
New York

Overview of the General Assembly Hall, showing several rows of tables and seats, and murals on both sides of the back wall.

The General Assembly is one of the six main organs of the United Nations, the only one in which all Member States have equal representation: one nation, one vote.

General view of the chamber, curtains closed, with audience seats on the second and third floor, a round table for delegations on the ground floor. and a mural of a pheonix on the wall.

Under the Charter, the Security Council has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. It has 15 Members, and each Member has one vote. Under the Charter, all...

Overview of the ECOSOC chamber, with reclining seats for audience and actual chamber with seats arranged around the room.

The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) is the United Nations’ central platform for reflection, debate, and innovative thinking on sustainable development. A gift from Sweden, originally designed...

General view of the Trusteeship Council from the third floor, with chairs arranged around the room and a projector screen on the front wall of the chamber.

The Trusteeship Council, one of the main organs of the UN, was established to supervise the administration of trust territories as they transitioned from colonies to sovereign nations.

Long green-carpeted hallway with member state flags on each side.

Second floor hallway at UN headquarters which is lined by Members States' flags and connects the Conference Building with the General Assembly Building.

Zoomed in resting area facing outside of the building, with four cushioned seats and glass coffee table in the middle.

On the second floor, outside the Economic and Social Council Chamber there is a space where delegates informally meet. The glass west wall of this space overlooks the flag lined delegates entrance...

View of the reading room with seating areas near the glass wall and tables in the center of the room.

At the southwest corner of the United Nations grounds, linked to the Secretariat Building, is the Dag Hammarskjöld Library dedicated on 16 November 1961 in honour of the late Secretary- General....

View of Green Room from the entrance with black couches and a UN flag in front.

The green room is a space located on the 2nd floor behind the press briefing room for speakers to prepare before addressing the press. It’s a narrow rectangular office space with west facing...

Overview of a circular pool with a fountain in the center, formed of alternating bands of crushed white marble and black pebbles, and an abstract sculpture at the edge of the pool.

The flags of the 193 United Nations Member States provide a colourful, 500-foot wide curved approach to the Headquarters, along United Nations Plaza.

View of the TV studio with a mixing console in front of a news set.

The News Services Section provides breaking news coverage of developments around the UN system and manages the UN News Centre, the Organization’s main news portal that offers quick access to a...

Entrance view of a studio with lighting equipment, a UN flag, and a set of different background screens.

The Photo Unit documents the work of the United Nations to Maintain International 91鶹 and Security, Protect Human Rights, Deliver Humanitarian Aid, Promote Sustainable Development, and Uphold...

View of east river and the UN headquarters building from the Secretariat Building patio in the green area.

The East River's embankment at the permanent Headquarters of the United Nations is adjacent to the Conference Area. The walkway overlooking the East River, leads from the Secretariat Building to...

View of the rose garden facing the east river.

The United Nations Rose Garden, a gift from All-America Rose Sections, Inc., has over 1,500 rose bushes. The garden is open to the public and is located off the Visitor's concourse, behind the...