


Submitting requests for on-location filming at UN locations

If you are interested in filming scenes at United Nations Headquarters in New York, or at other UN locations around the world, for a feature film, documentary or television production, please submit a request using the online “Request for On-Location Filming” form, along with the requested documents specified:

- a formal written request on the production company’s letterhead?

- a script of the project (full confidentiality will be ensured)?

- a scenario/summary of the project?


The UN Creative Community Outreach Initiative (CCOI) will review the request and provide feedback as appropriate. Typically, if the project is approved, a two-track process, coordinated by CCOI, begins:

1. Logistical preparations, to determine technical requirements and what in-house services would need to be provided. This would include a location scouting visit, followed by a technical scout.

2. In parallel to this, drafting of a location agreement takes place, a process that typically takes several weeks to conclude. Once agreed upon by both sides, the draft agreement is submitted to the UN Controller for final approval a minimum of one week before filming is scheduled to begin.


Submitting requests for permission to use the UN name and emblem

If you are interested in obtaining authorization to use the United Nations name and emblem in a feature film, documentary or television production, please submit a request using the online “Request for Permission to Use the United Nations Name and Emblem” form, along with the requested documents:

- a formal written request on the production company’s letterhead?

- a script of the project (full confidentiality will be ensured)?

- a scenario/summary of the project?

- visual representations, if available, of how the UN emblem would appear?


CCOI will review the request, provide feedback as appropriate, and facilitate legal authorization.


Other project requests

For other project requests that do not fall under the above two categories, please submit a proposal or request using the online “Other Project Request” form. This may include proposals for joint campaigns, outreach events or content collaboration, or requests for access to UN experts or advice on script authenticity, just to name a few examples.


Requests for media accreditation

Media accreditation is strictly reserved for members of the press (print, photo, radio, television, film, news agencies and online media) who represent a bona fide news media organization. No media badge will be issued to journalists whose application does not conform to the established procedure.


Applications for media accreditation are submitted online at .


Film or documentary productions that are not affiliated with a media organization, but that are interested in covering a meeting or event at the United Nations, may seek support from CCOI for their application for media accreditation. Requests, on the production company’s letterhead, should be submitted to?creative@un.org.


Please feel free to contact us at creative@un.org with any questions.