Ocean Conference, FAO, in collaboration with the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP), representing Angola, Brazil, Cabo Verde, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, S?o Tomé and Principe, and Timor Leste, will support the establishment of a network of cooperation to promote sustainable fishing and preventing, deterring and eliminating IUU fishing. The network will strengthen the tools and mechanisms to combat IUU fishing and build capacities for the effective implementation of the 2009 FAO Agreement on POrt State Measures (PSMA).


  • Matthew Camilleri, FAO Senior Fisheries Officer
  • Manuel Lap?o – Director of Cooperation, Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP)
  • Host: Elizabeth Wilson, Senior Director, Environmental Policy - The Pew Charitable Trusts

Thursday 30 June | Ocean action: How can the media engage the general public?

12:00 pm - 12:30 pm

The media play a crucial role in raising awareness about ocean challenges. Yet in an already saturated news environment, what strategies can they put in place to engage even large audiences? Join the discussion to better understand the media's role in covering ocean issues.


  • Jeremy Wilks, Science and Climate Correspondent, Euronews
  • James Fahn, Executive Director of the Internews Earth Journalism Network
  • Host: Audrey Jacquet, head of editorial at Sparknews

Thursday 30 June | Blue economy: the role of civil society and the private sector (session in Portuguese)

5:30 pm - 6:00 pm

It is critical to boost ambition, mobilize partnerships and increase investment in science-driven and innovative approaches to revert the decline of ocean health. The inclusive process will also ask communities, businesses and individuals to play their part to curb marine pollution and commit to responsible consumption of ocean resources. Blue Economy paradigm is a natural next step in the overall conceptualization and realization of sustainable human development. It mirrors our long-accepted definition of sustainable development as one that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. What’s the private sector role in this paradigm? How can civil society contribute?


  • Mário Parra da Silva, Network Representative of UN Global Compact Network Portugal
  • Francisco Santarém, Project Manager Blue Natural Capita| Funda??o Oceano Azul
  • Filipa Saldanha, Deputy Director | Sustainable Development Program | Calouste Gulbenkian
  • Host: Catarina Canelas, CNN Portugal